Lesson: Moses and the Bronze Snake

The Lord saves us and wants us to be thankful for His blessings. Includes a teaching guide, 2 games, and a craft. Needed: drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils, soft play pall Intro Game: Thanks Toss Students stand in a circle and randomly toss a ball back and forth. Whenever someone catches the ball, they have to name one thing they’re thankful for, but it can’t be anything anyone else has said. Lesson Ask students, Have you

Lesson: The Death of Moses

Teach students about obeying God and the resurrection of the dead. Includes a lesson and 3 games. Needed: a balloon, a box large enough to put the balloon in Intro Game: Don’t Let it Fall! Gather students in a circle. As you toss a balloon up into the air in the middle of the circle, call one of the student’s names. That student must run to hit the balloon back into the air before it touches the

Lesson: Moses and the Burning Bush

The Lord always helps us when He asks us to do something. Includes a lesson, class activity, game, and snack idea. Needed: volunteer to play Moses (you can be Moses if you want), long stick for a staff, flashlight, supplies to make a snack (optional: things to burn) Optional Intro Activity Gather a variety of items that will burn or melt, including a twig from a bush. Before lighting each item on fire, ask students what they

Lesson: The Giving of the Law and the Golden Calf

How can we make sure we don’t have idols in our life? Includes a lesson, playacting activity, and game. Intro Activity: Peer Pressure Playacting Have students form groups of three. Give them a few minutes to think of how to act out a scene in which one or two of them pressure the other(s) to do something wrong. Then, all the groups perform their scene for the class. You can allow them to think of their own

Lesson: Why We Can’t See God

The good news is that we will one day! Includes a teaching guide, class activity, and game. Needed: a mask, poorly made food items Intro Activity: Too Much! Set out 3-5 poorly made food items for kids to try if they’re brave enough. They should all be safe to eat, but obviously wrong just by appearance. Some ideas are a drink mix thick with too much sugar, nuts drowning in salt, applesauce dark with too much cinnamon

Lesson: Changed!

How can we practice listening to the Lord? Includes a lesson, 2 games, and a craft. Needed: a flashlight, drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils, string and hole punch or a stapler Intro Activity: Storytelling Sequence Kids sit in a circle, each telling one sentence of a story. When it’s their turn to make up a sentence, they hold the flashlight under their chin so that it lights up their face as if they were at a

Lesson: Shiphrah and Puah Do What is Right

The Lord can help us do the right thing, even when we’re afraid. Includes a lesson and 2 games. Needed: volunteer to play Shiphrah (you can be Shiphrah if you want), baby doll, soft play balls or scrap paper to make paper wads Game: Simon Says You give students commands of what to do, acting out the motions. The trick is that you have to say, “Simon says…” to do the action. Sometimes, you’ll give a command

Lesson: God Gives Moses’ Mom a Great Idea

How can we listen for God’s direction in our lives? Includes a teaching guide, class activity, game, and craft. Needed: volunteer to play Miriam (you can be Miriam if you want), baby doll, basket, paper to make journals, crayons or colored pencils Intro Activity: Brainstorm Tell students that you want their help to create a new product or solve a problem. First, ask them what product they want to design or what problem they want to solve.

Lesson: The Plagues of Egypt and Crossing the Red Sea

Teach students how God saved the Israelites and how He saves us! Includes a teaching guide and 3 games. Needed: volunteer to play Moses (you can be Moses if you want), long stick for a staff, index cards with plagues written on them, flashlight, baby doll, basket, blanket Game: Wrapping Baby Moses Remind students of how Moses’ mother put him in a basket and put him by the river for the princess to find him. Half of

Lesson: God Gives the People Manna

The Lord gives us what we need! Includes a lesson, game, craft, and snack idea. Needed: pair of adult shoes, hat, Desert Survival Gear Relay game cards (use clip art or photos of various items), drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: Desert Survival Gear Relay You will need an adult-size pair of shoes and a large hat as well as game cards with necessary and unnecessary items pictured on them. Children will run a relay

Lesson: Help Each Other Pray!

Calling all little prayer warriors! Includes a teaching guide, 2 games, and a prayer exercise. Needed: Nothing Intro Activity: Stick ‘Em Up! Hold a contest of who can keep both arms raised in the arm the longest. Next, have students form a circle and hold hands as they all raise their arms. Time how long they can all keep their hands raised. Lesson (Summarize Exodus 17:8-16 , using the following story and asking the included questions as

Lesson: Jacob Tricks Esau

A lesson by negative example not to be deceptive or greedy. Includes 3 games. Needed: plastic cups and dice or small balls, coins or paper markers, various objects to set in front of you Intro Game: Cups Give each student five coins or paper markers. Set three cups upside down in front of you. As students watch, place a die or small ball under one of the cups. Explain that you’re going to move the cups around

Lesson: Joseph Sold as a Slave!

How does God use bad things in our life for good? Includes a lesson, 2 games, a snack idea, and an optional service project. Needed: exercise cards, an old garment or item to represent Joseph’s coat, raw eggs, flour, baking soda, cookies Intro Game 1: Extreme Exercise Race Have students pair up and complete this race together. All the students will line up by pairs on one side of your play area. Spaced out in a direct

Lesson: Joseph Forgives His Brothers

What does repentance look like? How can we forgive others? Includes a teaching guide, 2 games, and a craft. Needed: old garment or another special item to represent Joseph’s cloak; different colors of construction paper, tissue paper, and /or wrapping paper; scissors; staples or hole punch and string; crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: Joseph’s Coat play the game from the previous lesson and remind students about how Joseph’s brothers became jealous when their father Jacob gave

Lesson: Isaac Gets a Wife!

Teach students how the Lord answers our prayers. Includes a lesson, game, craft, and prayer exercise. Needed: Various objects for the game (see below), a snack, drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: No! Have the students line up single file behind a line in your play area. Between them and you is an area where they will play tag. You will stand or sit at the other side of the play area with a variety

Lesson: Isaac’s Wells

God calls us to be peacemakers. Includes a teaching guide and 2 games. Needed: Soft play balls or paper wads Intro Game: Monkeys in the Middle Form students into three groups. Two groups stand on either side of your play area. The third group stands in the middle. The two groups on the end throw or rolls the balls (or paper wads) back and forth to each other. The third group tries to intercept them. When someone

Lesson: Esau Forgives Jacob

How can we ask for forgiveness when we’ve wronged someone? How can we forgive others? Includes a teaching guide, 2 games, a craft, and a prayer exercise. Needed: Craft paper and crayons or colored pencils for the craft, various small objects for the Poke the Bear game Intro Game Play Poke the Bear or Tag the Bear from the Jacob Tricks Esau lesson. Tag the Bear Like a normal game of team Tag, you’ll divide your group

Lesson: Abram Lets Lot Have His Way

How can we be peacemakers and show generosity to others? Includes a lesson and 2 games. Needed: soft balls or paper wads, a snack or other prize Intro Game: Snatch Ball Mark a line down either side of your play area. Place soft play balls on the line. If you don’t have play balls, you can wad up waste paper to play with. Form two teams and tell the students to stand a certain number of steps

Lesson: Abram Rescues Lot

We live and act by the Lord’s power, not our own! Includes a teaching guide, game, and craft. Needed: drawing paper, pencils or crayons Intro Game: Power Up Freeze Tag Divide the students into two teams. One team is It and tries to tag the members of the other team. When a student is tagged, they freeze in place. Every minute or so, a designated Power Up leader runs through the play area. If someone on the

Lesson: Abram Tries to Have Children

Tell students the story of Abram, Sarah, and Hagar. Includes a drama to read with your class and lesson questions. Needed: (Optional: a copy of the drama for each of your students) Lesson We’ve been learning about Abram. Does anyone remember what God told Abram to do? (God told Abram to leave his country and his friends and his family and go to a new country.) So Abram went to the country of Canaan. Does anyone remember

Lesson: God Leads Abram to a New Country

How can we follow God as He leads us in life? Includes a lesson, 2 games, and a craft. Needed: a copy of a road map for each student, pencils or crayons, blindfolds, drawing paper Intro Game: Map Quest Give each student or pair of students a road map. Help them find your city or state and then point out a location close by. Ask, If I asked you how to get from where we are to

Lesson: Abram Lies to Pharaoh

Don’t be afraid and lie; trust the Lord! Includes a teaching guide and 3 games. Intro Game #1: Lie Detector This game is similar to Two Truths and a Lie. Tell students that you’re going to tell them a story about what happened to you. Most of it will be true, but someone of it won’t be. It’s their job to call out whenever they think you’re saying something that isn’t true. Intro Game #2: Bad Interview

Lesson: The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah

God is both just and merciful, as illustrated in this story. Includes a teaching guide, 2 games, and a prayer exercise. Intro Game 1: Try Not to Laugh Make funny faces at the kids. The first one that laughs has to get up and make funny faces at the group. Keep playing until everyone has had a chance to stand up. If some are good at not laughing, call on them to make faces. When the game

Lesson: Abraham Sacrifices Isaac, Almost

How can we put the Lord first in our lives? Includes a lesson, 3 games, and a craft. Needed: Soft play balls or paper wads, soccer goals, drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils Intro Game 1: Rotating Firsts Divide the students into two teams and play dodge ball with soft play balls or wads of waste paper. After 30 seconds, name one of the balls as the 1st ball. That is the only ball that can get