Trunk or Treat: Car Decoration Ideas for Church

Trunk or Treat can be a fun way for churches to serve their community around Halloween. It’s a simple idea – volunteers decorate their cars in the church parking lot and invite the kids to trick or treat in a safe environment. This post shares some simple ideas for car decorations. Christian trunk or treat ideas 7 Awesome Trunk or … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Secret of Advantage of Small Churches

This post was contributed by Lindsey Whitney from the Growing Kids Ministry blog. Be sure to check out their kids game ideas . Have you ever visited a mega-church? If so, then you know the feeling– sitting in the plush movie-theatre seating, sipping on a freshly prepared latte and trying desperately not to covet.  In our heads, we think “Oh … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Work" Sunday School Lesson (for Labor Day)

Have you ever taught children what the Bible says about the value of work? Then you might enjoy this simple lesson plan that explains why our jobs matter to God. Children need to understand that working hard  glorifies God. Work is one way we love our neighbors and fulfill our purpose in life. These truths are relevant in all of life. I … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Reasons To Still Do Vacation Bible School

In churches across the nation, this year’s Vacation Bible School is quickly becoming a memory. There are many people out there who think that VBS is an outdated program whose time has come and gone.  Fresh off of the excitement and exhaustion that is the controlled chaos that is VBS, here is my list of the top ten reasons to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Why I Don’t Want to Be Too Good at Kidmin

I saw a tweet the other day extolling the virtues of summer volunteers because they bring excitement and enough nervousness to rely on Jesus (thanks @mattguevara).  That tweet set me thinking about my own approach to children’s ministry.  I constantly talk about the need to be prepared, the need to invest the time, the need to memorize your lesson, and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Printable VBS Evaluation Forms

This is the time of year when churches all around the country are either wrapping up their VBS for this summer or getting their VBS in before the school year starts again.  All the planning was done months ago, volunteers were recruited, supplies were purchased, skits were rehearsed, games were planned, and VBS went off without a hitch.  Everyone breathes … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What's so simple about "Simply Strategic Stuff"?

As we begin to prepare for fall, and get everyone excited about the next year in ministry, I return to an old favorite — Simply Strategic Stuff.  Simply Strategic Stuff, by Tim Stevens and Tony Morgan, and published by Group, claims to be “help for leaders drowning in the details of running a church”.  These two men hail from Granger … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Paul and Barnabas Persevere

This lesson is a continuation of the study of the Book of Acts.  Paul and Barnabas face difficulties in Iconium and Lystra but continue to share the Good News because they are empowered with the Holy Spirit.  Children will learn that God helps us stick to our mission, even when things get hard. This lesson can be adapted for Children’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Paul and Barnabas (Children's Sunday School Lesson)

This lesson is a continuation of Paul and Barnabas’ first missionary journey.  In this lesson they experience rejection to the message of the Gospel and also see many respond with faith as they hear the message.  The lesson can be used in Children’s church and also simplified for younger students. Be creative and adapt this lesson to fit your own … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Encouragement & Recruiting DVD for Kids Ministry

Bob Singleton from God’s Kids Worship sent me a review copy of their special encouragement resource DVD titled The Story in their Eyes. The idea is to show this video at a teacher appreciation event or use it in recruiting volunteers for your children’s ministry. I could imagine some churches would show it directly to their congregation during a Sunday Morning … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Four Tasks To Do After Vacation Bible School

Your VBS has come to a conclusion. After all the “de-decorating” has occurred one may think all he or she is left with are some traces of hay or sand, that yellow tacky left behind on the walls from posters, snack crumbs under the chairs, and all that leftover craft supplies that seem to always accumulate in that same corner … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Surviving Ministry in a Shrinking Church

It’s been a few months since our last Think Tank discussion. These are occasional forum-type posts where I ask several Children’s Ministry leaders to respond to a difficult question. The responses are always helpful and bring insight from several different directions. For this session of the Think Tank, I posed a question that affects my own ministry. My congregation has … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Peter and Cornelius Sunday School Lesson

This lesson is taken from the story of God revealing to Cornelius a Gentile and to Peter a Jew, His plan to remove barriers that separated Jews and Gentiles.  Students will learn how God began to guide Peter to understand His plan to allow Gentiles to receive salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.  Even though Peter doesn’t fully understand he … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Night or Day Vacation Bible School Schedule?

A reader recently emailed me asking for advice about her VBS schedule. I thought it was a good question so I wanted to share a few quick thoughts here on the website. This is not an exhaustive discussion, so please share your ideas in the comment section below. You can also check out a helpful conversation about this on the Kidology forums. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch Sunday School Lesson

Want kids to share their faith? Then give them this powerful example of Philip telling the Ethiopian Eunuch about Jesus. This was an important moment in the early church and Philip was obedient to God’s Spirit when he shared the Good News with a stranger. Students will be challenged to listen for God’s leading and immediately obey. This Bible lesson … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Lesson "Purpose in Tough Times"

This Sunday School lesson will help children begin a discussion and gain understanding to the Lord’s desire to use hard times in their lives to strengthen them and teach them more about Himself and to strengthen their trust in the Lord.  This lesson is based on James 1:1-4 and can be used for Sunday School or Children’s Church. Bible Truth: God … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Popular Ideas for VBS Themes

Spark interest in your event by promoting these popular VBS themes. These favorite themes are ideal for drawing kids who may never have attended church or your church before. Utilize these ideas to create a VBS your kids will be proud to attend and tell their peers about. Archaeology Archaeology is a subject that interests kids and adults alike. Use … More Children’s Ministry Resources