The Story of Exodus Lesson

Moses certainly had a miraculous beginning, but God also greatly used him through the latter part of his life. This second part of “The Story of Moses (Lesson 4 of the series),” will teach children that no obstacle is too great for God! In addition, there is a crossword at the end of the lesson to help the children remember … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Story of Moses Lesson

God made promises to Abraham and Jacob that their descendants would be numerous and that they would be blessed. In this first part of “Who Was Moses?”, children will learn how Moses was a part of God’s continued plan for the Hebrew people and how he delivered them from slavery. This lesson emphasizes the importance of families and the impact … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Why Easter Matters (1 Corinthians 15:12-19)

There comes a time in every believer’s life when questions like, “Why does this matter?” begin to weigh on the heart as we evaluate why we worship and live a certain way. This lesson, “Why Easter Matters,” will help children understand how the highly celebrated holiday of Easter has incredible meaning and the difference it makes on our faith. TARGET … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"What is Hope?" (Printable Devotions for Kids)

I’ve struggled for quite some time to help the 5th and 6th graders in my Sunday school class understand the importance of daily bible reading and prayer. It can be challenging for anyone to start (and stick with) the habit of daily time with the Lord, but it’s even more true for today’s youth who are busier and face more … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Story of Jacob Lesson

Oh, the game of playing tricks and favorites! Jacob certainly wasn’t a perfect man, but this second lesson in the “Who Was…?” series will help children understand that God has a divine plan even in the midst of human sin. This lesson covers important events in Jacob’s life such as deceiving his father, Isaac, and having twelve sons who would … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Exciting VBS Water Games

Water games are always fun when it comes to VBS recreation, so here’s a list of exciting and amusing games ideal for keeping the kids cool each day. Basket-Head Balloon Toss Materials: Two circular laundry baskets, water balloons, timer Instructions: Divide the kids into two teams and pick someone from each team to hold a laundry basket on top of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Peter is Transformed by Jesus (Forever Changed Lesson #4)

Peter was a charismatic and bold follower of Jesus. His experiences with Christ before the crucifixion were certainly climatic, but after the resurrection Peter’s faith became even stronger as the leader of the early church. In “Peter is Transformed by Jesus” (lesson 4 of the “Forever Changed” series), children will learn that God also wants to use their individual abilities … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Mary Magdalene is Transformed by Jesus (Forever Changed Lesson #3)

Mary Magdalene was one of Jesus’ closest followers and friends. Her incredible conversion to Christ is evidenced throughout the gospel through committed and faithful service. In this third lesson of the “Forever Changed” series, children will learn how Christ’s resurrection gave Mary Magdalene increased boldness and dedication to the Lord. TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: To outline how Jesus’ resurrection made … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: A Christian Mother's Example

Mothers are uniquely gifted by God to nurture and teach others, so we have much to learn from them! This Mother’s Day lesson will help children understand that God uses mothers to help us grow in our faith. By looking at mothers around them AND three amazing mothers from the bible, children will be able to identify the positive attributes … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Strong and Humble (The Book of James – Part 4)

Growing humility is a necessary trait of a strong believer in Jesus Christ. This fourth lesson of the Book of James series, “Strong and Humble,” will teach children how to embrace humility and incorporate it in their daily lives. Also, by identifying Jesus Christ as the ultimate example of humility, the children will understand that sacrificial service and humility are … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Strong and Wise (Book of James – Part 1)

The book of James contains a plethora of information for believers to become mature in their relationships to Christ. This series of five lessons will cover each chapter of James with the goal of outlining how we can become stronger in our faith. In part 1, “Strong and Wise,” there will be an emphasis on trusting God’s plan, persevering through … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Walk in Love (“Walk Series” – Part 3)

When we look anywhere other than God’s word to define love, an extremely sinful and skewed view is the result. In this part 3 of the “Walk Series,” children will learn that loving God and others must influence our actions as believers. Also, it will be understood that “Walking in Love” requires sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to others … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Walk in Truth ("Walk" Series – Part 2)

Truth is not defined by personal preference or conviction: it is defined by the holy word of God. This lesson,”Walk in Truth” (part 2 of the “Walk” series), will teach children that ultimate truth is not determined through erroneous human intelligence. Rather, it is created by our righteous, omniscient God. We can trust that aligning our lives to the incredible … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Walk in Wisdom ("Walk" Series – Part 1)

Because Christ lived a perfect life of obedience, we too can walk in wisdom, truth, love, and faith. “Walk in Wisdom,” (the first of four lessons in this series) will teach children the difference between earthly wisdom and spiritual wisdom. In addition, they will learn practical ways to incorporate wisdom into their lives through prayer, humility, obedience, and a reverent … More Children’s Ministry Resources