Fun Ways to Thank Volunteers

I’m not great at predicting summer attendance in my children’s ministry but I still like to offer the community a few kids’ events between June and August. To pull off my wacky outdoor programs and big Sunday promotions I need volunteers – and lots of them! I know it’s a big sacrifice to volunteer during the summer months; lots of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teaching Kids How to Pray for Others

Lifting one another in prayer follows the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” I always want prayer! Serving others in prayer helps our Christian friends through the tough times and sows prayer seeds for our own battles. Children who pray set a holy example to others but praying for others does not come … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Leading a Prayer Meeting for Kids

When kids express a desire to learn how to pray, it is time for a prayer meeting! During a prayer meeting or even a mini lesson, you can teach kids how to pray for themselves, their families, communities and the world around them. Powerful, effective prayer isn’t too regimented but it’s still a good idea to provide children with leadership … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Tips for Kids' Altar Calls

God wants every child filled with His presence; many times this occurs during the altar service.  Many children’s pastors believe that these God-encounters should only occur during the altar service in the “big church,” not in children’s church. Yet, Jesus said, “Let the little children come unto me,” and “God is spirit and his worshipers must worship Him in spirit … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Integrating Sign Language into Children's Ministry

Throughout the course of our time spent together, she will say any number of words to me from “silly bird” to “milk” to “thank you” and “cold.”  She is just 16 months, so her verbal skills aren’t there yet, but her sign language communicates most everything she needs.  He was ten years old when he sat behind a desk in … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Ways to Reach More Children for Jesus

When the scope of your ministry needs enlarging you have to do more than pray kids into the pews. Put shoes on those prayers and get out into the community to reach more kids. Expand your Christian ministry by moving into these five areas of ministry. They don’t require expensive equipment or a committee of public relations people. Get back … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Workshop on Stopping Problem Behaviors

In this 18 minute video workshop, you’ll learn why misbehavior happens and how you can stop it before it starts. Feel free to download the workshop notes to review and share with your team. Leave a comment below sharing your favorite behavior management ideas. More Resources The following links will help you and your team learn more on this topic. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Rekindle Your Passion for Kids Ministry

Children’s ministry is a work of love but there are times when your feelings can get the best of you. It’s not unusual for a pastor or volunteer to feel lonely, unappreciated and forgotten; we aren’t robots. During these seasons, some leaders consider quitting or at the very least, they lose their passion for ministry. If you’ve ever felt this … More Children’s Ministry Resources

6 Places to Find Teaching Inspiration

Teachers need good sources of inspiration to bring the Word of God to life for their kids. Reading a Bible story makes a good starting place but sometimes, it helps to take inspiration from common things that kids can relate to. One of the best ministry conferences I ever attended led the teachers in an exercise that challenged my thinking … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Leading a Child to Christ

Jesus said, “Let the little children come unto me,” — and he meant it! God is not impressed by our ages and doesn’t require His followers to reach a certain height before they enter His kingdom. As children’s ministry leaders, we need to be comfortable and skillful at leading a child to Jesus. We aren’t to manipulate or put words … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Going the Extra Mile in Preteen Ministry

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from My 10 year-old son Ethan, plays baseball. His team lost the first game in the playoffs, but they are determined to not give up. In fact, they had practice Memorial Day weekend. The baseball fields are usually packed with kids of all ages on any given Saturday. But they were all … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Ideas for a Summer Volunteer Drive

What’s the one ingredient your VBS, Kids’ Crusade and summer events all require? Volunteers! Especially during those warm months when most everyone’s mind is focused on vacation and leisure activities. Children’s ministry does not shut down when the weather gets warm; it’s still an important function of the church that needs multiple hands to make it work. You might think … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Should You Write Your Own Kids' Ministry Curriculum?

An easy-to-follow, power-packed curriculum helps teachers reach the kids they teach but finding lessons that fulfills a specific criteria challenges many. Every children’s church is different and factors like church doctrine, time and volunteer constraints make selecting a curriculum even more of a task. According to some estimates, up to 18% of churches do write their own kids ministry curriculum. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Workshop: How To Plan Major Events

In this 21 minute presentation, you will learn the 9 steps for organizing major events in your children’s ministry. You can download the notes from this workshop, PowerPoint or share the video with your team using this link. Group Discussion Leave a comment below to share your response to this training. For example, you could discuss a recent major event in your church and how these … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Review Activity for Kids with Special Needs

Want a fun way to reinforce a Bible lesson that requires little preparation and all kids love?  Keep Yes/No sticks on hand for every Bible lesson.  Either during the story or at the end of small group time, pass out sticks so that each child has a yes for one hand and a no for the other.  Pose questions to the group that … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The K-W-L Chart: A Great Bible Teaching Tool

If you’re looking for a different teaching approach on a Sunday morning, The K-W-L Chart just may be the way to go.  The K-W-L Chart is a traditional teaching strategy that is effective in determining a student’s current knowledge, generating an interest in subject matter, and recalling valuable lessons learned.  It can be utilized to teach any type of Biblical … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What Kids Need to Know about "Same-Sex Marriage"

Times have changed. Today’s kids live will inherit a world where gay marriage is accepted and affirmed, even by the President of the United States. Christians who maintain the biblical witness against this practice will be labeled “bigots.” More Suggested Reading: The ERLC of the Southern Baptist Convention has many helpful articles detailing what this means for churches. How will … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How will "Gay Marriage" impact Children's Ministry?

With the coming political firestorm over “same-sex marriage,” it’s going to be a topic kids hear about. If your children aren’t asking yet, it’s just a matter of time. As ministry leaders, we should think carefully about how we respond and find the right balance of truth & grace. That’s why I sent the following question to several of my … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What Do Kids Really Think About Your Ministry?

A few years ago, I was asked a question that radically changed the way I operated my children’s ministry. (Nothing like a change of perspective to adjust your viewpoint, just look at Ezekiel; I’m thankful that at least, God didn’t have to tug me by the hair to get my attention.) A kids’ ministry conference speaker asked the gathered teachers … More Children’s Ministry Resources

When Children Leave Your Ministry

Children love freely with complete abandon and without thought for tomorrow – so do many children’s ministers. How can you avoid caring for the ones God cares for? Watching children grow in God, seeing the light come on during a lesson; these things make us love our kids even more. I know how it feels; pouring your heart into a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Are Preteens Ready for Ministry Leadership?

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from God always amazes me when he uses preteens in leadership. A friend of mine, Clint May, President of CDM International, told me the story of Sarah, who went through a preteen leadership program at his church. Here’s the story in Clint’s words. “One year we did a mission trip in San … More Children’s Ministry Resources

11 Tips for Serving a Small Country Church

If your students are die-hard John Deere advocates, then you might serve in a small country church.  If you have a homegrown cow in your freezer, then you might serve in a small country church.  If your students come to church in boots and buckles and have guns and know how to use them, then you might serve in a … More Children’s Ministry Resources