My Sheep Hear My Voice (John 10:22-30) Sunday School Lesson

Lesson Title:  Knowing Jesus Through the Five Senses: The Sense of HearingBible Reference: John 10:22-30; Psalm 46:10; John 10:28Target Age Group: ElementaryLearning Context: Sunday SchoolTarget Time Frame: 45 minutes Focus Verse: “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27 Gospel Connection: In this lesson, children learn to listen closely to what God is trying to tell them.  When Jesus was on the Earth many people did not believe He was

Lesson: Knowing Jesus Through… The Sense of Touch (John 20:27)

Lesson Title:  Knowing Jesus Through the Five Senses: The Sense of Touch Bible Reference: John 19:16-20:31 Target Age Group: Elementary Learning Context: Sunday School Target Time Frame: 45 minutes Focus Verse: “Stop doubting and believe.” John 20:27b Gospel Connection: This lesson uses everyday objects to tell the most important story in the Bible; Jesus’ death and resurrection. In John 20, Thomas refused to believe that Jesus had truly returned until he touched Jesus’ hands and felt the

Lesson: Knowing Jesus Through…The Sense of Sight (John 18:1-14)

Lesson Title:   Knowing Jesus Through the Five Senses: The Sense of Sight Bible Reference: John 18:1-14; 19-23; 28-40; John 19:1-16 Target Age Group: Elementary Learning Context: Sunday School Target Time Frame: 45 minutes Focus Verse: As soon as the chief priests and their officials saw him, they shouted, “Crucify! Crucify!” But Pilate answered, “You take him and crucify him.  As for me, I find no basis for a charge against him.”  John 19:6 Gospel Connection: Last week,

Lesson: Knowing Jesus Through … The Sense of Taste (Matthew 26:17-30)

Lesson Title:   Knowing Jesus Through the Five Senses: The Sense of Taste Bible Reference: Matthew 26:17-30; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Target Age Group: Elementary Learning Context: Sunday School Target Time Frame: 45 minutes Focus Verse: While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Matthew 26:26 Gospel Connection: Jesus’ death was not a surprise to Him.  He knew it

Lesson: Knowing Jesus Through … The Sense of Smell (Ephesians 5:2)

Lesson Title:   Knowing Jesus Through the Five Senses: The Sense of Smell Bible Reference:  Ephesians 5:2; Genesis 1:28-31; Genesis 2:15-17; Genesis 3:1-6; Romans 5:12 Target Age Group: Elementary Learning Context: Sunday School Target Time Frame: 45 minutes Focus Verse: “And walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:2 Gospel Connection: God blessed us with five senses with which

Bible Lesson – Putting Others Before Ourselves

In our culture, competitiveness is a part of everyday life. Our children value being the best at whatever it is they are doing.  It is good that children strive to always do their best, but the Bible teaches us to be humble and to always do for others without thinking of ourselves.  This lesson will help children understand that they need to put others before themselves. Lesson Title:   Putting Others Before Ourselves Bible Reference:  Mark 9:33-37 Target

Bible Lesson: Make Time For God

In this passage Jesus gets up early and finds a place to pray before He begins his busy day.  The disciples went looking for him because they did not understand the importance He placed on spending time with God.  Through this lesson children will learn the importance of spending time with God.  God is in control of our lives and wants to be personally involved in our lives. Lesson Title:   Making Time For God Bible Reference:  Mark

Bible Lesson: Jesus Fills Us Up

A person without Christ is like a man walking through the desert.  Completely dry and in need of water.  Christ is the living water of our lives.  He sustains us and fills us up.  Just as the body cannot live without water the soul cannot live without Jesus.   This lesson uses the contrast of a dry and wet sponge to teach children how different their lives are based on whether or not they have Jesus in their

Bible Lesson: Jesus’ Message is for Everyone (Mark 2:13-17)

When Jesus called Levi to become a disciple many people were shocked.  Jesus was the Son of God, while Levi was a sinner and a tax collector.  The Pharisees felt that Jesus was too good to be seen with someone like Levi.  But Jesus knew that Salvation was for everyone.  Jesus used the calling of Levi as a way to teach the Pharisees that He came for all people, not only the ones who were righteous but

Preschool Lesson: Jesus Can Heal Sick People

In this passage, children will learn about Jesus’ power. Many people were amazed and shocked to discover that Jesus had the power to heal the sick and cast out demons. This account affirms Jesus’ position as the Son of God. Through this lesson children will learn that Jesus is God’s son and as such holds the power to heal the sick and destroy demons. If Jesus had the ability to do this when He walked the Earth

Preschool Bible Lesson: Being a Disciple (Mark 1:14-20)

Two very important things happen in this passage.  First of all, we see Jesus traveling to other cities preaching the good news.  Jesus is setting the example of what true discipleship should be.  He is going to the people and telling them the good news.  Later, whenever he called Simon, Andrew, James and John, they follow his example and simply go with Him so that they can spread the good news.  These new disciples are also a

Lesson: He Will Come Unto Us Like Rain

Lesson Title:   He will Come Unto Us like Rain Bible Reference:  Hosea 6:1-3 Target Age Group: Preschool to Elementary Learning Context: Sunday School Target Time Frame: 45 minutes Memory Verse: “And he shall come unto us as the rain.” Hosea 6:3 Gospel Connection: Sometimes in life we allow ourselves to drift further apart from God than we should.  We are sinners simply because we are human and it is a part of our nature.  This passage references

"The Great Commission" Bible Lesson

The Great Commission is important because it serves as a guide for Christians who do not know what to do with their lives. As Jesus is ascending into Heaven he reminds his disciples that they must be His witness in all the earth. They must spread the good news of Jesus’ resurrection and offer of salvation to everyone who will listen. They must share this news with people in their hometowns, their country and in other countries.

Bible Lesson: Learning From the Ants (Proverbs 6)

This proverb serves as a wakeup call against the dangers of laziness. Culturally, laziness is becoming more and more acceptable. But the Bible teaches us in this passage that laziness ultimately leads to destruction. We can look at the ant as an example of how we are to live. Ants work hard, even without supervision. They plan ahead for times when they will have less food. It would be wise for us to be the same way.

Bible Lesson: Using Words to Encourage (Proverbs 12)

This Proverbs teaches us that our words have the ability to either build up or tear down those around us.  We can destroy friendships that we spend years building instantly with a few words.  We can also use our words to completely turn around someone’s day. As Christian’s we should speak truth to each other.  The Lord detests lies, but brings joy to the truthful.Lesson Title:   WordsBible Reference:  Proverbs 12:18-22 or other Bible verses about encouraging othersTarget

Preschool Bible Lesson: God is Always with Us

This lesson strives to help young children understand one of the most important attributes of God; that He is constant. He is always with us and will never leave us. This does not mean that we will be free from trials, but that He will be with us through good times and bad. Lesson Title:   God is Always with Us Bible Reference:  Deuteronomy 2:7, Hebrews 11:24-30, Deuteronomy 31:8 Target Age Group: Preschool Learning Context: Sunday School Target

Love One Another (Valentine’s Day Lesson) John 13:34

One of the greatest commands that God has given us is to love one another. But what does this look like in our lives? This is the question that this lesson attempts to answer. The Bible gives us lots of commandments, such as to tell others about Jesus and give to the poor. Of all of these commands the greatest is to love one another. Everything we do must be done in love. 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 teaches

Valentine’s Day Lesson (Jeremiah 31:33) Conversations with God

With Valentine’s Day upon us, we are reminded of God’s never-ending and unfailing love for us. Secular Valentine’s Day is used to show those who we love romantically how much they mean to us, but this lesson uses it as a way to show God’s children how much He loves us.  God’s love far exceeds any other type of love.  Conversation Hearts are a popular candy on Valentine’s Day. Jeremiah 31:33 tells us that God desires for

Preschool Lesson: Running the Race

Use this free Bible lesson to help children understand the importance of following God. He is the only prize worth chasing in this life and the reward is eternal life. Lesson Title: Running the Race Bible Reference: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Target Age Group: Preschool Learning Context: Sunday School Target Time Frame: 45 minutes Memory Verse: “Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training.” 1 Corinthians 9:24b Gospel Connection: Paul uses the illustration of a race to explain

Preschool Bible Lesson: Jesus is the Living Water

This free Bible lesson for preschoolers is based on what Jesus said in John 4 to the woman at the well. Children will learn how God himself can be their source of refreshing. Lesson Title:   Living Water Bible Reference:  John 4:4-14 Target Age Group: Preschool Learning Context: Sunday School Target Time Frame: One Hour Memory Verse: “But those who drink of the water that I give will never be thirsty.” John 4:13b Life Connection: This lesson aims

Bible Lesson: God Can Break the Chains of Sin

This lesson strives to help children understand that sin is like a chain that is bounding them.  Sin may seem good at first, but the repercussions are always negative.  We cannot be free as long as we are surrounded by sin.  Only God has the power to forgive our sins and our hope must be in him. Lesson Title:   All Tied Up Bible Reference:  1 John 1:5 – 1 John 2:2 Target Age Group: Elementary Learning Context:

Bible Lesson: Thankfulness of Biblical Heroes in the Old Testament

This lesson uses inquiry to help middle schoolers find the meaning of thankfulness.  Many of the Old Testament heroes faced difficult challenges in their lives, such as Daniel’s captivity in a den of lions.  We know that God protected Daniel and brought him out of the den safely.  We will focus on the aspect of the story where Daniel thanks God.  He thanks God before he enters the den and continues to thank God until the end. 

"God Is With Us" Bible Lesson, Exodus 17

This lesson strives to teach young children that God is always with them and gives them what they need if they will just trust him. After the Exodus, Moses led the people of Israel away from Egypt and into the wilderness. At first the Israelites were overjoyed to finally be free, but that joy quickly turned to bitterness and agitation as they realized that there destined to wander in the wilderness before reaching their promised land. They

Jesus heals 10 Lepers (Luke 17:11-19) Preschool Lesson

This free lesson plan is based on the events of Luke 17 when Jesus healed 10 men of leprosy. It highlights the theme of thankfulness to God, especially for the mercy Jesus shows for us. Children will learn that we should always say “thank you” to God for his kindness. Lesson Title:   Saying Thank You to God Bible Reference:  Luke 17:11-19 Target Age Group: Pre-school Learning Context: Sunday School Target Time Frame: One Hour Memory Verse: “One