5 Ways To Turn Your Children's Ministry Around

Children’s ministry leaders are unequivocally some of the most creative folks on the planet but even this elite group can get stuck in a rut. Truth be known, I’ve been stuck in a routine myself more than a few times. I’ve experienced the agony of unenthusiastic volunteers, uncommitted families and no clear direction. Don’t beat yourself up. It happens regardless … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Fun Ways to Find New Ministry Volunteers

It’s spring–time to refill those volunteer vacancies. What’s your strategy for filling those spots with excited, faithful volunteers? Bringing in new faces can feel like a full time job and it can require a bit of skill and patience. Why not make it fun? This year, approach your challenge with a few new tactics. Now recruiting friends! Birds of a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teaching a Negative Child

Teaching kids about the love of God is a privilege and a joy but what happens when your group includes a negative child? Everyone has a down day occasionally but this little one sees the glass half empty all the time. If it’s snack time, he bemoans the cookie and cracker selection. During the teaching time, he interrupts to infuse … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Things Kids Should Know About Bullies

Upset Boy near brick wall

Bullies are the pits. They can really make life hard for children and it is hard to remember at times that bullies are also children. That’s great information if you’re a teacher who has a bully in her classroom but what about the kid to whom bullies seem to gravitate. Perhaps he’s smaller than the rest of the kids, maybe … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Do You Use the "Time Out" in Kids Church?

What must parents think when they pop into kids’ church or Sunday School and find Junior sitting solo in time out? From experience, I can give you an idea. “What now?” and “Not here too…” I have been working in kids’ ministry for almost two decades and I totally get how “wonderful” the time out chair can be. It’s probably … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Puzzle Work: Maximizing Kids Church Time

In this age of electronic games and cell phones, it may seem like puzzles are old hat but I can assure they are not. It’s hard to make eye contact and initiate conversations when kids are texting. If you’re looking for ways to bridge the gap and build relationships with your kids, consider stocking up on puzzles. I can’t tell … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Tips for Teaching the Golden Rule to Children

As you may have read, I do love teaching about the Golden Rule. I’m old enough to remember when we actually recited the words of Jesus in the classroom. “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 7:12) Imagine a world where everyone embraced … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Ways to Get Kids Reading the Bible

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) That’s a verse we live by, isn’t it? I take my responsibility to train up kids seriously but getting kids to love the Bible can be a challenge. Of course, once they dive off into God’s word, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Don't Make Transitions So Hard on Kids

Transitions in Children’s Church – and at home **This post was written by Dr. Barbara Sorrels. Any teacher or caregiver in an early childhood environment is familiar with the potential challenges that transitions present throughout the day It is often at the point of a transition that children display challenging behaviors. Why are transitions difficult for children and what can … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Helping Little Liars

No one is more creative than an imaginative child! As kids ministry leaders, we celebrate their inherent creativity! However, this God-given talent for “seeing and saying” with the heart can be distorted into flat out sinning. Kids don’t have a monopoly on lying but if we can intervene, we can help these little storytellers recapture their imaginations and their tongues. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Tips for Leading a Child to Christ

Leading a child to Christ is the single most wonderful thing about children’s ministry, and there are many wonderful things about teaching kids. There’s nothing quite like leading kids in prayer and introducing them to the Lord. I remember when I first began in children’s ministry about sixteen years ago how nervous I was to lead the altar service. What … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Helping the Angry Child

During my sixteen year tenure in children’s ministry I have met many angry, defiant children. I won’t get into the details of all these situations—that’s confidential, but I am sure you have also met the angry child. He comes through with his arms folded across his chest, refuses to respond to his name and keeps his lip in a perpetual … More Children’s Ministry Resources

When Parents Use Church Attendance as Punishment

Tristan had a bad week at school. He kicked a teacher (he says accidentally), talked back to his mother and refused to pay attention in class. Tristan had a very bad week. What was Mom’s solution? Keep her child at home rather than send him to church. So what do you think? Should parents use church attendance as punishment? Here’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Tips for Ministering to Siblings

Unless they’re twins, school teachers don’t often have siblings in their classrooms. In the case of children’s ministry, most churches don’t segregate classes by age. For example, in the church I serve at, there are three children’s churches: 0 to 2; 3 to 5 and 6 to 11 years of age. If you’ve got siblings close in age, your children’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Teach: Preschool Sunday School Class

Teaching a Preschool Sunday School class seems like a daunting task to undertake. But, with a little guidance and a simple plan, you are able to do it! Here’s a simple plan that might be useful if you are going to teach a preschool class. Don’t miss our free printable preschool Bible lessons and preschool coloring pages. Beginner’s Guide to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Responding When Kids Use the "R" Word

When I  was growing up, the word “retarded” didn’t seem like a big deal. If a friend was being foolish we might say, “Stop being a retard.” If a school policy didn’t make sense we might say, “That’s just retarded.” It was one of many hurtful words they crept into adolescent vocabulary. We were wrong. I’m ashamed now to even … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Cell Phones in Kids Church

Ten years ago, I would have scoffed at the idea of a cacophony of cell phones ringing randomly in kids’ church! Cell phones were for parents or texting teens but kids? My, how times have changed! In our children’s church, kids arrive with bibles, offerings and cell phones. I won’t go into all the reasons why handing kids phones are … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Easy Ways to Remember Kids Name

When you have the same group of little faces looking at you each week remembering kids’ names is a cinch. However, what happens when you have a large group or a growing class? Yikes! It has happened to me. I’ll picture a child’s face all week long, pray for him and then fail to recall his name when I see … More Children’s Ministry Resources