Handling Conflict in Children’s Ministry: Biblical Principles and Practical Advice

Raise your hand if you’ve ever received an angry complaint via email or text message. Now, think about that incident and imagine what the “conversation” may have sounded like if it had happened over the phone. What about in person? The fact of the matter is that when dealing with conflict or complaints a good rule of thumb is to deal with them in person, face-to-face. Here are some guidelines that I’ve learned (mostly by mistake) through

The Pros and Cons of Sunday School: Exploring Different Approaches

Sunday School is an essential part of many churches’ Christian education programs, providing opportunities for spiritual growth and community building. However, there are varying opinions on the best way to organize and teach Sunday School. In this blog post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of Sunday School by examining age-graded and intergenerational approaches, and the impact of class sizes, mentorship, and curriculum on the effectiveness of these programs. The Benefits of Sunday School Spiritual Growth and

Called to the Front: Joining Children at the Feet of Jesus

This post continues Steve’s story about resisting God’s calling and finding spiritual purpose by becoming like a child. As Jesus says in Matthew 18:2 “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Why did I start sitting in the front of the church during worship? My three young daughters, my unencumbered smiling children, pulled me to the front.  They got used to going to the front

A Moment of Truth: When God Calls, Will You Answer?

Have you ever been in a situation where God was calling you to do something, but you hesitated? Maybe you were worried about what others would think, or maybe you just weren’t sure if it was the right thing to do. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of answering God’s call when he calls us. We will also share a personal story about how we failed to act when God called us. We hope

The Best Children’s Ministry Podcasts

If you are a Kids Ministry leader, you know how important it is to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and resources. One great way to do this is by listening to the top podcasts. There are many great podcasts out there that can help you learn more about leading kids ministry, and keep your teaching fresh. In this blog post, we will share our picks for the best podcasts for Kids Ministry leaders! As we planned

Children’s Ministry Podcast: State of Kids Ministry in 2022

It’s hard to believe that children’s ministry is already in 2022, but here we are! In this episode of the Children’s Ministry Podcast, we take a look at the state of kids ministry and what lies ahead. What trends are happening in churches today? What do kids need most from their ministry? And how can we make sure our ministry is future-proof? Tune in for all that and more! Church leaders, what is the state of your

5 Ways to Do Kids Ministry (Right Now) Even with the Coronavirus Lockdown

Kids are afraid – and bored – and parents are feeling the stress. THIS IS THE TIME WHEN YOUR KIDS MINISTRY IS NEEDED MOST. Here are my top five thing you can do right now to help children’s (and parents) turn to JESUS today. 1. Share what the Bible says to us during this crisis. 2. Help families to pray together – 5 finger prayer and coloring page 3. Church leaders should be calling every family to pray.

29 Ways to Do Ministry when Church is Cancelled by Coronavirus

COVID-19 related church cancellations are rolling in fast. It’s time for ministry leaders to step forward and find non-traditional paths of ministry that do not include in-person meetings. This page is a resources for anyone leading children’s or youth ministry when their church services are cancelled due to the spreading Coronavirus disease. Please share this page and leave your comments as we’re constantly updating it with more ideas to help your ministry. This is tragic and unprecedented. But

Stop Shaming Busy Parents — Church attendance does not equal faithfulness

Lately, their has been a buzz on social media about parents to bringing their kids to church. They lead with outrageous titles implying that skipping church will doom your children to become unbelievers. I was shocked to see how many people were sharing (and liking) these negative posts. We 100% agree that church attendance is important and plays a role in kids coming to Christ, but some of these articles cross the line into legalism and parent

Why go to a conference? Conversation with Michayla White from INCM

I just had a great conversation with the Michayla White, the executive director of the International Network of Children’s Ministry. This was a informal talk about what’s happening right now in kids ministry and why leaders need time to recharge at events like the Children’s Pastors Conference. Why go to a children’s ministry conference? Training Resources from INCM Free webinars Certification in Children’s Ministry Subscribe to their blog Children’s Pastor’s Conference Interview Audio about the Children’s Pastors

4 Truths Kids Need Every Sunday

What are the first things kids learn from our ministry? What messages really stick? This short article (and audio) will help you focus on 4 basic lessons children need from your church or Sunday School. 4 Lessons Kids Need to Learn Every Sunday Teaching Sunday School can be hard – lesson planning requires prayer, preparation, and the right supplies. Effective teaching doesn’t happen on accident. Good teachers will do this work long before class time, but that

Self-Care: Why You Need Space To Breathe (Especially When You're in Ministry)

* This post was shared by our friend Steve Austin, he’s an Author, Speaker, & Coach. Click here to join his free 7 day self-care challenge. Four years ago, I was a youth pastor, sign language interpreter, wedding photographer, radio host, husband, and father. In that order. Long days and nights were the norm. I worked in a school full-time, had after-school activities, a radio show two nights a week, and church activities Wednesday night and all day

Kids In Leadership: Training Kids to Serve

Next time you stand in front of your children’s church, take a good look around the room. Instead of seeing future leaders, think the way God does—these are leaders, now! Some people think you need to be a born leader but that’s not true. God has placed unique gifts in all of us but for most it takes some work to get these skills honed. Shine up those “diamonds in the rough” by placing them in places

Devotional: People Please Don't Reduce People to "Quality Lists"

OK If you have ever shopped for a car or a home (or hey, even a new jacket), more likely than not you have come up with a list of properties to look for. Safety, cost value, reliability, comfort, appearance…these might all be factors. Decisions or characterizations, whether with regards to big or small items, usually involve identifying and weighing various elements. Unfortunately, sometimes we tend to carry that attitude over to relationships. Whether with peers or pupils,

Churches, Kids, and Food Allergies – The Danger We Often Forget

All of us who work with kids want the best for the kids in our care. They’re our babies and we love them. None of us would intentionally put a child at risk. We carefully staff the classrooms. We buy the latest Christian books. We paint the walls exciting colors. We plan our programs down to the smallest detail….building the city of Jericho with play dough, finger painting the crossing of the Red Sea, and making fun

How to Have a Successful Team Meeting

Does the idea of hosting a team meeting with your volunteers make you less than enthusiastic? Do your team meetings have a history of being nonproductive? Even if you have never been to a John Maxwell Leadership Training Course you can hold a successful team meeting — one that will produce results for months to come. Today I’m sharing with you the loose framework I use when planning volunteer or team meetings. First it is important to

How to Explain to Children When a Teacher Quits

When a teacher quits or loses his or her position, it is difficult not just for the ministry but for the children in the class. If you happen to be an interim or the next teacher for the class or children’s church you may find it difficult talking to kids about what happened. How do you explain to children when a teacher quits? It is true that children are resilient and wonderfully forgiving however they do tend

And All God's Children Said… What Does “Amen” Really Mean?

We teach it and say it all the time…so much so that it can become only a trite closing to our daily prayer rituals. “In Jesus’s name…” “For thine is the kingdom and the glory forever and ever…” However we precede it, the word “Amen” is an important component of our blessings and communication with God. But what does it mean? Is it important, and how can we express that to our youngsters? The lexical definition of

Devotional: Shifting from Martha to Mary

“As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, ‘Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell

"Just…Be" Devotion from Psalm 46:10

I am a runner. I shamelessly display my “26.2” bumper stickers and Road Runners club key fob, and I rarely have all ten toenails intact. Running is in some ways rather an odd passion: it requires vast discipline and sacrifice, yet yields minimal immediate visible results (minus the black toenails). In spite of that, there is such joy and satisfaction in the end that the temporary suffering is worth it. There is a pure and spectacular beauty

Leading Kids Through a Pastoral Change

Pastoral changes are hard on everyone, especially the kids. Imagine how you would feel if you were seven and the only pastor you have ever known decided to leave the church. Whether the parting of ways is truly a God thing or something else, it can diminish a child’s concept of stability–and quiet possibly even his or her ideas about God. I know that sounds extreme but never underestimate the mind of a child! Fortunately, the kids

Best Advice to a New Kids Pastor

Congratulations and welcome to ministry! I’m sure you know quite a lot about children’s ministry already but it can’t hurt to hear a few tips. I have been working with children for almost 20 years and I can assure you that is a satisfying and rewarding occupation. Children love the Lord and they love those that serve him. To encourage you along the way, I wanted to offer my best advice to a new children’s pastor. Maybe

5 Biblical Ways to Sustain Ministerial Harmony (Romans 12)

The musical term “dissonance” means, “a tension or clash resulting from the combination of two disharmonious or unsuitable elements1.” Basically, when two notes are too close together it results in an uncomfortable, colliding sound. A way to think about it is like hearing a fork scrape across a plate or fingers running down a chalk board; the instant shudder you receive is the result of dissonance. However, a normal, harmonious sound – such as birds chirping or

Devotion: A Different Kind of Price Tag – Working to gain Heavenly treasure…

What’s in it for me? This is a refrain often repeated and wondered in our modern culture. As Christian workers, we know that our reward may not be measurable here on earth. However, in the practicality of daily living and in the simple state of being human, we also tend to be concerned with receiving proper credit and compensation for the things that we do. Will people know whose hand designed the T-shirt graphic or drew the