5 Lies That Sabotage Children's Pastors

Negative voices tend to beat us down. They make us doubt our abilities, our anointing and even our calling. Sometimes those negative voices come from the people you serve (or their parents and grandparents) other times, those negative voices come from people you know outside the church and other times, those negative Nellies come from within your own two ears. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Things You Should Tell Kids in Your Church

Children’s ministry today seems so complicated, doesn’t it? When I began in children’s ministry in 1996, it was a bit simpler to teach. Kids weren’t as tech savvy and let’s face it–we didn’t have so many products to choose from. I’m not complaining, I love new ideas but the list of things you feel you should teach continues to grow. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Lord's Prayer Booklet (Matthew 6:9-13)

My Sunday School class is going to be learning about the Lord’s Prayer. I wanted a visual that they could take home in order to keep practicing it, so I made this booklet. It is written directly from Matthew 6:9-13 in the NASB version. It can be simply copied, cut, and stapled together to be sent home. You could also … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Beating the Winter Blues… maintaining motivation in your children's ministry

The winter let-down…Christmas wrappings are hauled away, fruit cake is steadily hardening, temperatures are dropping, and schedules are returning to normal routine. Following the hype and hubbub of the holiday season, the winter months can sometimes seem dreary. Between cold weather and lack of significant events, it’s tempting to fall into apathy in any area of our lives, be it work … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Creative Ways to Do Scripture Memory Verses with Kids

Praise and worship has ended now comes the burning question. “Okay kids! Who can tell me what last week’s memory verse was?” You hear the sound of crickets. Don’t feel bad–it happens to us all but there are some creative ways to present scripture verses–some are so much fun that kids won’t even know they are memorizing them. Ready to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Dear Leader…. When You Just Want to Quit

So you’re teaching a class and things just aren’t going well. The kids are running around the room playing tag, someone is crying at the door for their mom, your assistant is out sick, and the snack just spilled all over the floor. You feel like quitting, right? One question: Is this a normal day in your classroom? If it … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Reasons Why Children's Ministry is Better!!!

Everyone thinks that their particular ministry call is “the best” but children’s ministry leaders have the unique position of being right. (Insert LOL here.) I have had the privilege of being involved with some dynamic ministries and worked in at least five different ministries like Adopt-A-Block, discipleship and even ladies ministries. However, working with kids has always been my favorite. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Create an Object Lesson for Kids Church

Love visual lessons but can’t find the right one? You don’t have to rely on others to present you with object lessons–you can do it yourself. That’s true even if you don’t have a teaching degree or any experience writing curriculum. I learned how to create an object lesson a children’s ministry conference well over a decade ago. We were … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Surprising Things That Turn Off Ministry Volunteers

You have an exciting, growing ministry but filling your volunteer roster is a challenge. Despite some eye-catching incentives and advertising some fun volunteer events, the number of willing hands remains low. What’s the deal? That’s a great question and one that many of us are familiar with. Don’t give up! Sure, sometimes volunteer signups are seasonal but did you know … More Children’s Ministry Resources

7 Things That Drive Ministry Volunteers Crazy

A few months ago, I wrote an article called 10 Things That Drive a Children’s Pastor Crazy. So many folks responded to the humorous punch list, that I followed that up with 6 More Things That Drive a Children’s Pastor Crazy. (Thanks by the way for all the shares, likes and comments you gave us.) It was kind of cathartic … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Ways To Show Pastor Appreciation Every Day

5 Ways to Show Pastor Appreciation

One of the essential components of a healthy children’s ministry is a good relationship with the pastor and or pastors of your church. Whether you serve as a Sunday School teacher, a children’s ministry director, or a nursery worker, it is imperative that servants in any capacity work together to support the leaders whom God has appointed for the local … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How Socially Connected Should a Children's Pastor Be?

In 2014, the children’s pastor must skillfully walk the increasingly awkward line between what’s appropriate and what’s not. Eighteen years ago, (yeah, I’m a kids min veteran) I never thought twice about hugging a child or calling a kid. I can’t say that today, sadly. Now that everyone is on the web (even the kiddos) the kids’ pastor faces a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Are You Sabotaging Your Ministry Volunteers?

I am about to be very transparent here, learning how to manage people kindly and thoughtfully didn’t come easily for me. I have been blessed to work with some wonderful people but working with me, a creative, sometimes unorganized children’s pastor hasn’t always been easy. We’d show up to teach and realize I didn’t delegate a craft properly, or forgot … More Children’s Ministry Resources

6 Things a New Children's Pastor Should Do

Congratulations, new children’s pastor! The local church needs you and decided that you were the perfect match for their kids. Before you take the reins and hold your first service, make sure you do these six things. It is important to assess the current status of the ministry before you plan your next kids’ crusade or event; this checklist will … More Children’s Ministry Resources

6 More Things That Drive a Children’s Pastor Crazy

When I penned my recent article, 10 Things That Drive a Children’s Pastor Crazy I had no idea that I’d be starting such an expansive conversation. However, I am glad we can talk and share with one another and hopefully, encourage a children’s pastor who may be asking, “Does anyone understand?” To those passing by these posts and subsequent comments, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Is Your Worship Space Kid Friendly?

“Do you hear what these children are saying?” they asked him. “Yes,” replied Jesus, “have you never read, “‘From the lips of children and infants you, Lord, have called forth your praise’?” (Matthew 21:16) What great news to know that God is “calling forth” praise from little ones! As children’s ministry leaders, it is our job to guide these precious … More Children’s Ministry Resources