Helping Little Liars

No one is more creative than an imaginative child! As kids ministry leaders, we celebrate their inherent creativity! However, this God-given talent for “seeing and saying” with the heart can be distorted into flat out sinning. Kids don’t have a monopoly on lying but if we can intervene, we can help these little storytellers recapture their imaginations and their tongues. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

6 Tips for Telling Bible Stories

Exciting. Epic. Life changing. That’s the adjectives I want to hear when kids and parents reflect on how I’m telling Bible stories. I’m not a professional storyteller but I do love the Word of God and I love sharing it with my kids and adult helpers. I may share the object lessons, the games and the activities but when it … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Simple Easter Play for Church – Download PDF Script

This free Easter script can help you create a simple drama at your church to share the message of Jesus’ Resurrection. This Easter play has many parts for children and could be produced almost entirely by the children’s ministry. The songs mentioned are suggestions from what we did in our church, please use music most appropriate (and available) to your … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Ways to Jazz Up Your Teaching Style

Does the sight of kids nodding off, rolling their eyes or acting up remind you of your recent children’s ministry lesson? If so, chances are you’ve slipped into a rut but no worries! You can easily jazz up your teaching style without enrolling in a refresher course at the local university. Put away the podium. Get the kids out of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Tips for a Kids' Church Takeover Service

If you’ve been asked to participate in a kids’ church takeover service — rejoice! How wonderful to participate in a church that welcomes children in the “big church” and allows kids to serve in ministry. For the children’s pastor faced with leading this service, it may seem like a daunting task. During my tenure as a children’s pastor, I’ve been … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What Are Some Good Activities for Church Nursery Kids?

The church nursery isn’t meant to be the “crying zone.” You know the place–where parents and children tearfully part for a few hours during service. The church nursery can be the most popular place in the church, at least amongst the children. Be ready for faith-filled action by providing upbeat activities for the kids in your care. Activities will allow … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Gideon Lesson for Children's Church (Judges 6:1-22)

This free Children’s Church lesson plan was first written for elementary aged students. It covers the story of Gideon and how God used him to save his people. This material could also be used as the Bible lesson plan for children’s Sunday school. Be sure to consider your own ministry context and modify it as needed. For younger children, you … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Free Sunday School Materials

Are you looking for materials for your children’s Sunday School? Then you’ll love all the free resources we have posting and linked on our website. Here is a collection of our most popular resources to get you started. New Materials for Sunday School Need something else? Then, use the search feature in the right sidebar or browse our table of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

9 Strategies for Reaching Over-Churched Kids

In a previous post, I described the spiritual dangers for overly religious kids. I was writing about kids who get too much church and not enough relationship with Jesus. Most of the comments from that post were supportive and agreed with my assessment. Many readers saw a connection with being over-churched and giving up on church as teenagers. That makes this issue even … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Video: Good Samaritan Bible Story for Children

My friend Cullen from Cullen’s Abc’s posted this great video on YouTube and it would be a great help in teaching kids the story of the Good Samaritan. You could be use it in Sunday School to supplement a children’s Bible lesson. As always, Cullen models good storytelling technique.  If you are looking for spiritual songs for children, you can … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How To Read The Bible Aloud For Children

Bible Storytelling Jonah little girl

Bible reading is one of the most important activities you can do with children. I believe that every Sunday school session, family devotion and children’s church meeting should include a time of Bible reading. Since the Bible is God’s Word, we should do our best to listen to it. The Big Problem: Can Kids Understand? Children become discouraged when they … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Jonah Bible Lessons for Children

I recently finished teaching through the book of Jonah in our Children’s Church. I began to see some big themes in Jonah that I had missed before. Here is an outline of what I taught, it will need some adaptation to fit in your ministry. This page offers some hints for teaching this important Bible story to children. Below you … More Children’s Ministry Resources