"Erase the Verse" Bible Memory Game

Here is another activity to help kids memorize a scripture verse in a group setting. This one is perfect for longer verses and works best with a smaller group of kids (less than 15). Let me know what you think or if you have any new variations. Click here to leave a comment. Supplies: Large dry erase marker board with … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Rehoboam and Jeroboam Reign (Sunday School Lesson)

This lesson covers the reign of Rehoboam and Jeroboam and continues our series on the Kings of Israel. Click here to see the lesson index. Studying these first kings that reign in the divided kingdom will reveal how God’s people must guard their hearts from being led astray. This lesson was prepared for older students and can be adapted for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Divided Kingdom (Sunday School Lesson)

This lesson plan continues our series about the Kings of Israel. The lesson teaches us that while sin separates us from God’s best for us, His promises still stand despite our sin.  The lesson is a guide to help teachers study and prepare the lesson for the individual needs of the ministry in which they lead. This lesson was prepared … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sketching Bible Memory Verses

Here is a fun learning activity that will promote understanding of Bible memory verses. One of weak points of route Bible memory is a lack of comprehension. This sketch process will force them (and you) to transfer concepts into symbols, a key skill in learning. Supplies: Dry erase maker and board. Alternatively you can use poster board, giant Post-It notes, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Visiting a Church with your Special Needs Child: Try this 4 Step Plan

This guest post is from Amy Fenton Lee of the Inclusive Church blog. Many churches are working to better include children with special needs.  Whether or not a church has taken steps to welcome children with learning differences or disabilities, parents can proactively prepare the children’s ministry team for their child’s successful inclusion. #1 Contact the church in advance When planning … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Year Salvation Object Lessons

Everyone likes a clean slate, a fresh start or kid language a “do-over.” A new coloring book, fresh chalkboards are two “clean slate” examples kids look forward to. As children’s church leaders it is our joy to teach kids about the new start that Jesus gives us all. With the New Year approaching, many people will nobly focus in making … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Wisdom of Solomon Sunday School Lesson

The next lesson in the series of Israel’s kings introduces students to Solomon.  As Solomon begins his reign of all the things he could have asked for he asks God for wisdom.  Students will learn that God’s wisdom is available to all who ask and by living a life using Godly wisdom they will experience great blessing. This lesson was … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Church Christmas Party Games

A Christmas party provides a nice background for kids to socialize with one another. However, every seasoned ministry leader knows expecting kids to entertain themselves is a recipe for disaster. This is especially true if sugar is involved! Keep your children’s church Christmas party on the “straight and narrow” by breaking up social time with fun party games. Enjoy these … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Activities for Children’s Church

At Christmas, you will see excited young visitors, many of which won’t be accustomed to sitting still for long periods. Prepare for the fidgety crowds and short attention spans with Christmas activities for kids’ church. Entertaining activities are a good way to supplement a lesson or build on a Bible truth. Peruse our list of Christmas activities to find the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: The Good Fruit of the Holy Spirit

This is the fourth in a series of four Bible lessons for children teaching them about the Holy Spirit.  Click here to see all the lesson plans. Don’t miss our many other Fruit of the Spirit resources. The particular lesson focuses on the “Fruit of the Spirit” that God produces in believers. It challenges children to examine the outcome of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Book Helps Fight the Perfect Parent Syndrome

“It’s hard enough to train kids to behave, but good behavior isn’t what Jesus calls for in the Bible.” In Spiritual Parenting, author Michelle Anthony calls us as parents to “depend upon God for our children’s spirtual and moral development, urging us toward a heart posture of surrender and faithfulness. The end goal is a vibrant faith that is passed … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What You Should Know About Group's "Family Hour"

Group Publishing has something new for families. Their Fun-for-the-Whole-Family Hour is exactly that – an hourlong event for families to interact, share, discover, laugh, and explore together. This particular theme includes clips from the upcoming Narnia film “Voyage of the Dawn Treader”. Not just cost effective at $19.99, it is extremely efficient, with just the essentials necessary to host a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

King Saul Persecutes David: Kids Bible Lesson

This lesson continues the study of Israel’s kings. Click here to see the lesson index. The focus of this lesson is David’s perseverance through difficulties during the period of time before he takes the throne.  Believers can learn from David’s example to persevere during difficult times because one day they will receive their heavenly reward.  Even with opposition and persecution … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Handle Discipline Problems in Kids Church

You signed up to teach kids about God but instead you spend most of the class pulling kids off furniture and intercepting squabbles. After a few weeks, you may begin to have feelings of discouragement and inadequacy. You begin to second-guess your decision to serve and you may even consider turning in your resignation. Dear friend in ministry, are not … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: King Saul's Rebellious Heart

This is the follow-up lesson about King Saul and continues our series on the Kings of Israel. Click here to see the lesson index. God gave Israel their request to have a king and Saul was a true reflection of their hearts.  He looked good on the outside but was disobedient in his heart. Students will learn from Saul’s life … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Ways to Fill Volunteer Gaps in Kids Ministry

Children’s ministry volunteers are the precious jewels of your ministry, the force that keeps the vision moving forward. Unfortunately, at some point in your ministry, you will likely experience a volunteer shortage or some in cases a drought of willing hands. A lack of these cherished volunteers can put a strain on your first string, tried and true helpers and … More Children’s Ministry Resources