Book Review: The Original Jesus

Recently, I received a copy of Daniel Darling’s new book, The Original Jesus: Trading the Myths We Create for the Savior Who Is.  (Available on Published by Baker Books, Darling takes on an interesting subject–the  Christian’s concept of Jesus. If your shopping for a children’s Bible, be sure to see the our new articles reviewing the top choices for your kids. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Should You Stay or Should You Go?

Some time ago, a friend of mine–we’ll call her Mary, was summoned to the pastor’s office for a meeting. From the pastor’s tone, Mary sensed that she’d made some sort of mistake but the pastor refused to give her any information over the phone. Prior to the impromptu meeting, Mary had never been called into the office before so she … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Reasons to Stay in Children's Ministry

Children’s ministry is so rewarding but like all ministries, it can also be very demanding. Ministering to more than a handful of children each week can be wearing, physically and spiritually, no matter how much you love Jesus. Add in personal struggles, personal relationships and other stressors and you have plenty of reasons to walk away from ministry. I know … More Children’s Ministry Resources

20 Things Kids Really Want to Say

Serving in children’s ministry has been the best thing I’ve ever done! Aside from having two wonderful children of my own, I feel blessed to have ministered to thousands of kids around the US. That being said, you have to have tough skin and Duracell battery faith to work in kids min. I may be willing to take a pie … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Tiny Faith" Mark 4:26-34 Sunday School Lesson

This free Bible lesson is based on Mark 4:26-34 when Jesus speaks about the faith of a mustard seed.  It is designed for children’s church or Sunday School. Please modify as best fits your ministry. If your church follows the Revised Common Lectionary, this teaching plan would correspond to Year B – 3rd Sunday after Pentecost, Gospel Reading – Mark 4:26-34. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Easter Stations for Children's Church

Easter Morning Stained Glass

At Easter time, children’s ministries have to walk the line between the secular and the biblical and sometimes it’s a tough line to walk. If you’ve been in children’s church leadership long you know that parents, grandparents and sometimes the entire community expect you to host some sort of Easter egg hunt or a pageant for this holiday. That’s part … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Silly Ways to Play Duck Duck Goose

Have time to kill at the end of class or looking for an active game to break up a teaching block? Keep it simple and call out this fun, classic game. Of course, you could play the traditional Duck, Duck, Goose game but why not make it more biblical? Try these variations on this fast-paced game. Duck Duck Goose Call-Out … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Power Comes From Where? God’s love and Christ’s light (John 1:5)

Main Point: God is our strength and guiding light; our power comes through faith and we can share this power with others. Materials: Flashlight(s), lantern, glow-in-the-dark stars, Bibles Anyone who has encountered a power outage can understand and appreciate our modern dependence on electricity. When a falling tree limb or storm cuts power lines and homes plunge into darkness, we … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Talking to Kids About Monsters (Fear Versus Faith)

Popular culture can’t seem to get enough of monsters. From television shows about finding Bigfoot to creature features, our world is permeated with images of monsters. Kids sure don’t need these visual aids to believe in the “boogeyman,” their imaginations make it easy to believe something is under the bed or in the closet. (Incidentally, as a child I believed … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Great Ways to Greet Kids in Children’s Church

Think a good greeting program isn’t necessary for children’s church? Think again! When we don’t greet kids as they come in, we miss making a valuable connection for two reasons. First, the greeting is where you establish discipline. That’s so important to do right at the beginning of each session. Kids need to know someone is in charge. Second, we … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Kids Ministry Challenge: The Drop Off Kids

Have you noticed this trend? Parents or grandparents drop off kids (sometimes way before service time) and then take off until church is over. They aren’t actually attending church themselves–just the children. Understand me, I’m not talking about the parent who has to go to work. I am referring to the disturbing new kids’ ministry challenge–the drop off kids. If … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Creative Ways to Do Scripture Memory Verses with Kids

Praise and worship has ended now comes the burning question. “Okay kids! Who can tell me what last week’s memory verse was?” You hear the sound of crickets. Don’t feel bad–it happens to us all but there are some creative ways to present scripture verses–some are so much fun that kids won’t even know they are memorizing them. Ready to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Year's Game: Confetti Balloons

If you ask kids what their favorite holiday is, New Year’s isn’t likely to make the top three but that’s no reason to skip over the world’s most popular “do over.” In the secular world, the “new year” is a time stamp that initiates a life change but like every day with Jesus, it is time to do better, to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Year's Time Capsule for Kids' Church

Is your church holding a New Year’s eve event? If you answered yes, you have been challenged to provide some of the activities for the kiddos while parents wait for the clock to move. Been there–done that! Even if you aren’t facing the challenge of entertaining kids for a long period of time, you might find this kids’ church idea … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant" Sunday School Lesson from Matthew 25:14-30

This free Bible lesson is based on Matthew 25:14-30 where Jesus tells ‘The Parable of the Talents”.  It is designed for children’s church or Sunday School. Please modify as best fits your ministry. If your church follows the Revised Common Lectionary, this teaching plan would correspond to Year A – 23rd Sunday After Pentecost, Gospel Reading – Matthew 25:14-30. Opening Activity – Well … More Children’s Ministry Resources