My friend Cullen from Cullen’s Abc’s posted this great video on YouTube and it would be a great help in teaching kids the story of the Good Samaritan. You could be use it in Sunday School to supplement a children’s Bible lesson. As always, Cullen models good storytelling technique. If you are looking for spiritual songs for children, you can check the King of the Jungle song, or you can browse all of Cullen’s Abc’s spiritual videos for children on YouTube.
The Parable of the Good Samaritan

Other Ways to Use this Video Bible Story
I love using video clips to supplement my children’s church lessons. If your children’s ministry has the right technology, you could show this video clip to the children as part of your lesson plan. Christian parents and homeschoolers could also use this Bible story with their children. I especially like the way Cullen uses the simple stick figure props to tell the story. This could be a very effective teaching activity if the children also make the same Good Samaritan craft.