Lesson: Visit of the Wise Men

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about the Wise Men to teach kids how they can give their own gifts to Jesus. Needed: gift box with mirror in it, flashlight, baby doll, candy, wrapping paper, drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils Lesson Let’s review. So far, we’ve met Zechariah and Elizabeth, John the Baptist’s parents. You remember that the angel Gabriel told them that John was going to born even though Elizabeth was too old to

Lesson: Jesus Stays Behind at the Temple

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Jesus being left behind at the Temple to teach children the importance of being in church. Needed: (Optional: a copy of the script for each of your characters) Review Game: Putting it in Order On strips of paper, write or print out the following sentences. Hide them around your room. See how quickly students can find the papers and put the events in order. The angel tells Zechariah and Elizabeth

John the Baptist Prepares the Way

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson on John the Baptist to teach children about repentance and sharing the good news about Jesus. Needed: good fruit and twigs or leaves Intro Game: Good Fruit Relay Divide students into two teams and have them line up at one side of the room. Give each team a bowl. At the other end of the room, place a bowl full of fruit mixed with twigs and leaves. One by one, the

Lesson: In the Beginning was the Word

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson on John 1 to teach children about who Jesus is. Needed: Bibles Lesson Ask students, Is Jesus alive right now? Jesus is alive right now. He is alive in Heaven. Jesus went to Heaven after God brought Him back to life from dying on the cross. How old do you think Jesus is? Did you know that Jesus has always been alive? Always. Even before He was born on earth. Where

Lesson: Jesus is Baptized

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Jesus’ baptism to teach kids the meaning of baptism. Needed: Bibles, drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: No, No, Chosen! In this version of Duck, Duck, Goose! students sit in a circle, and one student or leader decides which person they want to choose. Explain that in the Old Testament, God chose certain people for special jobs. Lesson Ask students, How many of you have been baptized?

Lesson: Jesus is Tempted

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about the temptation of Jesus to teach kids how Jesus overcame the devil’s temptations. Needed: Bibles Intro Activity: Peer Pressure Playacting Have students form groups of three. Give them a few minutes to think of how to act out a scene in which one or two of them pressure the other(s) to do something wrong, but then, the person resists them. Tell them to be creative in how they might say

Lesson: John’s Disciples Follow Jesus

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Jesus’ first disciples to teach kids the importance of spending time with Jesus. Needed: Bibles, soft balls or paper wads Intro Game: Taking Our Place Play a game of dodgeball with soft play balls or paper wads. When one team starts to accumulate a lot of players in the “Out” zone, run in and say that you’ll take their place being out. They can get back in the game. Do

Lesson: Jesus Turns Water into Wine

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Jesus’ first miracle to teach kids how Jesus changes us. Needed: Bibles, powdered drink mix or cookie dough ingredients, drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: Power Up Freeze Tag  Divide the students into two teams. One team is It and tries to tag the members of the other team. When a student is tagged, they freeze in place. Every minute or so, a designated Power Up leader

Lesson: Jesus Clears the Temple

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Jesus clearing the Temple to teach kids about the sanctity of God’s House. Needed: Bibles, whiteboard or blackboard, soft balls or paper wads, drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils Intro Activity: Acting It Out  Divide students into groups of three or four. Have each group decide on and act out one part of your church service. After each group, briefly discuss why your church includes that in its weekly

Lesson: Jesus Teaches Nicodemus – Born Again

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Jesus and Nicodemus to teach kids what it means to be born again. Needed: Bibles, a balloon for each student, blankets or sheets or beach towels, various objects Intro Game: Up and Down  Give the students blankets, sheets, or beach towels to hold between them. You can break the students into teams or have them complete the following challenges together. 1. Bounce an object 5, 10, and 20 times without

Lesson: Jesus IS the New Temple!

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Jesus’ rebuilding of the Temp to teach kids that Jesus is the way to God. Needed: Bibles Intro Game: Jesus is the Way!  Divide students into two teams. Choose one student from each team to be “Jesus” and one student from each team to be “God.” The goal is for each team to tag the opposite team’s “God.” They can’t tag “God,” however until they tag that team’s “Jesus.” Explain

Lesson: Jesus Teaches Nicodemus – For God So Loved the World

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about John 3:16 to teach kids why Jesus came to Earth. Needed: Bibles, (optional: a flashlight), soft balls, paper wads Intro Game: Jesus Our Light  Play a game of Red Light, Green Light with the change of turning the light on and off. Students run from one side of the room to the other when the lights are on. But when you turn the lights off, they have to stumble around

Lesson: Jesus and John Both Baptizing – He Must Become Greater

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about John the Baptist to teach kids about having humility toward Jesus. Needed: Bibles, a trophy or prize you have won (bring a trophy or prize to show even if it isn’t something you’ve won), drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: Disciple Tag Choose one student to be It. When they tag someone, that person links hands with them and joins their team. They continue adding people to

Lesson: Jesus Heals the Official’s Son

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Jesus healing the official’s son to teach kids about prayer. Needed: Bibles, various objects and a snack Intro Game #1: Manipulating God? part 1  Have the students sit in a circle and throw one of their shoes in the middle of the circle. Choose one student to be It. They pick a shoe and tell the owner to do something to get their shoe back. They can choose a simple

Lesson: Jesus Declares His Mission – A Prophet without Honor

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Jesus’ announcement to teach kids about what Jesus came to do. Needed: Bibles, prophecy clues on strips of paper Intro Game: Fulfilling Prophecy Print or write out prophecy clues about Jesus, along with their Scripture reference, on strips of paper and hide them around the room. Kids rush to find them and then, put them in order according to book of the Bible. When they’re finished, explain that all of

Lesson: Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit in the Synagogue

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids about serving Jesus out of thankfulness. Needed: Bibles, a soft ball, brightly colored pieces of paper Intro Game: Thanks Toss  Students stand in a circle and randomly toss a ball back and forth. Whenever someone catches the ball, they have to name one thing God or Jesus has done for them or given to them they’re thankful for, but it can’t be anything anyone else has said. Lesson

Lesson: Calling the Disciples – Fishers of Men

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson on Jesus calling His disciples to teach kids what it means to be a fisher of people. Needed: Bibles, cardboard tubing or dowel rods, string, paper clips, fish pattern, scissors, crayons or colored pencils or markers, glue, fabric paint, blank t-shirts Intro Craft and Game: Magnet Fishing Before class, make a fishing pole out of dowel rods or cardboard tubing. Glue a piece of string to the end of the pole.

Lesson: Blessed are the Poor in Spirit

Use this beatitudes Sunday School lesson on the first beatitude Jesus gave to teach kids why we need God in our lives. Needed: Bible, old clothes, a sign, pennies or other money, a volunteer to play a beggar, an offering plate Intro Activity: Begging for Change  As you’re starting class, have someone dressed as a poor person come into your class and ask for money. It’s best to disguise this person as much as possible so that

Lesson: Blessed are Those Who Mourn

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson on the second Beatitude to tell kids about the hope we have in Christ. Needed: Bibles, various items, a picture of a deceased loved one, writing or drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: “What’s Missing?” Place a variety of objects on the table or around the room. Have students close their eyes, and then, take one of the objects and put it in your pocket or outside the room.

Lesson: Blessed Are the Meek

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about the third Beatitude to teach kids to be humble in Christ. Needed: Bibles, soft balls or paper wads Intro Game: Catch It!  Divide students into two teams for a game of dodgeball. You can use soft balls or paper wads. One team can only play defense, and the other can only play offense. Team A throws the balls to get Team B out. Team B can only catch the balls

Lesson: Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson on the fourth Beatitude to teach kids to desire what is right. Needed: Bibles, various food or beverage items in paper bags Intro Game: Eat It!  Before class, place various food or beverage items in individual paper bags. Close the bags and line them up on a table. Suggestions include a bottle of water, a cookie, a piece of fruit, a package of crackers, a juice box, etc. Divide the students

Lesson: Blessed are the Merciful

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson the fifth Beatitude to teach kids to be forgiving. Needed: Bibles, writing and drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: To Forgive or Not to Forgive Print out or write the words Forgive or Don’t Forgive on a set of index cards. You should have an equal number of cards that say Forgive as Don’t Forgive. Divide students into two teams, and have the teams line up on separate sides

Lesson: Blessed are the Pure in Heart

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson on the sixth Beatitude to teach kids to have only love in their hearts. Needed: Bibles, a glass or bottle of dirty water, a glass or bottle of clean water, pieces of paper with different emotions represented on them, tape Intro Game: Finding Purity In this game of Eye Spy, you’ll only choose items that are only one color, only one shape, or made out of only one material. You’ll choose

Lesson: Blessed are the Peacemakers

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson on the seventh Beatitude to teach kids how to be peacemakers. Needed: Bibles Intro Game: The Peacemaker  Assign each student a partner. One student won’t have a partner. They’re the Peacemaker. If that leaves another student without a partner, have them pair up with another leader or another pair so that one group has three partners. Partners separate, and students spread out for a game of tag. When Jesus tags someone,