Welcome Pack Ideas for Kids Church

Getting a shy child to visit your children’s ministry can take some coaxing but I don’t like forcing anyone to attend.  I find that giving out welcome packs breaks the ice and provides me with the opportunity to introduce myself (and the rest of the gang.) Mostly my welcome packs go to kids that visit big church but are afraid … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Flashlight Object Lessons about God's Light

Jesus engaged his audience with object lessons, leading them into life-changing truths. Some examples he used that stand out to me are the tossing of seeds on the ground or even a plain cup of water. Today’s world has no limit on items available for object lessons. At my first ever kids’ ministry conference I learned how to present the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Ways to Reach More Children for Jesus

When the scope of your ministry needs enlarging you have to do more than pray kids into the pews. Put shoes on those prayers and get out into the community to reach more kids. Expand your Christian ministry by moving into these five areas of ministry. They don’t require expensive equipment or a committee of public relations people. Get back … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Rekindle Your Passion for Kids Ministry

Children’s ministry is a work of love but there are times when your feelings can get the best of you. It’s not unusual for a pastor or volunteer to feel lonely, unappreciated and forgotten; we aren’t robots. During these seasons, some leaders consider quitting or at the very least, they lose their passion for ministry. If you’ve ever felt this … More Children’s Ministry Resources

6 Places to Find Teaching Inspiration

Teachers need good sources of inspiration to bring the Word of God to life for their kids. Reading a Bible story makes a good starting place but sometimes, it helps to take inspiration from common things that kids can relate to. One of the best ministry conferences I ever attended led the teachers in an exercise that challenged my thinking … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Leading a Child to Christ

Jesus said, “Let the little children come unto me,” — and he meant it! God is not impressed by our ages and doesn’t require His followers to reach a certain height before they enter His kingdom. As children’s ministry leaders, we need to be comfortable and skillful at leading a child to Jesus. We aren’t to manipulate or put words … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lesson: The Fruit of Lies

If you were to take a poll in your kids’ class or church you would probably find that lying is the sin that kids struggle with the most. It’s in a child’s nature to want to please everyone by telling them what they want to hear. In some cases, children see grown-ups telling lies at home or television too. That … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Banana Split Object Lesson

You might not think that a banana split has a spiritual side but I have found that it does! I take inspiration from Jesus’ example – I think everyday objects make great teaching tools. About ten summers ago, some volunteers helped me come up with this idea. We advertised it as the community’s largest banana split and invited kids to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Have a Children’s Church Revival

Before I became involved in children’s ministries, I never associated kids with revival. However, now that my life is “all things kids,” I clearly see the need for fanning the flames of a child’s faith. Like their adult counterparts, kids get distracted by life and can fall into complacency. It’s easy to go through the motions, especially if church attendance … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Tips for Running a Children’s Church Store

A children’s church store may not be top priority for a busy kids’ pastor but if you struggle with discipline, it could be a good idea for your group. Running a children’s church store requires some planning and tracking but the results are worth the effort. Besides encouraging good behavior, a children’s church store promotes attendance, builds excitement and faith. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lessons about Cleansing Sins

Successful Christian living begins with an awareness of sin. Without this unhappy awareness, personal conviction of sins is impossible. Once a child understands that sin separates them from God and that they too have committed sin, they can receive the joyous message that Jesus’ blood cleanses our sins away. One good way to demonstrate how this cleansing occurs is through … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Ideas for a Summer Volunteer Drive

What’s the one ingredient your VBS, Kids’ Crusade and summer events all require? Volunteers! Especially during those warm months when most everyone’s mind is focused on vacation and leisure activities. Children’s ministry does not shut down when the weather gets warm; it’s still an important function of the church that needs multiple hands to make it work. You might think … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Should You Write Your Own Kids' Ministry Curriculum?

An easy-to-follow, power-packed curriculum helps teachers reach the kids they teach but finding lessons that fulfills a specific criteria challenges many. Every children’s church is different and factors like church doctrine, time and volunteer constraints make selecting a curriculum even more of a task. According to some estimates, up to 18% of churches do write their own kids ministry curriculum. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Partner with Parents in Kids' Ministry

Great success in evangelism brings big challenges for kids’ ministries. One of those is working with parents, many of whom choose not to come to church – at least in the beginning. The church today is often the only moral voice in the life of a child; at this critical juncture, it’s easy to fall prey to a dangerous mindset. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What Do Kids Really Think About Your Ministry?

A few years ago, I was asked a question that radically changed the way I operated my children’s ministry. (Nothing like a change of perspective to adjust your viewpoint, just look at Ezekiel; I’m thankful that at least, God didn’t have to tug me by the hair to get my attention.) A kids’ ministry conference speaker asked the gathered teachers … More Children’s Ministry Resources

When Children Leave Your Ministry

Children love freely with complete abandon and without thought for tomorrow – so do many children’s ministers. How can you avoid caring for the ones God cares for? Watching children grow in God, seeing the light come on during a lesson; these things make us love our kids even more. I know how it feels; pouring your heart into a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

6 Tips for Praying Along with Children

God holds wonderful treasures, some of which may only be accessed through prayer. Kids want those treasures but they need a guide to help them find their way. One of the things I love the most about children’s ministry is having the opportunity to pray with children. Teaching kids to pray isn’t tough; however, I find many teachers and volunteers … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Quick Guide for a New Sunday School Superintendent

Sunday School changed my life! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that statement during my experience teaching children’s classes. A vibrant, exciting Sunday Sunday educates believers by familiarizing them with the Bible record while teaching them how to  apply the principles to their lives. As a new superintendent, you have the responsibility of making that vision happen … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Tips for a Kids' Church Takeover Service

If you’ve been asked to participate in a kids’ church takeover service — rejoice! How wonderful to participate in a church that welcomes children in the “big church” and allows kids to serve in ministry. For the children’s pastor faced with leading this service, it may seem like a daunting task. During my tenure as a children’s pastor, I’ve been … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Mother’s Day Children’s Sermons

I love mom

Mothers hold a special place in our hearts and teaching kids to honor her is profitable for all. It’s hardly necessary to instruct children to love their mothers – that comes naturally! However, learning to respect and obey, as God expects, is a necessary part of a minister’s duties. Lean on the scriptures to bring kids a reliable, nurturing “word” … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Egg Object Lessons for Easter

The unassuming egg plays no role in the true, Easter story but kids don’t care. Thousands of little ones wake up expecting a basket and eggs to hunt every year. As teachers, I think it’s a smart move to capitalize on popular culture. In my children’s church, Spongebob Squarepants got saved and declared, “I’m ready! I’m ready! I’m ready for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Host an Easter Auction

Recently, I was looking for fundraising inspiration – we needed some new equipment and the church’s budget was tight. I wanted an idea that would excite the supporters of my ministry but that donors would like too. After attending my son’s school’s spring fling, I found holiday inspiration. Today, our kids’ church Easter auction is the talk of the church, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 New Easter Outreach Ideas

If you think Easter outreach is limited to an egg hunt or a preschool passion play – think again! Easter is an excellent time to grow the church in new and exciting ways. Sometimes a multi-pronged strategy is best, especially if you want to reach different areas. These four Easter outreach ideas make good tools for getting into the local … More Children’s Ministry Resources