Spring Evangelism Ideas for Kids Ministry

Start your year off right with spring evangelism ideas for kids ministry. I love reaching into the community and finding kids that need Jesus. (And who doesn’t?) After a long winter, parents and kids may be more willing to interact with new faces, especially if it is a friendly one. Shake up your ministry and grow your church by putting … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Amp Up Your Easter Egg Hunt

Piled up in my office/living room are bags of plastic eggs, a ton of candy and more boxes of Christian Easter goodies from my favorite novelty supply store. If I polled the audience here, I can almost guarantee that your living room or office looks the same way. No matter how I feel about the whole egg thing, for my … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Charity Easter Baskets

I’m always looking for ways to get my kids involved in the community and assembling charity Easter baskets has been so successful in helping me do this. In the past, the kids of my children’s church have helped homeless families, children in military families, even kids that have lost everything in hurricanes. While we are not a huge operation, I … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Easter Worship Ideas for Kids' Church

Easter is on its way — are you ready for an influx of children? Share the joy and hope of Easter by providing kids with unique ways to worship the Lord. Prepare ahead of time and make Easter worship an event kids will remember all year long. These Easter worship ideas for kids’ church are good for both junior and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Helping Kids Stay Focused

Helping kids stay focused throughout your lesson or service can prove challenging for the children’s minister. Not only are we responsible for bringing the Word and building the leaders of tomorrow, we have to do it with plenty of pizzazz. With the onslaught of behavioral issues that teachers encounter today like ADD and ADHD, it’s no wonder we stay in constant prayer, right? … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Creative Easter Object Lessons

Try something new this Easter – these creative object lessons are sure to leave an impression about the good news for weeks to come. #1 M&M Object Lesson “The Sweet Truth of Easter” #2 Washed Clean – Easter Object Lesson #3 Erase Sin (Messy) Object Lesson for Easter Bonus Children’s Sermons for Easter Don’t miss our Easter children’s message (with … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Creative Easter Snacks Ideas

Need creative Easter snacks for an Easter teaching session? Instead of handing out pre-wrapped Little Debbie cakes and juice boxes (I’m guilty) why not combine a delicious snack with an activity? Try creative Easter snacks so kids can build and play with their food. Prevent staining those special holiday outfits by providing aprons or protective long-sleeved shirts kids can wear … More Children’s Ministry Resources

6 Tips for Telling Bible Stories

Exciting. Epic. Life changing. That’s the adjectives I want to hear when kids and parents reflect on how I’m telling Bible stories. I’m not a professional storyteller but I do love the Word of God and I love sharing it with my kids and adult helpers. I may share the object lessons, the games and the activities but when it … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Early Arrival Activities for Kids Church

When kids show up 30 minutes before service, you need early arrival activities for kids church. I never want to turn kids away but I’m not naive. I know kids need constant monitoring, even the ones that tend to stay out of trouble. Prepare for those early birds with early arrival activities that will excite your children. Working on crafts … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lessons on Transformation

Object lessons on transformation can help you illustrate important Bible promises like the one found in 2 Corinthians 3:18.  The scripture says, “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” (NIV) What hope! Don’t believe that God-inspired transformation is lost on kids. Children get … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Creating a Peaceful Nursery at Church

Nursery ministry is so special. What a joy to minister to little ones the love and peace of God! One of the most important things we can hope for in a church nursery is a holy peace. That doesn’t mean babies won’t cry and parents won’t agonize over leaving their babies behind, even for a few hours. However, you can … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Fun Ways to Use Balloons in Ministry

asdIsn’t it amazing how captivated kids are by balloons? Offer kids a bag of candy or a balloon and nine times out of ten, they’ll reach for the balloon. I’m a firm believer that we should never let a tool go to waste so I’ve found some fun ways to use balloons during children’s church. Keep kids focused on your … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Secrets to a Dynamic Kids Church

When you hear the word “dynamic” used in a description of your children’s ministry, it’s a good feeling. No matter where you are today, you can infuse the dynamic into your kids ministry just be doing a few things differently. Shake up your kids’ church by implementing these tips for an energetic, living ministry. Some of these “secrets” may take … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Things Children's Ministers Should Not Do

Church growth is a fickle thing. Too much focus on one area and not another on another and you could see your numbers fading. Besides shrinking church growth, you could also face personal discouragement and disappointment. No matter who you are, these things can happen. The best way to keep growing and moving forward in ministry is to avoid doing … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teaching Kids About Loving Others

Children have no problem loving others but sometimes they aren’t sure how to put legs on that love. If we don’t teach kids that love needs action, we’ll raise a generation of children that don’t follow the Golden Rule. In my kids church, I use my weekly bulletin to encourage kids to step outside their comfort zone and love others. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Valentine's Activities for Kids Church

Valentine’s Day is the perfect excuse to remind kids that God loves them and that Christians should love one another. Besides having a fantastic lesson on these subjects, you should have the appropriate activities to reinforce them. Work some of these activities into your itinerary as icebreakers or for breaks in your lesson. I like these activities because they are … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Host a Remote Control Race Car Rally

What kid hasn’t owned a remote control car, truck or ladybug? Just a few days after Christmas, I had the opportunity to hang out with some of my kids. I asked each of them to tell me what they got for Christmas. The toy my kids were most excited about were those wacky remote control cars that flip. *Lightbulb!* In just a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Not So Angry Birds" Games for Kids Church

Who knew a free iPhone app could boost the attendance in my kids’ church? Thanks to some inspiration from the popular Angry Birds game, we just wrapped up a month of Not-So Angry Birds in kids’ church. Along with lessons on anger, revenge and unity, we had plenty of fun along the way too. Before the month was over, we … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Smart Ways to Grow Your Kids Church

Growing your kids church is like being on a diet–it takes discipline and you will reach plateaus. Sometimes, no matter how hard you work, pray or minister, things seem to be at a standstill. Of course, we know that often God moves behind the scenes long before anything manifests but that’s still discouraging at times. However, as good stewards, we … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Exciting Ideas for Kid-Friendly Worship

Kids don’t worship in a humdrum fashion — it’s always active, exciting and genuine. If you have the responsibility of leading worship in kids church, you may feel a little overwhelmed, even if you can play three instruments. As a children’s pastor, I am always looking for new ways to freshen our praise power! Here are a few pointers to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Ideas for Training Kids Ministry Leaders

At the first of every year, I began to fervently pray for volunteers. Whether they’ve signed on for a month or for six, most volunteers need and appreciate training. I believe in hands-on training but you’ve got to teach too. Host regular training conferences for volunteers and inspire your team to minister to children effectively. Incorporate a few ideas into a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Effective Tips for Managing Behavior Challenges

Being a reactionary always put you at the losing end, take my word for it. When you spend your time responding to bad behavior, you don’t have the time to recognize good behavior. Chances are your little attention-grabbers need you but sadly, they’ve been trained to have their needs fulfilled in a negative manner. If you’ve got behavior challenges in … More Children’s Ministry Resources