Sunday School Lesson (Luke 12:13-21) Parable of the Rich Foolish Man

Download the Parable of the Rich Fool complete Sunday School lesson and two original coloring pages using the link below. It’s everything you need to plan your lesson and 100% free. “Foolish Rich Builder” Sunday School Lesson on the Parable of the Rich & Foolish Builders (Luke 12:13-21) It’s not all about the Toys…and the Ferrari won’t take you to Heaven — Sunday School Lesson on Proper Priorities Students are often bombarded with messages that proclaim the

Following Jesus (Luke 9:51-62; Luke 14:25-34) Sunday School Lesson

Jesus – He’s More than a Superstar! We get excited and passionate about a lot of things. Whether it is hobbies, sports stars, musicians, actors, or other interests, we grow absorbed and gather as much information as possible about what we follow. In modern days of social media and constant information influx, it is easy to learn more about celebrities or teams. There’s nothing inherently wrong with paying attention to famous people or being engaged in interests.

Jesus Protects and Transforms (Luke 8:26-39) Sunday School Lesson

Fear Not! Jesus Protects and Transforms Us – Also known as the time Jesus Made Deviled Ham… The story in this passage can be a fun, goofy, or challenging one to communicate to kids. How do we approach the topic of demons? What’s with the pigs? There are several elements that we can take from this encounter in Luke. We don’t want to ignore or avoid the spiritual forces present in the Bible, but it is important

Do you want to be Healed? (John 5:1-9) Sunday School Lesson

This is another fun miracle lesson, with a couple of interesting twists. In this story, Jesus encounters a man who has been crippled for many years. Jesus first asks the man if he wants to get better. Not realizing who he was speaking with, the man explained his situation, and received healing in an unexpected way. Although we do not always know what God has planned for us, we can recognize that He will always have the

New Heaven & New Earth (Revelation 21:1-7) Sunday School Lesson

Heaven can be a tricky topic to teach. In fact, it can be hard for adults to understand the themes of Revelation or to grasp what awaits us after life on earth has passed away. To be sure, we cannot know with certainty what will happen as our earthly bodies slip away, but the main message of eschatology should be one of hope. We can know that what God has in store for us is bigger and