A Week With Jesus: An Easter VBS (part 1)

What does Easter look like in your children’s program? Do you do anything special? Do you have any events to help kids better grasp the meaning of Easter? At my church, we host an annual 1 day VBS event called “CrossPoint.” This is a 3 hour event where children age 4-11 move in groups from station to station experiencing different … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Planning a VBS on a Budget

It’s the beginning of the new year — time to plan a VBS! As you know, Ministry-to-Children loves Vacation Bible School and we frequently feature reviews on new VBS material. However if you’re in a financial pinch you can plan a VBS on a shoestring budget – don’t miss our free VBS curriculum downloads. Here are a few suggestions to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

PROOF Pirates VBS 2016 New Growth Press & Sojourn Kids

Getting excited about VBS 2016? We feel the same way! Today, we’re looking at PROOF Pirates by New Growth Press. This five-day curriculum works for both Bible clubs and VBS. Using the acronym PROOF, (Planned, Resurrecting, Outrageous, Overcoming and Forever) children will learn that it’s not their works that makes them right with God. The playful pirate theme looks like … More Children’s Ministry Resources

VBS Recreation Games: 9 Tips for Success

So you’re in charge of recreation for Vacation Bible School? No fear, the Recreation Queen is here! My husband and I started leading recreation together before we were even married (we’re probably around our ten year mark or so). It is a distinct honor to serve the Lord in this area because we get to be active with the kids … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Pledge to the Bible

Pledge to the Bible

The Holy Bible is the at the center of any Christian’s devotion to Jesus Christ. This simple Bible pledge reflects the importance of God’s Word and it’s role in the life of a believer. This is a popular pledge in church VBS programs. It’s often recited alongside the the Christian and the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag as children … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Pledge to the Christian Flag

The Christian Flag is displayed in many churches across America. It plays a role in many Vacation Bible School programs when students join together in their pledge time each morning during the opening assembly. This short verbal affirmation is typically recited along with the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag and one also to the Bible. Click on the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Tips for Creating Your VBS Program from Scratch

Vacation Bible School invitation card

There are plenty of wonderful and winning Vacation Bible School curriculum programs on the market today that provide ideas, materials, and pointers to allow the director total ease of running VBS in any sort of church setting. There are also plenty of great slice and bake cookies and canned soups available, but somehow there’s nothing like a homemade product…and the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Rice Bowls: Mission Project Ideas for VBS

Rice Bowls is a great way for children to have a tangible mission project that impacts and changes their world. When your children participate in Rice Bowls, they are helping feed orphaned children all over the world. That’s right, children helping children! Rice Bowls feeds orphaned children in 52 children’s homes around the world. That’s nearly 1800 orphaned children being … More Children’s Ministry Resources

VBS Offering Contest Ideas

The offering portion of your VBS should undoubtedly be one of the most exciting times in your children’s program. Giving is essential to Christian ministry; it both blesses the ministry and the people who receive the ministering. Why shouldn’t it be joyful? Here’s what we do for taking up an offering at special kids’ events. I run contests, usually it’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Scripts for Visitor Follow Up Phone Calls

Now that you’ve tucked away the crayons and craft components, it’s time to think about the follow up call. Simply hoping your visitors will come back won’t do. Collect those registration cards and call your visitors, but be prepared. It helps to have a script to use, so you’ll remember to touch on all the important points. I like calling … More Children’s Ministry Resources

VBS Pledges: Bible, American, & Christian Flag

Printable VBS Pledges - Christian Flag, American Flag, Bible Pledge

Here are the traditional pledges for Vacation Bible School. No matter what 2020 VBS Theme you choose, these will help you kick-start your day the right way. This download link above includes four pages: one for each pledge (Bible, Christian Flag, American Flag) and the combined version pictures below. I love the smell of drying glue, melted crayons and cupcakes! … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Why You Shouldn’t Do VBS ….. Alone

**This is a guest post by Glenys Nellist  from Kids Ministry Matters. Leave a comment below to share your thoughts about community Vacation Bible School. It was the summer of 2000. My husband and I had just arrived in the USA to pastor a small village church and were invited to attend Vacation Bible School. We had never experienced VBS whilst … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible School Games: Drip, Drip, Drop

This game is a fun variation of duck-duck-goose for Vacation Bible School. All you need a new cleaning sponge and a bucket of water. Watch the video below for instructions and an example of the game. This Vacation Bible School game would also be popular at children’s birthday parties or school field days. In our example we played with as … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Ways to Promote Your Church's VBS

I believe that VBS can still be a valuable tool for reaching new families.  Vacation Bible School is still the largest kids ministry outreach in many churches. It all starts with getting the word out.  Here are a few easy things we have tried to communicate with our community about VBS or other big events. 1. Postcard Invites – We … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Church Sued Over VBS Game Injuries

I just heard about a West Virginia church is facing lawsuits over a poorly run VBS games. According to this report, a 9-year-old boy was seriously injured in their Vacation Bible School program. It sounds like individual church volunteers were named in the lawsuit too! I’m not familiar with the situation, but it’s a good caution to everyone planning VBS … More Children’s Ministry Resources

8 Simple VBS Games for Preschoolers

Last summer, my wife ran the games portion of our Vacation Bible School for preschoolers.  Now, I do Awana games every Wednesday nights for Kindergarten through Sixth grade with a couple of hundred kids each week, but those games do not translate well to preschoolers.  So, here are some preschool VBS games we came up with that are great for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Review: Kids of Courage Vacation Bible School

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I asked to review the new Kid of Courage VBS starter kit from Voice of the Martyrs.  I have a great deal of respect for Voice of the Martyrs and their work in promoting the plight of persecuted Christians around the world.  That said, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I found … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Kids of Courage VBS Starter Kit (Voice of the Martyrs VBS)

Voice of the Martyrs is a well-known ministry that raises awareness about persecuted Christians. Now they have produced a Vacation Bible School program called “Kids of Courage.” It’s built around five different countries where the church is restrained or attacked. I am certainly interested in learning more. Even if this wasn’t a main VBS program it could be helpful material … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How To Maximize the Long-Term Effect of VBS

VBS requires months of preparation.  During the week, it demands cups of coffee and perseverance.  We love VBS and yet we feel relief when Friday comes because the week has been exhausting.  Many people mistakenly believe VBS is finished when the last child is picked up on Friday.  But, the work of VBS continues even after the children go home … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Policies & Training for Teenage VBS Helpers

The success of a church’s VBS often hinges on the help of teens from the church’s student ministry.  Middle-school and high-school-aged youth can bring enthusiasm and valued assistance to an over-packed class of energetic children.  But without screening or training, teens can unintentionally add to the chaos. Setting expectations and outlining seemingly common sense pointers for youth helpers may be the best … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Free VBS Material: The Fruit of the Spirit

Last year we posted a free VBS curriculum written by Tara Tegard called “Bible Boot Camp VBS.” It is still available for download and hundreds of churches have used it in their ministry. Tara has written a second Vacation Bible School curriculum and wants to share it with readers on our website. It is titled “BigHeart Farms” and covers Galatians 5:16-26, … More Children’s Ministry Resources