Wisdom of Solomon Sunday School Lesson

The next lesson in the series of Israel’s kings introduces students to Solomon.  As Solomon begins his reign of all the things he could have asked for he asks God for wisdom.  Students will learn that God’s wisdom is available to all who ask and by living a life using Godly wisdom they will experience great blessing. This lesson was … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Lesson: Back to Bethlehem

Here is another option for Sunday School this Advent Seasons. It’s a lesson plan intended to present the Christmas story of Christ’s birth in Bethlehem and the Shepherd’s announcement of His birth. It was was first prepared for older elementary students and can be adapted for other ministry opportunities. Learning Goal: As students take an imaginary journey to the town of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Life in 3D" Bible Lesson for Children

Here is another lesson plan sent to us from Dale Hudson and his team at Christ Fellowship Church in Palm Beach, Florida. You can read more about it on his blog Relevant Children’s Ministry. Lesson Summary Scripture: John 10 (Jesus is the Good Shepherd) Memory Verse: John 10:10b, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (New … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Lesson: David Becomes King

This lesson is a continuation of Israel’s Kings. It is the conclusion to the study of David. Click here to see the lesson index. The focus of this lesson is how David becomes king in God’s timing.  The lesson is a reminder that God keeps His promises and as His followers we are to trust Him completely and follow Him … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Discipline Tips for Your Kids Ministry

Teaching in today’s world is a challenge but when you are teaching kids about God and His love, the pressure is really on. It is hard to be the perfect example of love and charity when little Johnny stands on the table and refuses to come down. Broken homes and a broken society have all contributed to the lack of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children's Bible Lesson: Jesus is the Light

This is a Bible lesson about how Jesus is the Light of the world.  The children will learn where the Light is darkness will flee.  The lesson is followed by a craft activity in which the children will make their own light switch cover for their bedroom at home. You could use this lesson and craft in children’s Sunday School … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Silly Bands Lesson for Children's Church

Silly Bands are one of the biggest fads right now for children. These simple toys have captured the imagination of kids all across the US. You’ll see kids wearing their collections and bartering with their friends for new bands. Dale Hudson saw this as an opportunity to share the Gospel. His church created a Bible lesson build around giant silly … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Larry Shallenberger: The Kids Ministry Exit Interview

A few years back I stumbled across a blog called “Children’s Ministry and Culture.” It covered the important news and cultural trends that influence children’s ministry. The main writer behind that effort was Larry Shallenberger. I’ve never met him, but I expect I will one day. A few weeks back, Larry announced his ministry role was transitioning away from children’s ministry. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Intergenerational Ministry and the Family

In my last article (posted quite a bit ago), I presented the biblical or theological imperatives for intergenerational (IG) ministry. This article will begin to cover the practical imperatives for IG ministry. The practical imperatives include uniting the fragmented family, embracing the scriptural role of the biological family as well as the family of faith, promoting the unity of the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christian Parenting is Combat: Albert Mohler

Here is my rough summary and paraphrase of the session with Dr. Mohler. I will post the audio when it is released so you can listen for yourself. Albert Mohler never disappoints in his communication ability. His wise discussion of parenting was seasoned with humor and personal stories. This session helped me better understand what it means to be a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Lesson: Jonah Returns to God

This Bible lesson is a continuation for the study of the Book of Jonah.  It was prepared with older elementary students in mind.  The focuses of this lesson is repenting from sin and turning back to God.  The lesson can be simplified for younger children with a focus on how God hears and answers our prayers.  It can also be used … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Family Devotions for the Big City

To me, they were just lights.  I had seen them a million times before.  Besides, I had potholes to dodge, detour signs to follow, and taxi drivers cruising along faster than I would like.  To our kids, the city lights created quite the stir.  Spontaneous applause erupted from the car seat gallery, shrieks of disbelief, and a conflict of estimates.  … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Lesson: Jonah's Undersea Accommodations

This is the second lesson created for the study of Jonah.  This particular lesson deals with dying to self and living for Christ.  The lesson may be more appropriate for students who have been believers and are maturing in their faith.  The lesson clearly presents the Gospel so students who are unsaved can be exposed to the salvation message.  The lesson can … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Paul and Barnabas (Children's Sunday School Lesson)

This lesson is a continuation of Paul and Barnabas’ first missionary journey.  In this lesson they experience rejection to the message of the Gospel and also see many respond with faith as they hear the message.  The lesson can be used in Children’s church and also simplified for younger students. Be creative and adapt this lesson to fit your own … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Acts 11 Lesson: Early Church Growth & Change

This children’s Bible lesson continues the study of the Book of Acts. The lesson is about Peter explaining God’s hand in the conversion of Gentiles.  The lesson focuses on how change brought growth for the Church. Kids need to know that God can be trusted in times of change. The original setting for this lesson plan was older elementary Sunday School. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Peter and Cornelius Sunday School Lesson

This lesson is taken from the story of God revealing to Cornelius a Gentile and to Peter a Jew, His plan to remove barriers that separated Jews and Gentiles.  Students will learn how God began to guide Peter to understand His plan to allow Gentiles to receive salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.  Even though Peter doesn’t fully understand he … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Biblical Support for Intergenerational Ministry

When the specific definitions of intergenerationality are taken into consideration, the rationale behind IG methods includes theological and practical imperatives. In this article, I will begin by providing the theological support, which stems from biblical illustrations and mandates that indicate intergenerationality was normative for the Christian faith community. While many agree that the New Testament church models age-inclusion, they fail … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Way to Get Kids Excited About the Bible

If you asked the people who know me best to describe me, I am not certain that “Passionate” would be at the top of the list.  Heck, I’m not even sure it would make the list, but there are some things that I am passionate about.  I am passionate about God.  It took 30 years before he called me into … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Father’s Day Sunday School Lesson

Use this lesson plan to teach about Father’s Day in your Sunday School. Dads are so important in God’s plan for the family, but in today’s world some kids simply don’t have that benefit. This lesson is sensitive the tough situation some kids face. It points to our Father God as the ultimate dad – because all human fathers fall … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lessons Learned at 3 AM

It’s amazing what sort of things we can learn at 3:00 am!  I can probably tell you all of the programming for channels 4, 7, 13, 21, 29, and 40 for the early morning hours.  I have learned that McKinney Dodge spends a lot of money on advertising.  I have learned that there are lots of reruns.  I have learned … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Lesson: Persecution Scatters the Church

This Sunday School lesson for children teaches about the events in Acts 8. After a period of success and rapid growth, persecution breaks out against the early church in Jerusalem. God uses these hard times to spread the Gospel to the surrounding region and eventually to all the world. This Bible lesson about the early church would also work well … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Stoning of Stephen: Sunday School Lesson

This free kids Sunday School lesson is based on the story of Stephen in Acts 6-7. It is targeted for older elementary students. It highlights the role of the Holy Spirit in giving courage to Christians, especially when they are suffering. It also shows that believers who suffer for obedience to Jesus will be rewarded. You can also adapt this … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Jesus Knows Me" Sunday School Lesson

This Sunday School lesson will teach children that Jesus is like a good shepherd who knows and loves his sheep. It is based on the classic passage in John 10 where Jesus states those truths. This lesson plan was originally written for elementary aged Sunday School, but you could easily modify it for Children’s Church or a preschool Bible lesson. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Moms in the Bible

Note: The file above includes this lesson plan and many bonus resources like our Bible Moms Cards & Crossword Puzzle, Game Ideas, Coloring Pages, and Kids Interview about Mom. It’s all 100% free to bless your ministry! This free Mother’s Day Bible lesson for children is intended for Mother’s Day, but could be adapted and utilized at any point of … More Children’s Ministry Resources