Smelly Stuff Object Lesson (Genesis 8:21)

God is so amazing! There is so much to know and understand about Him! I like thinking about what He thinks, what He feels and what He likes to smell! That’s right, God likes smelling certain fragrances. That gave me an idea for this smelly stuff object lesson. Before the actual lesson, I shared these verses. I talked with kids … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Freedom from Sin Object Lesson – John 8:36

We used this participation object lesson with our Kindergarten Sunday School class when teaching about freedom from Sin. It’s fairly flexible and could fit a variety of lesson plans about children and salvation. Here’s the basic version: Supplies: toilet paper or paper towels Bible Verse: Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Empty Hearts Object Lesson (Jeremiah 31:33)

Unlike other books and bestsellers, God’s word–the Bible has an effect on us that can’t be measured accurately. There’s just something about knowing what God thinks, how He looks at things that changes lives. A person may have a favorite book, kids often do but when that child is in trouble or afraid, the word of their favorite book probably … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Keeping God First Object Lesson (Matthew 22:37)

Kids have a lot to distraction them from God. Video games, school, home life are just a few of those common distractions. Actually, in some cases, kids have even more distractions than adults. God’s gives us instruction about staying focused and keeping God first. I use the following verse for teaching this object lesson. Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your … More Children’s Ministry Resources

A Little Or A Lot Object Lesson (Luke 7:47)

One of my very favorite verses is Luke 7:47, “Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven–as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.” I know for a fact I’ve been forgiven much. What about you, kids? Have you been forgiven much or just a little? Let’s talk about that! I have … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Purse Object Lesson for Mother's Day (Exodus 20:12)

A good mother is worthy of praise! She’s also a great example for an object lesson for Mother’s Day. This highly visual teaching will keep kids laughing and demonstrate the value of listening to their mother’s teachings. Ready to teach? Don’t miss our other children’s sermons for mother’s day. What You’ll Need Large purse Small bible Pack of tissues Chewing … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lesson: Different Containers, Same Contents (1 Samuel 16:7) God Looks at the Heart

There are many wonderful illustrations, conversations, and activities that address how outer appearance is not as important as what lies in the heart. Between racial difference discussions, equality emphasizing, and body image talks, students will no doubt be exposed to the “don’t judge a book by its cover” maxim so much it might seem trite and cliché.  But there is … More Children’s Ministry Resources