How To Encourage Sunday School Attendance

Do you notice the trend that many families are choosing to attend Sunday School every other week? For most churches, kids’ attendance is more and more sporadic as their lives get busier and busier. There are a few strategies that we can use to encourage kids to attend Sunday School. Click here to share your own ideas with other readers. 1. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Tips for Reaching the Hard to Reach Child

I love children so much. I look forward to scooping each one of them up and holding them in my arms as long as they’ll let me. Like you, God has blessed me with the capability of loving and accepting children, seeing them for who they are in God. What about children who shrink back from this attention. Some children … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Organize a Sunday School Closet

Running a fast-paced Sunday School takes more than a willing heart. Preparation and organization are keys to keeping your class in order. Organization begins with the Sunday School storage closet. Keeping supplies in order will make them easier to find and will keep them from becoming damaged. Nothing is more infuriating then reaching for a last minute craft and finding … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Reach the Hyperactive Child

We recently posted an article on managing behavior in your children’s ministry. This post takes some of those tips a step further to help the most active kids in your ministry. Read the suggestions below and then share your own ideas in our comment section. 1. Show love anyway.  Hyperactive kids can be frustrating. They don’t listen. They are always fiddling with … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Classroom Management Tricks That Work

Working with kids is the greatest task in the world, but it is also exhausting!  Anytime you are in a room with children, you can be a minute away from chaos.  There are no magic answers, but there are certainly some tricks that can help you keep control of the classroom. 1.  Be over-prepared.  The more ready you are, the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Decorate a Sunday School Classroom

The Sunday School classroom is the center for Biblical learning and should offer a safe, enjoyable atmosphere for kids to worship and deepen their knowledge of God. One way to set the tone for life-changing moments and lessons is with colorful wall hangings, bulletin boards and table displays. A decorated classroom sends a secret message; it says, “I care.” Show … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Teach Sunday School

“Sunday Schools” were first established in the 1700’s in Britain to educate poor children on how to read and write. These children worked six days a week, were very poor and many were starving. Today, public school systems teach our kids the “three R’s” but little about God or His Word. Enter the Sunday School teacher! If you’ve decided to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Keep Children Coming to Kids Church

Building a children’s church is much like building a large-scale family church, only the attendees of kids’ church depend on others to transport them. However, regular attendance helps children tremendously because it exposes them to the Bible and biblical principles, teaches faithfulness and allows age appropriate fellowship. Counteract waning interest and renew kids’ excitement with ideas that energize current attendees … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What to Do about Disruptive Kids

This is a guest post by By Kathy Leonard from “Don’t you love it when a difficult, disruptive child finally has a breakthrough?” a fellow teacher asked me. “It makes everything we do worthwhile.” Hmm, I thought, after a particularly frustrating day. I kind of like it when all the kids quietly obey from the start. Reality check. Kids come … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Ways to Manage Behavior Problems in Sunday School

It’s happened to all of us.  We’re in the middle of an awesome lesson.  Most of the kids are tracking with us, except that one. That one is not only tuning out every word, but that one is hiding under the pew, flying a church bulletin airplane your way, or attempting to fit his entire foot in the offering envelope.  Ahhh…. That one. Let’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Be an Awesome Sunday School Teacher

Sunday School began as a once a week Christian school that taught illiterate children how to read. Without help from public schools, poor children were left uneducated with no chance of improving their situation. During this time in the 19th century, children worked six days a week leaving only Sundays available for their education. In modern times, local Sunday Schools … More Children’s Ministry Resources

6 Quick Classroom Tips for Engaging Preschoolers

Trying to engage a room of preschoolers is like herding cats.  Every little one has his own idea of what fun looks like and it is usually different from yours! Try these quick tips for preschool classroom management and share own ideas. 1.  Be extremely prepared. In preschool world, downtime is the enemy.  While you pause to look for crayons your three-year olds may … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How To Teach Multi-Age Sunday School

A majority of the churches in America and across the world have less than 100 members.  These are small churches with small children’s ministries.  Many of these churches will have all children in the same classroom for Sunday School. That means multiple age groups will be learning together in one Sunday School classroom. What can a small children’s ministry do … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Read to Kids

Whether you are reading to your own children or reading a book as part of your Sunday morning lesson at church, it is important that you read it in such a manner that kids will be captivated and engaged by it.  Imagine hearing a song with awesome music where the artist sings in a very monotone voice and never looks … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Tips for Teaching Kids Using the Real Bible

In my large group teaching I don’t usually have kids follow the lesson along in their Bible. That’s because we have a broadly graded program that includes many preliterate readers. Usually I’ll just read it aloud or have older kids read the verse for the group. Then any supporting texts I’ll display on PowerPoint or a marker board. So, when … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Story of the Scrappy Little Guy

He was a scrappy little guy.  Hair disheveled, quick with his fists, faster with his mouth.  Teachers branded him grades before he ran into my class.  I was never very fond of those heads-ups, but I suppose they got me prepped. Upon stepping into my fourth grade classroom, I practiced a little rebellion of my own.  There were encouraging notes … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Relational Tools to Make You a Better Teacher

Children say the cutest things. I have a long list of memorable questions and statements which children have made during my ministry career. Most are hilarious. Others, quite sad. Still others probe the depths of Christian spirituality, often retaining characteristics of humor and grief. All of them reveal the innocence of childhood in a way no Hollywood script writer can … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Discipline Tips for Your Kids Ministry

Teaching in today’s world is a challenge but when you are teaching kids about God and His love, the pressure is really on. It is hard to be the perfect example of love and charity when little Johnny stands on the table and refuses to come down. Broken homes and a broken society have all contributed to the lack of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

16 Tactics for Getting More Kids in Sunday School

Bright Ideas to Get More Kids in Sunday School

Traditional Sunday School has fallen on hard times. Some churches are changing focus, while others are just losing out to pillow time. Whatever the reasons, low attendance is a big discouragement to Sunday School teachers. Maybe you’ve seen this first hand. You work hard to prepare a relevant, kid friendly, biblical faithful lesson. You arrive early to set up the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Free Sunday School Materials

Are you looking for materials for your children’s Sunday School? Then you’ll love all the free resources we have posting and linked on our website. Here is a collection of our most popular resources to get you started. New Materials for Sunday School Need something else? Then, use the search feature in the right sidebar or browse our table of … More Children’s Ministry Resources