32,000 Lesson Downloads Each Week – All 100% Free

Can you imagine the seeds planted through that curriculum?
Millions of kids around the world are being taught God’s Word…. in churches who can’t afford printed materials.
Since 2007 – we have published over 3,700 free resources for children’s ministry. It’s all right here online serving churches in 120 countries. In 2019 alone, we welcomed over 6 million website visitors.
Your support makes this possible.
What Readers are Saying

What are our priorities right now
Our team has been seeking God’s direction for the second half of 2020 and moving into 2021. You’re support will make these goals a reality.
- Continue security, design, and performance improvements. We have seen a crushing increase in hacking attempts and have invested in the website back end to stay ahead of these malicious forces.
- Continue to our expanded publishing schedule, even with the COVID-19 revenue decline. That means 3 new resources per week (Sunday School Lesson, Children’s Sermon, Bible Craft)
- Expand into Spanish language materials – starting with one Sunday School lesson per week in July 2020.
- Continue to reduce the “google ads” that often confuse readers without a strong English background.
- Finish the 501c3 process
Tell me more about this project?

My name is Tony Kummer – This website has been my labor of love since 2007.
We’re not a big company and zero full-time employees. I’m only part-time at my church and drive a school bus to support my family.
I know what it means to do ministry on a shoestring budget – or pay out of your own pocket for supplies.
That’s why Ministry-To-Children offers 100% free resources to readers around the world.
We serve 500,000 readers each month in over 120 countries, making us one of the biggest Sunday School publishers in the business (except we’re giving it all away for free).
As of June 2020, we have over 3,700 different resources available.
If you have been blessed by this website, consider making a donation to help us keep it growing.
Use the button above to give online or you can send any gift via check:
Sellersburg, IN 47172

Here’s how it got started:
God’s been doing something special through this website.
I started Ministry-To-Children.com as my personal blog back in 2007 when I was starting my journey as a children’s pastor.
That was before Facebook and I just wanted to connect with other people doing ministry. I also thought one day it might help me “get discovered” by some big church.

My little “blog” started to grow…
People in kids ministry starting finding my children’s church lessons and VBS reviews. Then they came back every week for fresh ideas. Christian publishing companies found the website too and started sponsoring our free content with ads that led back to their products.
I reached out to some friends in ministry to join the team and soon we were uploading 5 new resources each week – all 100% free for the readers!
It was a win-win-win situation.
Readers wanted to give back ….
Over the years, I’ve heard back from readers who wanted to make a donation. I always refused these gifts, because the business sponsors were covering the cost of the website and helping it to grow.
Lately, I’ve realized that was more pride than wisdom.
God’s people are generous and they can never out give the blessings of the LORD. If God puts it into their heart to give, then my refusal is not spiritual.
Google Ads are becoming a problem …
In short – the ads from Google now make up 3/4 of our ministry budget.
Every website that depends on advertisement has the same problem. Simple ads don’t provide the same revenue as they did 10 years ago. That’s why so many websites are overrun with annoying and distracting ads.
It’s really frustrating. The Internet is becoming more commercial driven with every year.
I have to make a choice, let Google have more control or reduce what the amount / quality of new materials on the website.
I think there is 3rd option.
I believe our reader gifts can replace Google ads…
This may be naive, but I believe Christian people are generous. I believe that our readers are generous and willing to “give back” for the free help they have found on our website. We need your support so we don’t depend on “Googles Ads.” I don’t want our free resources hidden – I don’t want this website over run by ads and popups. If you agree – please consider making a donation to support our ongoing work.
People like us know that children’s ministry matters
Here’s your chance to give back and make this big change possible. Our content is always free for readers, but you can help us take the Google ads out of the mix. Will you consider supporting this free ministry resource for thousands of churches around the world (and here in the USA).
Support the 100% free ministry of this website!
You’re making a difference
Every website supporter (prayer or financial) helps this ministry grow. Our goal is to create 5 new resources each week (lessons, crafts, video children’s sermons, and coloring pages). And them I’m updating another 10 of our existing resources every week to make them print friendly and easier to use. Thank you for all the support and encouragement!
Hi Pastor,
I am thanking God for your Ministry. I am also a minister for our Church teaching Children and found your website/resources helpful. In fact after we finished our Annual Children Ministry manual last year, I have been using your resources till today. I am praying to donate this coming months since we will start to conduct fund raising to fund our ministry.
I have taught Children’s Church for years. Sometimes I find the curriculum used at my church hard to use with the varying ages in my class and I have difficult making some of the connections. This morning my prayer before getting out of bed was to find some materials that I could use to supplement in my lesson plan today.
I am thrilled that Ministry-To-Children surfaced by my search criteria. This morning my Lesson is on The Baptism of Jesus and your website will help me drive home the material to the children in my class. I plan to use the craft ideas, some of the printable pages and the opening greeting material. I did not see any games for this lesson, but I suspect they may be in some of the other lessons. Regardless, I am delighted with everything available.
Thank you, Tracy
I have taught Children’s Church for years. Sometimes I find the curriculum used at my church hard to use with the varying ages in my class and I have difficulty making some of the connections. This morning my prayer before getting out of bed was to find some materials that I could use to supplement my lesson plan today.
I am thrilled that Ministry-To-Children surfaced by my search criteria. This morning my Lesson is on The Baptism of Jesus and your website will help me drive home the material to the children in my class. I plan to use the craft ideas, some of the printable pages, and the opening greeting material. I did not see any games for this lesson, but I suspect they may be in some of the other lessons. Regardless, I am delighted with everything available.
Grace Hanna
hi helo i am a pastor daughter and i am very thankful this web site it is amazing thankyou so much you have help how church even if we do not have a lot of money we are so thankful .