"Summer Sunday Camp" Theme Idea

Looking for an inexpensive summer theme for a VBS, kids’ event or Sunday School? You can easily put together a summer Sunday camp with items from around your home. Kids love this playful theme and it works for day and night! If you can get your hands on one, a star projector works great at a “camp in.” Flip off … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Summer Safety Tips for Kids’ Camp

Summer camps are as American as apple pie and ice cream but in today’s world, you have to take safety issues seriously when kids are involved – especially at church. If your church is sponsoring a week of VBS or a season-long camp, you should consider these important safety tips. Nobody wants accidents to happen but they can and sometimes … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas in July: Ideas for Children's Ministry

With the blazing summer temperatures, it may be hard to envision celebrating Christmas at this time of year.  But the heart of the gospel is that God came down to be present with us each and every day.  Christmas in July gives us the opportunity to talk about God’s story all over again.  The unique timing of the celebration ensures … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Wacky Olympic Games for Kids Ministry

Still looking for a few summer games for your kids ministry?   Add these Olympic game variations to your Vacation Bible School, day camp, summer camp, or whatever else you have planned!  Get ready to compete, laugh, and encourage the children in your ministries.  Of course, adapt as necessary for the age, size, and ability of your group.  Just remember to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Ideas for a Summer Volunteer Drive

What’s the one ingredient your VBS, Kids’ Crusade and summer events all require? Volunteers! Especially during those warm months when most everyone’s mind is focused on vacation and leisure activities. Children’s ministry does not shut down when the weather gets warm; it’s still an important function of the church that needs multiple hands to make it work. You might think … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How will "Gay Marriage" impact Children's Ministry?

With the coming political firestorm over “same-sex marriage,” it’s going to be a topic kids hear about. If your children aren’t asking yet, it’s just a matter of time. As ministry leaders, we should think carefully about how we respond and find the right balance of truth & grace. That’s why I sent the following question to several of my … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Backyard Evangelism for Children's Ministry

Warm weather makes me want to run outdoors and play, even though I am slightly older than the average kid. If you and I feel that way after a long, cold winter, imagine how the kids feel! Did you know, the great outdoors is the perfect location for reaching kids for Jesus? Kids love to play, no matter where they … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Easy Way to Do Summer Camp

This summer I had the opportunity to be a part of CentriKid Camp for a day with a few kids from my church.  This 3rd-6th grade camp offers Bible Study and Recreation in the morning, camper’s choice activity tracks in the afternoons, and an evening filled with worship, party, and church group time. I have some great video footage, but I’ve never made time … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Grace Based Parenting: A Summer Must Read

I really hope that I’m not alone when I say that parenting is the hardest thing that I have ever done.  I say that in honesty and humility.  I am ashamed to say that I have misrepresented a loving God to my children with impatience, fatigue, fear, control, or manipulation at times.  This is not how God parents me. God … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Serving Others" Summer Program Ideas for Kids

Planning a Serving Others Summer (SOS) can be a fun way to connect to the community, serve others, and bring the church family together. These are very  simple ideas you can carry out quickly. Print water bottle labels with a bible verse and your church information and pass out at a local parade or little league game. Serve a free hot … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Plan a Kids Ministry Camp

Every summer my church holds a Kids Camp for our elementary aged children.  This is one of the most fun events we have and I always look forward to those 3 days every year.  Here are a few suggestions in getting your own kids camp up and running. Decide length of time and ages: Our camp leaves on Sunday afternoon … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Steps to Prepare for Cross-Cultural Kids Ministry

Among other things, summer time is prime time for service projects and missions trips.  Often, those trips will include working with children through Vacation Bible Schools, summer camps, outreach programs, orphanages, etc.  Whether you’ve got trips planned for the inner city, a different place in the US, or an international mission trip planned, an essential component of that trip is … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Tips for Volunteer Recruitment in Children's Ministry

I think one of the biggest challenges anyone faces in ministry is recruiting (and keeping) volunteers. Particularly as a children’s director, it sometimes feels like pulling teeth to get church members to even consider stepping foot into the children’s department! I think there are several things we can do as preschool and elementary directors to remove people’s preconceived ideas about … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Creating a Welcoming Environment for Children's Ministry

Maybe I just have a thing for aesthetics, but there is something to be said for a warm and welcoming environment.  Have you ever walked into a classroom that invites you in with color and comfort and encouragement?  These places of learning are organized, interactive, and vibrant.  On the walls, you’ll find pictures of students laughing, words of wisdom and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Summer Coloring Pages (12 Sheet PDF Book)

Summer coloring pages for children's ministry

The combined file includes all the pictures below and our new Summer Thankfulness journal pages for 2019. Scroll down to get the free versions of these printables. Don’t miss the 40-page Calendar, Seasons, and Routine bundle from the Sunday School Store. It’s an upgraded format of this free resource and supports the artist who created this project. We’ve combined all … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preschool Moms Ministry: Preschool Play Day

When ministering to children we must keep in mind our ministry is also to their parents.  We are to partner with parents in spiritually leading their children.  Not only are we to teach our church’s children on Sunday mornings, but we are to support the parents in our church so they can biblically train up their children in the way … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 On-The-Go Family Devotions for Summertime

The flip flops are flopping.  The sunscreen is lathered.  The baseball hats and sunglasses are on.  Juice boxes are packed for the tykes, candy for the husband with a sweet tooth, and coffee is in hand for me.  Summertime is my favorite time of year!  I’m pretty sure I love it all, bugs and humidity included.  Topping the list, without … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Kids Ministry Ideas with an Olympic Theme

city dawn dusk night

Using themes for kids’ ministry excites kids, teachers and volunteers. An Olympic theme is an especially good theme because it is a topic of excellence and endurance. Use an Olympic theme over an entire quarter or just a few classes in your kids’ ministry. Teach kids about what God thinks about sportsmanship, working as a team and the importance of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Why is Children's Ministry So Important?

children's ministry is important to Jesus

Your kids ministry is important. That’s why we started writing down this list of the benefits of children’s church, Sunday School, and all kids ministry programs. We hope this article will encourage everyone at your church to invest in the next generation.

Family Discipleship In The Summertime

Summertime is a more relaxed season of the year for many families (although with vacations, baseball, and family reunions our schedules can still be hectic!) But summer is a good time to remind ourselves as parents that growth in the grace and knowledge of God doesn’t take summer breaks. The summer months present a great opportunity for Christian moms and … More Children’s Ministry Resources