Learning the Names of the Disciples

This ministry idea shared by one of our readers, Linda M Howard from First Baptist Church Tyrone, GA. I do have something I would like to share with you so you can share it with others. I wanted my class to learn the disciples but couldn’t find any ‘help’ when searching the internet. So I decided to put them in … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Ways Teaching School DID NOT Prepare Me for Kids Ministry

Previously, I wrote about several ways that being a school teacher prepared me for being a children’s minister.  There were also a few things that did not transition well. What follows are some ways that my previous job did not prepare me for ministry. These are a few surprises I quickly discovered. Click here to leave a comment. 1. Ministry takes over your life. I … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Children’s Ministry in the 21st Century" with Art Murphy

Recently, my church hosted a conference which was open to our children’s ministry volunteers, as well as other local churches in the area.  The conference was intended to not only encourage volunteers, but to train them as well.  The Friday night through Saturday morning trainings focused on material entitled, CM:21, Children’s Ministry in the Twenty First Century. CM:21 was lead … More Children’s Ministry Resources

7 School Teacher Appreciation Gift Ideas

Anyone who thinks school teachers don’t deserve an award at the end of the school year has obviously not recently visited one! School teachers face mounds of paperwork, challenging children and an unforgiving schedule—all while caring for a class of young minds. As Christian teachers and leaders, we know how tough ministering to kids can be. What better way to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Steps to Prepare for Cross-Cultural Kids Ministry

Among other things, summer time is prime time for service projects and missions trips.  Often, those trips will include working with children through Vacation Bible Schools, summer camps, outreach programs, orphanages, etc.  Whether you’ve got trips planned for the inner city, a different place in the US, or an international mission trip planned, an essential component of that trip is … More Children’s Ministry Resources

7 Basic Safety Precautions for Every Children's Ministry

Safety is non-negotiable in children’s ministry.  You can have the very best curriculum, most creative activities, and dynamic decor, but if you have not made safety a priority, you could be headed for potential disaster.  We can never fully protect our ministries or our kids from all impending harm, but it is our responsibility to be proactive when it comes to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Ways to Bond with a Preschooler

I love preschoolers.  They’re just a whole lot of fun, and they provide a mostly blank canvas.  I love their energy.  I love their excitement.  I love their thirst and hunger for knowledge.  I love their innocent view of the world.  Spend the morning with a room full of preschoolers, and you will get a much better understanding why Jesus … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Everyone Loves a Good Blog Party!

OK. Confession time. All smart kids ministry people monitor the mom blogs for ideas. 5 Minutes for Mom is one of the best mommy blog sites out there. So, this year I’m crashing their Ultimate Blog Party. Just click here to browse the guest list. They’ll have thousands of bloggers visiting around and making new friends. Attn Guests: Ministry-To-Children is … More Children’s Ministry Resources

John 3:16 Day Ideas for Kids

K-Love Radio may have started something a few years back when they called for Christians to celebrate John 3:16 Day. The basic idea was to use March 16th (3/16) to share the message of Jesus with others. The challenge was simple – Tell someone about God’s love today. I’ve already noticed a jump in people printing out out our John 3:16 … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children's Ministry Conferences 2011-2012

It is important in teaching God’s kids that we constantly strive to improve. Equally important is networking with like-minded and passionate children’s ministry servant. Fortunately, there are a ton of great conferences out there to accomplish both of these goal. We are striving to pull together one comprehensive resource listing children’s ministry conferences around the globe. With that goal in … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Five Ways to Get Kids to Shut Up!

Admit it!  I got your attention with that title.  Who says that sort of thing when they work in children’s ministry? That answer is – no one says it, but I am willing to venture a guess that most of us have thought it at one point or another.  So, here are five simple things you can do to keep … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Parenting Book Review "One Million Arrows"

My husband and I have two children with big dreams. Our daughter speaks of becoming a doctor one day.  She takes our blood pressure and assesses our symptoms daily.  Her tender heart beats with compassion for those who are ill, especially in poverty stricken countries.  I love the heart that God has given her. Our son speaks of becoming a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What Do Kids Really Need to Know on Valentine's Day?

Super cute white pants with red hearts ALL over them; that’s what I remember most about Valentine’s Day growing up.  They were a genius gift from my parents in the fifth grade.  How they got a fifth grader’s style right, I’ll never know.  (I am currently struggling with a three year old boy’s style.) If you dug up old photos, you … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Tips for Volunteer Recruitment in Children's Ministry

I think one of the biggest challenges anyone faces in ministry is recruiting (and keeping) volunteers. Particularly as a children’s director, it sometimes feels like pulling teeth to get church members to even consider stepping foot into the children’s department! I think there are several things we can do as preschool and elementary directors to remove people’s preconceived ideas about … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christian Valentine Party Ideas for Church

Holiday parties make the perfect venue for kids to socialize with Christian teachers and kids. Chances are the local school and some families will already host many of these love-related parties. If plan to hold a Valentine’s Day party, make your event stand out with these 5 ideas for a Christian Valentine party. Use this fun event to demonstrate to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Learn the Secret Art of "Verbal Judo" in Children's Ministry

The children gathered excitedly in front of me, sitting on their little red or blue plastic chairs. There were about thirty kids, ranging in age from three to seven years old. I sat my large dalmation Firedog puppet from Amaze Healing Wings on my right knee. A previous generation of kids I pastored long ago had named him “Scruffy.” As the children quieted down, I began … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Exit Interviews: Your New Secret Weapon in Kids Ministry

Conducting exit interviews and issuing each child an “exit ticket” at the end of a ministry period is a great exercise for reinforcing Bible lessons and communicating with parents. Dr. Alyssa Barnes, an education faculty member at North Georgia College & State University, gave me the idea for creating daily exit tickets inside a children’s ministry setting. Barnes explained that … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Counting Words: Bible Memory Verse Activity

This learning method is one I discovered one day when the kids were feeling rowdy in kids church. Instead of my normal methods of group memory verse work, I asked the kids to do something different. I never use this as a stand-alone memory exercise, but it’s a good supplement that brings some variety by promoting active listening. Supplies: A … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Moses and the People of Israel

This is the 4th lesson of a 5-part series based on the life of Moses. This free Children’s Church lesson plan was first written for elementary aged students. It covers the story of the Israelites and how they kept grumbling. This material could also be used as the Bible lesson for children’s Sunday school. Be sure to consider your own … More Children’s Ministry Resources