Are You a Missional Children's Minister?

Missional is a term which is gaining traction among church planters and senior leaders. It borrows its root meaning from the more familiar word, missionary. Chances are, your senior pastor is familiar with it. The expression is far less known among children’s ministry leaders. This is unfortunate.  I have read many books introducing me to the concept of being missional. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What Can the Church Do Better than Families?

This is a guest post by Sue Miller as part of Orange Week. Orange is a strategy of bringing the church (yellow) and families (red) together to reach the next generation. If you’re new to Orange, you should click here to learn more. I spent some time recently with a group of leaders talking about children’s ministry. They were sharing … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What about Halloween?

This is a guest post by Reggie Joiner as part of Orange Week. Orange is a strategy of bringing the church (yellow) and families (red) together to reach the next generation. If you’re new to Orange, you should click here to learn more. What About Halloween? Here are a few stats about Halloween: An estimated 47 percent of household consumers decorate … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Larry Shallenberger: The Kids Ministry Exit Interview

A few years back I stumbled across a blog called “Children’s Ministry and Culture.” It covered the important news and cultural trends that influence children’s ministry. The main writer behind that effort was Larry Shallenberger. I’ve never met him, but I expect I will one day. A few weeks back, Larry announced his ministry role was transitioning away from children’s ministry. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

9 Strategies for Reaching Over-Churched Kids

In a previous post, I described the spiritual dangers for overly religious kids. I was writing about kids who get too much church and not enough relationship with Jesus. Most of the comments from that post were supportive and agreed with my assessment. Many readers saw a connection with being over-churched and giving up on church as teenagers. That makes this issue even … More Children’s Ministry Resources

7 Things Kids Wish Their Leaders Knew

A few weeks back, I had a chance to hang out with my two middle children – aged 7 and 9.  We’ve had a few new leaders join our children’s ministry in the last several weeks, so during the course of that weekend, I asked them this question: What do you wish your leaders in children’s ministry knew?  In other … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Life Is Not Fair (and Neither Is God)

Oftentimes as we grow older and become parents, we find ourselves repeating the things that our own parents have said to us.  You know – those sayings that, as a kid, you promised yourself you would never use when you became a parent.  Much like God’s blessings and curses travel from generation to generation, so too do our parents quips … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Should FUN be a Value in Children's Ministry?

Fluff. Watered-down. Just a waste of time. About 5 years ago that was my opinion of any kids ministry that focused on fun. My thinking has changed a lot since then. I’ve learned some things from experience and now I wholeheartedly endorse FUN. No children’s ministry can ignore the role of fun. It should be an intentional value in your … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Qualities Every Kids Minister Ought to Have

I was speaking earlier this week to a children’s pastor (who shall remain nameless for purposes of job security) who was talking about the problem of having a senior pastor who is boring and the impact that will have on the church.  That conversation got me thinking about some fundamental characteristics that anyone working in children’s ministry should possess.  Now, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How To Follow Up After The Children's Ministry Outreach

Beginning in October, many churches enter a flurry of holiday activities. More than likely you will be working in an outreach activity like a fall festival or Christmas play. Planning an outreach and pulling it off can be exhausting.  However you shouldn’t hang your sneakers up just because your children’s ministry outreach is over. It’s at the end of the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Avoid Ministry Burnout & Do More Through Delegation

Those that lead in children’s ministry are typically expected to “do everything” – even if they are not gifted in certain areas. In fact, a common notion is that a “good” Children’s Pastor is one that teaches, administrates, leads, takes out the trash, trains teachers often, is at the church 6 days a week (at least) and still has quality … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Church Decline: Ministry in a Shrinking Church

Confession time – my church is shrinking. I would not say that we are dying, but the numbers show a steady 20% downtrend over the past five years. That is an approximate number for both giving and attendance. There are several factors, but without question my church is in a period of decline. This is not something a long time … More Children’s Ministry Resources