Printable Sermon Listening Worksheets for Kids

Need something to help preschoolers be engaged during the worship service? Well, try these listening guides! Even though my church has Junior Church most Sundays, I thought it would be helpful to give preschoolers a guide for listening to the sermon on the days they stay in the adult service. Click on the preview image above to download the PDF … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Purse Object Lesson for Mother's Day (Exodus 20:12)

A good mother is worthy of praise! She’s also a great example for an object lesson for Mother’s Day. This highly visual teaching will keep kids laughing and demonstrate the value of listening to their mother’s teachings. Ready to teach? Don’t miss our other children’s sermons for mother’s day. What You’ll Need Large purse Small bible Pack of tissues Chewing … More Children’s Ministry Resources

A Gentle Answer: Proverbs 15:1 For Kids and Adults

Proverbs 15:1 says, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” This verse has been coming in handy lately, at home as well as in my classes at church. Maybe it’s the warmer weather that makes everyone, including myself, be quick tempered with others, but this was a necessary lesson that we all needed to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Gummy Worm Object Lessons (Isaiah 64:8)

In God’s kingdom, everything has teaching value, including the sweet, sometimes sour, gummy worm. This inexpensive candy makes a fantastic teaching aid for many different Bible object lessons. Gummies have a flexible, wormy body that you can shake and stretch while you talk. When the demonstration is through, you’ll have a tasty treat to share. I’ve got three easy object … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Object Lessons on Thankfulness & Gratitude

gratitude object lessons for children's ministry

What’s the one thing missing from many Thanksgiving celebrations? Gratitude, oh my! Hard as they may try, parents face real challenges instilling this virtue into their little ones. Today’s “me first” society leads kid astray. I believe God wants us to instruct our children to have a good attitude in all things. Supplement your Thanksgiving Sunday School lesson with these … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children's Sermon: Be Still and Know that I am God

Just like grown ups, children struggle with busy hearts and minds that often distract them from God. This children’s sermon will help them discover the importance of being still before the Lord. Leader Preparation: Many times teaching lessons to others can have an impact on the teacher too, and this is a wonderful thing. For this lesson, give yourself some quiet time to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children Sermon: Way, Truth, Life

Jesus is the Way

This world is a confusing place, especially for children. This simple children’s sermon will teach them that Jesus Christ is the only way to God, his truth, and the life God created them to enjoy. Leader Preparation: It is good to get the full context of the reading.  Reading John 13:31-38 would be very beneficial, then read John 14:1-12 a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children's Sermon on Psalm 8: How Majestic

God has designed us to find our greatest joy in lifting up praises to Him. Psalm 8 is a beautiful expression of worship to God and description of his majestic work in creation. Each line of this treasured scripture passage points us to his Glory. Leader Preparation: If possible, prepare a little music for the children.  A great song to use … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Psalm 1:1-6 Children's Sermon

Large Oak Tree

The Psalms have always held a special place in the devotional lives of believers. The first Psalm has often been used to instruct children about walking in the way of the Lord. This free children’s sermon will introduce this classic passage of Scripture and help children learn these truths on their own level. Preparation: We recommended that the entirety of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children Sermon: God is the Good Shepherd

This children’s sermon is about God’s protection for his people. It can be used in a variety of teaching settings or expanded into a full lesson plan. For added emphasis, you might include a shepherd’s crook into the following devotional text. Preparation: We recommend teachers read the whole of Ezekiel 34 as background before presenting this materials. Notice how the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Mother’s Day Children’s Sermons

I love mom

Mothers hold a special place in our hearts and teaching kids to honor her is profitable for all. It’s hardly necessary to instruct children to love their mothers – that comes naturally! However, learning to respect and obey, as God expects, is a necessary part of a minister’s duties. Lean on the scriptures to bring kids a reliable, nurturing “word” … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Super Bowl Children's Sermons

Sports Equipment

Use this children’s sermon in your church on Super Bowl weekend. 1 Samuel 16:7, “But the LORD said to Samuel, ‘Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.’ This sermon for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Obey Your Parents" Object Lesson

The circle of blessing is a fun way to illustrate the promise God makes to children in the 5th commandment. Use this for a fun children’s sermon on mother’s day or father’s day (or in any lesson on the 5th commandment.  Supplies Needed: Circle of about 3ft diameter. I used a piece of rope attached to the floor with masking … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Super Bowl Sunday School Lesson (Proverbs 20:11)

Use this Super Bowl lesson in your Sunday School or Children’s Church. It’s based on Proverbs 20:31, “Even small children are known by their actions, so is their conduct really pure and upright?” This Sunday School lesson will show the children that following God is the most important team! Super Bowl Sunday School Lesson Proverbs 20:11 Lesson for Kids Lots … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Salvation Object Lesson (Acts 3:19) Hard Boiled Egg

As with any object lesson, this is not a perfect representation of salvation. The idea here is to further a child’s understanding of what Christ does with our hearts when we believe in Him and accept Him as our Savior.  Originally written for preschoolers, this lesson can be tailored to any age group depending on your depth of discussion. Who … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children's Sermons: Idea for March Madness

3-Point Challenge:  A Children’s Message This children’s message was originally written for an Awana group of 1st – 6th graders.  It draws parallels between basketball shooting techniques and the Christian life with multiple Bible verse references.  What I’ve written below would be a 10-15 minutes presentation, but you extract the main points for a children’s sermon on Sunday morning. You could … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Advent Children's Sermon: Those Christmas Lights

Here is a brief devotion for Christmas based on some observations of the Christmas lights. Put these ideas into your own words and you could easily use this content as a Children’s Sermon around Christmas or Advent Season. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has … More Children’s Ministry Resources