"Erase the Verse" Bible Memory Game

Here is another activity to help kids memorize a scripture verse in a group setting. This one is perfect for longer verses and works best with a smaller group of kids (less than 15). Let me know what you think or if you have any new variations. Click here to leave a comment. Supplies: Large dry erase marker board with … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"My Children Walking in Truth" Song by Johnny Cash

If you’ve ever paid attention to my email signature line, then you’ll know about 3 John 1:4. It’s a greatly under appreciated Bible verse, especially overlooked when talking about kids ministry. “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 1:4 ESV One of my Sunday School teachers surprised me this … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Memory Verse Puzzle: Team Learning Activity

Here is another creative way for groups of children to work together on learning their Bible memory verse. This hands-on activity includes elements of teamwork and problem solving. I’ve included pictures below to demonstrate the activity. I’d love to hear your feedback, simply click here to leave a comment. Supplies: Several copies of the memory verse printed on white paper … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teach the Ten Commandments to Kids

Children can learn the 10 Commandments. Our free resources will help you explain God’s Law to even the youngest kids. Ten Commandments Song Kids’ Bible Study on the Ten Commandments Compare Translations Ten Commandments Coloring Book Learning Activities on the Ten Commandment Children’s version of the Ten Commandments Teaching the Ten Commandments with Hand Motions We absolutely love teaching Bible … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Clean Heart Object Lesson (Psalm 51:10) Clean Penny

This is a simple Bible object lesson that includes an element of science. It can be used to illustrate how Christ makes us clean through salvation. If you’re brave you can even introduce the term ‘sanctification’ as the process where Jesus changes our behaviors to match our new heart. Alternately, you could use it to talk about how God transforms … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christian Parenting Conference on DVD

For years, I’ve been recommending Age of Opportunity as an excellent and Gospel-focused book about Christian parenting. Now that same author has a whole parenting conference on DVD called “Getting to the Heart of Parenting.” Each of the 10 sessions last for about 25 minutes. That makes it an excellent tool for a small group, church seminary, or private study. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Counting Words: Bible Memory Verse Activity

This learning method is one I discovered one day when the kids were feeling rowdy in kids church. Instead of my normal methods of group memory verse work, I asked the kids to do something different. I never use this as a stand-alone memory exercise, but it’s a good supplement that brings some variety by promoting active listening. Supplies: A … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sketching Bible Memory Verses

Here is a fun learning activity that will promote understanding of Bible memory verses. One of weak points of route Bible memory is a lack of comprehension. This sketch process will force them (and you) to transfer concepts into symbols, a key skill in learning. Supplies: Dry erase maker and board. Alternatively you can use poster board, giant Post-It notes, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Gospel Presentation Using Balloons [video]

My friend and former contributor Terry Delaney sent me this video clip. It’s a man using balloons to share the gospel with a group of kids. It looks like some type of church based presentation, but it certainly captured my attention. Normally I don’t really get into the balloon thing (my little boys live to fight over them) but this … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Can't Fail Predictions for the New Year

With all the buzz about the new year, I wanted to offer some insights from God’s Word as we look forward to the new year. I hope this will be encouraging for you. Click here to share on Facebook. #1 The Bible will have all the answers (that we really need) The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Story Told by Facebook Updates [video]

I love this creative way of re-telling the Christmas story. It uses different status updates from “Joseph” and “Mary” to highlight the experience of the characters who were really there. The company who produced this has it available for download on their website. Editors Note: Check out a similar video here with a little more humor. The video was uploaded … More Children’s Ministry Resources

You Decide: Best Christmas Hymn for Kids

I asked this question on our Facebook page and thought it might be a fun poll question here on our site. Use the poll below to settle this question once and for all. Click here to leave comments [polldaddy poll=4265548] Some more background to help you make your choice! Joy to the World was written by Issac Watts and first … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Where's the Line to See Jesus? [Video]

A few different friends have been sending me this video from YouTube. It’s a new Christmas song that has a lot of appeal. It tells the story of shopping one Christmas when a young boy asks, “Where’s the line to see Jesus?” That simple statement points out a profound truth about the holiday season. Jesus should be the real attraction. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

You Decide: Should Santa Come to Church?

It’s an annual debate in congregations across the country. Now is your chance to officially ban  Santa from the church. Simply take the poll. You can also click here to leave a comment. [polldaddy poll=4257584] Editor’s Note: This is just for fun, Santa will not actually be excommunicated. Please play nice in the comment section.

Podcast #11: Autism and Your Children's Ministry

What is Autism and what issues does it raise in real world ministry? That’s what I wanted to talk about in this latest episode of our podcast. So I invited back Amy Fenton Lee who runs a popular blog about special needs children’s ministry. You’ll remember her from our very first podcast and her guest post about adapting curriculum for … More Children’s Ministry Resources