Bible Craft Ideas on Jesus The Good Shepherd (John 10:11-18)

There are several Biblical references that involve sheep. The lifestyle of the first century made this an applicable metaphor, as there were many who were involved in the business of livestock care. Even with that familiarity, people did not always readily understand sheep stories (“This figure of speech Jesus used with them, but they did not understand what he was saying to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Easter Craft Ideas (John 20:1-18) He is Risen!

Easter is here! After journeying through the season of Lent and the solemnity of Good Friday, Easter is a joyous celebration. There are many fun and festive possible activities to create in celebrating springtime or Easter. As with most things in life, the central element here should be the Gospel of Christ. These crafts suggest creative ways to consider the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

“Behold and Believe” Bible Crafts from Luke 1:26-38 on Mary’s Visit from an Angel

Christmas Angel Crafts

There are many marvelous variations possible when considering crafts that relate to angels. We might not know exactly what angels look like, but the traditional notion of white winged creatures lend themselves to fun creative creations. We most notably associate the celestial messengers with Christmas, due to the proclamation of Christ’s birth. In this Gospel lesson, an angel visits Mary … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Craft Ideas: Jesus is the Light of the World

Bible Crafts on Jesus is the Light of the World

These crafts remind us that Jesus is the light of the world, and we want to direct others to Him! The seasonal crafts focus on Christmas-themed elements, particularly Christmas lights and candles. A few variations are given to allow flexibility and offer multiple types of similar creations. Jesus is the Light of the World” Bible Crafts from John 1:6-8, 19-28 about … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Use Your Gifts: Children’s Sermon on the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30)

Parable of the Talents Children's Sermon

This free object lesson based children’s message is from Matthew 25:14-30, where Jesus teaches the Parable of the Talents. Download our message notes below, gather your supplies, and watch our teaching example as you prepare. This lesson is perfect for children’s church, Sunday School, or anytime you need a short kids sermon. “Use Your Gifts!” Children’s Sermon on Matthew 25:14-30, the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

“Forgiving Others” Sunday School Lesson on Matthew 18:15-20

Forgiving Other Sunday School Lesson

It’s hard to forgive others, especially close friends. Use this Sunday School lesson from Matthew 18:15-20 to show kids that God has a plan for repairing broken relationships. Even when our closest friends sin against us, the Gospel provides grace for repentance and restoration. This printable Sunday School lesson includes complete teaching plan, craft suggestions, optional coloring pages, and some … More Children’s Ministry Resources