Kids Paper Crown – Printable Craft Template & Video

Try this easy paper crown craft project for kids. All you will need is the template below, card stock printing paper, coloring markers, child-friendly scissors, and a stapler. We used this cut-out crown in our Wednesday night children’s ministry. It would also be useful as a Sunday School or VBS craft. Leave a comment share how you used this project or make … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How To Make Play Dough (Video & Recipe)

Try this simple recipe to make play dough for your home, church or school. It’s fairly cheap and super easy. Just gather these recipe ingredients below and watch our simple how-to video. Playdough Recipe: 2 cups boiling water 2 ½ cups flour 1 cup salt 3 TB vegetable oil 2 packs Kool-Aid   With a little supervision, this could be a fun craft project … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Father's Day Craft (Hand Painting in Sunday School)

If you are looking for a Father’s Day craft this one is sure to be one that all dads will love! Just follow the directions below! This would be a perfect Father’s Day Sunday School craft, but you could use it in various children’s ministry settings. You might also enjoy our father’s day coloring pages and father’s day Sunday School lesson. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Hand Painting Craft for Kids Ministry

Fun Craft Idea for Children Here is a craft idea that we just tried for our Wednesday night children’s ministry program. To complete our new children’s church decorations, we used the children’s painted hand prints as leaves to complete the tree mural. The project was not too complicated, but it took real coordination on the part of our adult volunteers … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Looking for Craft Ideas Besides Coloring Pages

Are you falling into a rut with the craft selection for your children’s Sunday School class? You are not alone, most of us default to Bible coloring pages when we can’t find anything better to do. Recently a Facebook reader asked me this question: How about a craft that doesn’t involve coloring? My son always hated coloring because he has … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Olympic Medal Craft for Children

With the Olympics coming up, now is a good time to plan a special activities for your children’s ministry or Sunday School class. Here is a great idea that I found on Cullen’s Abc’s. Watch the video below for a full demonstration. The Olympic medal craft uses construction paper, string, and a few other supplies to create this prize. There … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Bible Crafts Ideas for Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day is one of those cultural holiday’s in the United States that is getting harder to overlook. But Christians have so much to say about real love, I think it’s a great time to use a special craft or lesson in your Sunday School. With all these crafts, you should join them into a relevant Bible lesson about love. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Thanksgiving Craft: How to Make a Thankful Poster

Here is another great craft idea from Cullen’s Abcs.  This craft is super easy and will help the children understand what it means to be thankful.  It would be a perfect addition to your Thanksgiving Sunday School lesson. Simply make the poster at church and send home a note for parents about how to use it as a family ministry … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"God Created" Craft Project for Children

Here is a simple learning activity for your children’s ministry from Cullen’s abc’s. This craft project about the days of creation would be a great add-on to any Sunday School lesson about God creating the world. Plus, you can use the craft to re-tell the Bible story. Days Of Creation Craft Project This video will show you how to make … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Thanksgiving Crafts & Bible Activities

Thanksgiving Crafts for Children's Ministry

Try our collection of free printable craft ideas for Sunday School. Download the PDF directions and watch the videos below. These activities are a perfect companion to our Thanksgiving Sunday School lessons for children. Thanksgiving Craft Projects & Activities Scroll down to see many more ideas for crafting thankfulness with your Sunday School class. We’re adding new ideas each week … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Heart Craft For Sunday School

heart craft Sunday school

Here is a craft idea that you can use in your children’s ministry around valentines day. Basically you will use two pieces of red construction paper and some ribbon to sow together a heart pocket. This can be used to store Sunday school Bible verses. Don’t miss our John 3:16 heart coloring page. Craft: My Heart Belongs to Jesus You … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Best Easter Crafts for Sunday School

Skip the cute bunnies– Easter is about the Good News of Jesus. This is the key day in the Christian message, let’s make sure our crafts are Bible-based. Links to other website I’ve listed as “offsite.” Painted Cross Template & Video Example – Protect a portion of the paper with masking tape as the children painted around it. Once dry, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Crafts

Are you looking for a craft idea for your Sunday school lesson? Do you need just the right idea to supplement your Bible lesson? Check out these popular websites that provide Sunday school craft projects. Some are free, and some require a membership. Do you know of another website that features Sunday school crafts? If so, let me know in … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Christmas Crafts

Sunday School Christmas Crafts

Are you looking for a great craft idea for your Christmas Sunday School lessons? This page lists our Christmas crafts, ideas and projects for kids’ Sunday School. Christmas Crafts for Sunday School Simply download the PDF instructions for each project listed below. These include craft examples, supply lists, and step-by-step directions. We also have video demonstrations to help you jump … More Children’s Ministry Resources