4 Ways to Encourage the Discouraged Leader

Leadership comes with a huge amount of responsibility and sometimes the leader doesn’t always get it right. Even if they do, that doesn’t mean the leader is immune to discouragement. If you sense your leader is struggling with discouragement you don’t have to sit back and wait for things to get better. YOU could be the person God uses to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Should You Stay or Should You Go?

Some time ago, a friend of mine–we’ll call her Mary, was summoned to the pastor’s office for a meeting. From the pastor’s tone, Mary sensed that she’d made some sort of mistake but the pastor refused to give her any information over the phone. Prior to the impromptu meeting, Mary had never been called into the office before so she … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Ways to Encourage Yourself in Kids Ministry

Children’s ministry is the ultimate thrill ride. As a children’s minister, I live in a constant bubble of excitement. What’s not to love about an office filled with colorful props, helium tanks and tons of cardboard? However, I would be wrong not to confess that sometimes I get discouraged. (I know, the shame of it all, right?) Once I go … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Following Up After a Children’s Ministry Outreach

So much goes into evangelism, doesn’t it? Besides organizing volunteers, creating an itinerary and having a good attendance, you have to think about after the event too. You can’t just plan an outreach; you must lead your attendees to the next event like children’s church or summer camp. The key to growing your church could be in your follow up. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Tips for Dealing with an Angry Parent

Nobody said this job was easy but you probably never imagined that you’d ever be confronted by an angry parent but it happens. (That’s no slam to parents. Raising kids today is tough–unbelievably so.) But that doesn’t make the experience any less stressful/embarrassing/emotional. Maybe you’ve never had this happen to you but in the course of time it might. In … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Things a Children’s Pastor Needs

kids need playtime at church

I’m pretty sure most people expect to find a giant rubber ball, parachute or costumes on my list but alas, those items didn’t make the cut. (Although we do love toys/props/unique tools for ministry!) As a children’s minister I can’t help but get creative—I work with kids but there are some things I actually do need. As a children’s ministry … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Lies That Sabotage Children's Pastors

Negative voices tend to beat us down. They make us doubt our abilities, our anointing and even our calling. Sometimes those negative voices come from the people you serve (or their parents and grandparents) other times, those negative voices come from people you know outside the church and other times, those negative Nellies come from within your own two ears. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Beating the Winter Blues… maintaining motivation in your children's ministry

The winter let-down…Christmas wrappings are hauled away, fruit cake is steadily hardening, temperatures are dropping, and schedules are returning to normal routine. Following the hype and hubbub of the holiday season, the winter months can sometimes seem dreary. Between cold weather and lack of significant events, it’s tempting to fall into apathy in any area of our lives, be it work … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Ways To Show Pastor Appreciation Every Day

5 Ways to Show Pastor Appreciation

One of the essential components of a healthy children’s ministry is a good relationship with the pastor and or pastors of your church. Whether you serve as a Sunday School teacher, a children’s ministry director, or a nursery worker, it is imperative that servants in any capacity work together to support the leaders whom God has appointed for the local … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How Socially Connected Should a Children's Pastor Be?

In 2014, the children’s pastor must skillfully walk the increasingly awkward line between what’s appropriate and what’s not. Eighteen years ago, (yeah, I’m a kids min veteran) I never thought twice about hugging a child or calling a kid. I can’t say that today, sadly. Now that everyone is on the web (even the kiddos) the kids’ pastor faces a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

6 Things a New Children's Pastor Should Do

Congratulations, new children’s pastor! The local church needs you and decided that you were the perfect match for their kids. Before you take the reins and hold your first service, make sure you do these six things. It is important to assess the current status of the ministry before you plan your next kids’ crusade or event; this checklist will … More Children’s Ministry Resources

6 More Things That Drive a Children’s Pastor Crazy

When I penned my recent article, 10 Things That Drive a Children’s Pastor Crazy I had no idea that I’d be starting such an expansive conversation. However, I am glad we can talk and share with one another and hopefully, encourage a children’s pastor who may be asking, “Does anyone understand?” To those passing by these posts and subsequent comments, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Is Your Worship Space Kid Friendly?

“Do you hear what these children are saying?” they asked him. “Yes,” replied Jesus, “have you never read, “‘From the lips of children and infants you, Lord, have called forth your praise’?” (Matthew 21:16) What great news to know that God is “calling forth” praise from little ones! As children’s ministry leaders, it is our job to guide these precious … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Ways To Turn Your Children's Ministry Around

Children’s ministry leaders are unequivocally some of the most creative folks on the planet but even this elite group can get stuck in a rut. Truth be known, I’ve been stuck in a routine myself more than a few times. I’ve experienced the agony of unenthusiastic volunteers, uncommitted families and no clear direction. Don’t beat yourself up. It happens regardless … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Helping the Substitute Kids Minister

As much as you hate to miss, you’ll need to ask a substitute teacher to step in. If you’ve got an inexperienced teacher, or one that’s not used to your particular group, the substitute can feel a little overwhelmed. For the best teaching experience for both kids and substitute, the teacher needs to be prepared. If possible, have everything ready … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Training Session Tips for New Kids Ministry Volunteers

Training new volunteers builds their confidence and makes the ministry run smoothly–that’s important when you have a room full of rowdy kids! Before you consult the calendar for a good date, consider making a few needed steps to maximize the impact of your training session. These creative ideas and fundamental principles will insure that your new team members get just … More Children’s Ministry Resources