Leading a Church with the Family in Mind

This is a live blog by Terry Delaney during the Connecting Church and Home Conference March 2009 at Brentwood Baptist Church in Nashville. You can also read confernce notes on the Soujour Kids blog.  Session #1 Leading a Church with the Family in Mind (David Horner) Finally, then, brothers, we ask and urge you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us … More Children’s Ministry Resources

A Model Prayer For Parents

Teaching parents to pray is a task that is often overlooked in children’s ministry. But when you think about it, there are few things that will have as much eternal impact on the kids in your church. When dads and moms pray, they join their petitions to God’s desires. My friend, Trevin Wax, is education minister at a Baptist church … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Saying Goodbye To My Foster Girls

Update: The girls came back and left again, then came back a third time! We’ve been able to adopt the younger of the two and the older has aged out of foster care. Still praying! This morning, I took our two foster girls home. We’ve had them since November, but driving away from their mom’s house it seemed like much … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children, Parenting & Spiritual Warfare

This article was written by Brent Thomas, Teaching Pastor and an Elder of Grace Community Church in Glen Rose, TX. You can find more of Brent’s articles on his website titled Colossians 3:16As you might know, we are currently (and very expectantly) expecting our fourth boy. Lord willing, Eli Calvin will be here very soon. We are often overwhelmed by … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Mario Doesn't Live Here

My friend Trevin Wax just posted a great article on his website titled Dear Dad and Mom, Thanks for Shooting Mario. It’s a public thank you note to his parents for setting responsible limits on his video game exposure as a child. He writes: I realize it would have been much easier for you to let the Nintendo babysit us … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"My Church" by David

Here is another post by my 7 year old son, David: I go to church at CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH. I go to Sunday school. My Mom is my Teacher. It is very fun! I go to sanctuary. I sing. I go to children’s church …! It is fun! Some times, I stay in sanctuary.

Bible Verse about Parents and Child

Father and children playing

God’s Word says a lot about parenting – how children and parents should related to one another in respect and love. This helpful list of Bible verses about parenting explain the duty of parenting, child instruction, mothers and fathers. These scriptures will encourage and guide you! Helpful Bible Verses about Parent and Child Bible Verses about Children’s Duty to Obey … More Children’s Ministry Resources

A Post By David

My name is David Kummer. Anyway, I am 6 years old. I am smart. If you don’t know, Tony Kummer is my Dad. He is a good Dad. He plays with me. We play Star Wars! And yesterday we went on a big airplane!

Biking With My Boys

My oldest son is almost seven and my youngest is almost two. One thing we love to do is ride our bikes. Over the last few weeks, our Indiana weather has been just right. We headed out tonight just after dinner. Twice around the neighborhood and then off to the “adventure way.” That’s Kummer speak for the country road beyond … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Do You Use Veggie Tales In Church?

I have been one of Big Idea‘s best customers. Until recently, we bought every video. (Even the weird Space Penguins.) We have about a half dozen Veggie Tales toys. We have two Veggie Tale video games and a couple of books. We even have five Veggie Tale CD’s. The videos are funny, thought provoking and very creative. We like the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Is Christian Homeschooling The Answer?

Christian homeschoolingIs homeschooling right for my son? For our family, the answer was not as simple as you might think. My oldest son starts first grade next week. I am a full time Children’s pastor – and get to hear plenty of strong opinions on both sides of the issue. Many of our friends want us to join the Christian homeschooling movement. But I need to know what is right for my son?
To help decide, I’ve made this list of pros and cons. This is my homeshcooling verses public schooling list. In our town, we have an excellent public school system, a new Christian school and a strong homeschooling community. I’ve ruled out the private Christian school because of its price. I’d love to hear what you think about this list. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think.

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Top 10 Christian Parenting Websites

Here are my top 10 Christian parenting websites. These are the sites I most often recommend to people I know. They offer disciple tips, information on child development and more. They offer Christian parenting resources and help for Christian parents. If I left off your favorite Christian parenting website – just leave a comment and I will add it to the list.

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Baby Dedication Ideas

When I first wrote about Baby Dedication Service, I didn’t anticipate the interest it would generate. It seems like many parents and pastors are looking for solid information about conduction a baby dedication service. This post brings together all the information I have found helpful concerning dedicating children to the Lord. I have linked sources where available. If you know … More Children’s Ministry Resources

A Father's Day Sermon On The Fifth Commandment

The following sermon was preached by my pastor, Mike Hamby, on Father’s Day at our church. It was a personal encouragement to me. I trust it may help you too. Don’t miss our full list of Bible verses about Christian parenting . Sermon Title: Honor Your Father and Mother Sermon Text: Exodus 20:12 Sermon Series: The Ten Commandments for Today Date: … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Baby Dedication Ceremony: What You Need to Know

baby dedication ceremony order of service ideas

Prepare for Baby Dedication. View our suggested ceremony. Download child dedication certificates and see example messages with prayers of blessing. Printable Baby Dedication Certificate Here is what you need to know when planning a baby dedication service for your church. The printable file below includes this full how-to article, a template baby dedication certificate, and tips for making this a … More Children’s Ministry Resources