Lesson: The Story of the Fall

A drama and questions to read with your class, 2 object lesson activities, and 2 games. Needed: candy or treats; a potato or another object to pass around; a ripped up dollar bill, a crumbled up cookie, or a similar broken prize (Optional: a copy of the script for each of your characters, included after the leader’s guide) Intro Activity … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Cain and Abel

My lesson on the “fall out” from the Fall with a story about Adam and Eve’s very different sons, Cain and Abel. The object lesson and story game at the end will help students connect the message to their lives. Needed: A twenty-dollar bill (or something comparable) Intro Activity Pull out a $20 bill and hand it to one of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Created to Be Like God

What is the Lord like? How does He can we follow His example? Includes a lesson and craft activity. Needed: drawing paper and markers or crayons Intro Craft Activity Give each student a piece of paper and some crayons and instruct them to draw a person as best as they can. When finished, allow students to show their drawings to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Male and Female

How does God want men and women to help each other? Includes a teaching guide and game. Needed: Bibles Intro Game Activity: Agree or Disagree? (Have students line up in the middle of the room. The leader reads the following statements and the children move to the right side of the room if they agree with the statement, the left … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Created as Stewards

How can we care for the great gift of the world the Creator has given us? Includes a lesson, 2 games, and an optional service project. Needed: Bibles Tell students to imagine the following scenario: Pretend that you’ve just drawn the best picture you’ve ever done. You’re so proud of it and it’s so good that you know you could … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: The Two Greatest Commandments

Jesus tells us to love God and others if we want to follow God’s commandments. Includes a teaching guide, class activity, craft, and optional service project. Needed: white board or large paper to write on, drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils Intro Activity: Top Ten As a class, have students think of their Top Ten favorite things in a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: You Shall Not Commit Adultery

What is God’s plan for marriage? Includes a lesson, 2 games, and a craft. Needed: drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: Act it Out Divide students into teams of two. Give them each a scenario related to dating or marriage to act out. They’ll have a few minutes to plan their scene. Then, each group will show … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: You Shall Not Steal

Teach students to respect others’ property and to even avoid coveting it. Includes a teaching guide and 2 games. Needed: soft play balls or paper wads, a snack or other prize Intro Game: Snatch Ball Mark a line down the center of your play area. Place soft play balls on the line. If you don’t have play balls, you can … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Keeping the Sabbath

How can students spend time with God on this special day? Includes a teaching guide and 3 games. Needed: exercise instruction cards Intro Game: Extreme Exercise Race Have students pair up and complete this race together. All the students will line up by pairs on one side of your play area. Spaced out in a direct line in front of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Why Does God Give Us Rules?

The Lord gives us the Ten Commandments and other rules because He loves us. Includes a lesson and 3 games. Needed: common items, Bibles, Whiteboard and markers or something else to write on, pieces of paper with phrases from the Ten Commandments written on them Game: Breaking the Rules Play any simple game your kids know. The trick is that … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Respecting God’s Name

What does it mean to take the Lord’s name in vain? Includes a lesson, 2 games, and a craft. Needed: drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils, optional blindfold Intro Craft: Drawing Out the Hypocrite Give students some drawing supplies and ask them to draw a picture or write a short story about someone who says they’re a Christian, but … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Honoring Our Parents

Why did the Lord give us parents? Why does He want us to listen to them? Includes a lesson, game, and craft. Needed: white board or large piece of paper, drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: Simon Says Students follow your commands and motion when you say, “Simon says” first. If you don’t say, “Simon says” before … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: You Shall Not Kill

How can we live at peace with one another? Includes a teaching guide and 2 games. Needed: soft play balls or paper wads Intro Game: Don’t Hit Dodge Ball Divide students into two teams. They stand at opposite sides of your play area. Their goal is to not hit the other team while making the other team hit them. If … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Helping to Build the First Church

Teach students about the Tabernacle and about Jesus’ sacrifice for us. Includes a teaching guide, 2 games, and a craft. Note: This lesson could be divided into three lessons if you wish: Building the First Church, Bring Our Offerings, and What They Did at the First Church Needed: paper, crayons or markers, offering plate, supply of coins, (optional: soft play … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Joshua and the Walls of Jericho

Our Promised Land is Heaven. Includes a teaching guide and 2 games. Needed: two ropes or jump-ropes, an illustration of the Ark of the Covenant , a world map or globe, a map of the Exodus journey Intro Game: Crossing the Jordan Place two ropes parallel to each other on the floor. Explain to the students that the space between … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Only One God

Teach students the importance of the first two of the Ten Commandments. Includes a teaching guide, 2 games, and a craft. Needed: drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils, pictures of various gods, a mask Intro Activity: Drawing God As students come in, give them some drawing supplies and ask them to draw various things. First, they should draw themselves, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Following God’s Lead

What does it mean to follow the Lord? Includes a lesson, 2 games, and a prayer exercise. Needed: newspaper or current events magazine Intro Game: Simon Says Students follow your commands and motion when you say, “Simon says” first. If you don’t say, “Simon says” before the command, and they do it anyway, they’re out. If they follow a motion … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: God Chooses the Leaders

The Lord calls us all to our talents for Him. Includes a teaching guide and 2 games. Needed: Nothing (you might need some supplies depending on which activities you pick for the Talent Time game) Game: Talent Time Have students perform a mix of activities to show that everyone has different talents. Some examples include running a race, seeing who … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Balaam and the Talking Donkey

Teach students to listen to God before they listen to anyone else. Includes a lesson and 4 games. Needed: soft play balls or paper wads Intro Game: Simon Says Students follow your commands and motion when you say, “Simon says” first. If you don’t say, “Simon says” before the command, and they do it anyway, they’re out. If they follow … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Moses and the Bronze Snake

The Lord saves us and wants us to be thankful for His blessings. Includes a teaching guide, 2 games, and a craft. Needed: drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils, soft play pall Intro Game: Thanks Toss Students stand in a circle and randomly toss a ball back and forth. Whenever someone catches the ball, they have to name one thing … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: The Death of Moses

Teach students about obeying God and the resurrection of the dead. Includes a lesson and 3 games. Needed: a balloon, a box large enough to put the balloon in Intro Game: Don’t Let it Fall! Gather students in a circle. As you toss a balloon up into the air in the middle of the circle, call one of the student’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Moses and the Burning Bush

The Lord always helps us when He asks us to do something. Includes a lesson, class activity, game, and snack idea. Needed: volunteer to play Moses (you can be Moses if you want), long stick for a staff, flashlight, supplies to make a snack (optional: things to burn) Optional Intro Activity Gather a variety of items that will burn or … More Children’s Ministry Resources