8 Awesome Paper Plate Craft Ideas

This is a guest post from the Quill blog (who of course sell paper plates and craft supplies – my church used them often). The compiled some awesome craft ideas for using paper plates. Paper plates are an essential supply in the classroom, children’s ministry, and Sunday School supply closed. Click on the images to see the full directions for each craft (offsite links) 8 Creative Craft Ideas Using Paper Plates 1. Jellyfish made from Paper Plates

Lesson: Ehud, the Sneaky Judge

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids the story of Ehud the judge and the importance of praying to and listening to God. Needed: Playing cards, drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils, stapler Intro Game: Bluff!  Have kids sit in a circle. Then, pass out a deck of playing cards with the cards face down. Starting with the first student, they must declare that they are putting one or more Ace cards facedown in the

Lesson: Deborah and Jael, Brave Women of God

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach children how to be brave in the Lord, like Judge Deborah and Jael. Needed: whiteboard or blackboard or paper to write on, index cards with Faith or Fear written on them, drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils Intro Activity Tell students, I want to play a game with you today. I want you to think of as many good men leaders in the Bible as you can. Whoever

Lesson: Gideon’s Thankful Faith

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach children about the Judge Gideon and why we should always thank God for His promises. Needed: soft ball, building blocks or cushions Intro Game: The Moraboofus This is a game to help kids see why it’s silly to be afraid of certain things. You’ll give kids a series of tasks that they have to add to one another until it’s impossible to do them all. Tell them that if

Lesson: Gideon’s Small Chances

Use this Judges children’s Sunday School lesson to tell kids the story of Gideon and God’s power. Needed: a die for each child, a spray bottle with water, a napkin or paper towel Intro Game: What are the Odds?  Make a grid on the floor with six rows across and as many columns as you have students. Have the students line up at one side of the grid, each in front of one column. They take turns

Lesson: Samson, God’s Special Follower

Use this Judges’ children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids what it means to be a holy follower of God. Needed: a bunch of ordinary things and then something special (an example would be a handful of ordinary pencils and a decorative, sparkly pencil), a collection of riddles for children Intro Activity: Riddles!  Tell students three or four riddles to get them thinking. Make sure the riddles are easy enough for your age group. Lesson (Summarize Judges

Lesson: Strong Samson and Devious Delilah

Use this Judges’ children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids how they can be strong for God and resist temptation. Needed: drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: Resisting Temptation  Divide students into two teams for a slightly modified game of Red Rover. The teams line up facing each other on either side of your play area. They link hands with the students next to them. You’ll call the name of one of the students on

Lesson: The Story of Ruth

Use this Ruth children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids the importance of believing in the real God. Needed: an index card that’s blank on one side with a clue on the back and cards with 1-5 raindrops on them with clues on the back,paper bags or string for a three-legged race, lots of loose strips of paper and bags full of paper strips Note: Before class, you’ll write out clues on the index cards as to

Lesson: Hannah Gives Samuel to God

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson on the birth of Samuel to teach kids about being generous toward God. Needed: Bibles or a volunteer to play Hannah (you can read the Hannah script if you want rather than getting a volunteer), random items, playing cards or Go Fish cards, pennies Intro Activity: How did God Make It? Divide students into groups of two or three. Give each group an item from your home, from around the church,

Lesson: The Lord Rejects Eli and His Sons and Calls Samuel

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach students about the calling of Samuel and how God calls each of us. Needed: Bibles, Don’t Say It! / Taboo cards (bought or homemade), a blindfold, drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: Don’t Say It!  Divide students into two teams. In this Taboo-like game, teammates take turns trying to get their teams to guess the main word on their card without using four obvious words listed

Lesson: The Philistines Defeat Israel, but God Defeats Dagon

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson from the book of 1 Samuel to teach kids the power of the real God. Needed: Bibles, pictures of various gods pasted to boxes or paper bags and one bag with no picture but a snack or other prize inside Intro Game 1: What’s Under Box #?  Before class, print out pictures of various gods and paste one picture onto each box or paper bag. Leave one box or bag blank

Lesson: Saul Becomes King

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids about how Israel chose their first king, and how God is the true King. Needed: Bibles, flashlight, craft foam or construction paper, scissors, glue or tape, markers or crayons, stickers or jewel decorations Intro Game: Storytelling Sequence Kids sit in a circle, each telling one sentence of a story. Tell them that the story has to involve a king. When it’s their turn to make up a sentence,

Lesson: God Rejects Saul and Chooses David

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about David to teach children about how God judges us for who we are on the inside. Needed: Bibles, gift bags or wrapped boxes with dirt in them and one plain bag or box with a snack or prize to share Intro Game: Looks Can Be Deceiving part 1 Set out a series of decorative bags or boxes on a table. These bags all have dirt in them. Set one plain

Lesson: David and Goliath

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids about how God helped David defeat Goliath and how He can help us in every situation. Needed: Bibles, a simple musical instrument such as a toy drum or toy keyboard, balls, socks, bucket or trashcan Intro Game 1: Soothing the King Tell kids to line up one side of your play area. You stand at the other end with a toy musical instrument behind you. Tell them that

Lesson: King Saul Tries to Kill David, but David Won’t Kill Saul

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about David to teach children about how we should treat our enemies. Needed: Bibles Intro Game: Soothing the King Tell kids to line up one side of your play area. You stand at the other end with a toy musical instrument behind you. Tell them that you’re King Saul. When you say, “Go!” the kids will try to run past you to play the musical instrument. If you tag any of

Lesson: David and Nabal – Abigail Makes Peace

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about David to teach children how to minister to others. Needed: Bibles, random items, drawing paper, and crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: Pacifying David  Choose something around your room. Tell students that you’re going to play a game of tag. The only way to make you stop chasing them is for them to bring you what you want. Give them a clue as to the item’s color or shape. When

Lesson: Saul Visits a Witch and David Becomes King

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids about what happens when we die. Needed: Bibles, soft balls or paper wads Intro Activity: Acting It Out Divide students into groups of two or three. Give them a few minutes to think of their skit. Then, have each group act out what they think happens when someone dies. Lesson So far, we’ve learned about how God told Samuel to make Saul the first king of Israel. But

Lesson: David and Bathsheba – David Does Wrong and Is Punished by God

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about the story of David and Bathsheba to teach kids about God’s punishments and forgiveness. Needed: Bibles, soft balls or paper wads, Don’t Say It / Taboo cards Game: Uriah Dodge Ball Divide your play area in half and divide the students into two teams. Give each team an equal number of soft balls or paper wads to throw. They have to stay on their side of the play area. The

Lesson: Solomon, the Wisest King?

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about the life of Solomon to teach kids to be faithful to God their entire lives. Needed: Bibles, index cards (some with names of various gods written on them and some with “God” written on them), a piece of paper for each group of students with the basic scenario of the two women claiming one baby written on it Intro Activity: Peer Pressure Playacting  Have students form groups of three. Give

Lesson: The Kingdom Divided!

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Rehoboam and Jeroboam to teach kids the importance of humility and unity. Needed: Bibles, Kerplunk or Jenga Intro Game: Kerplunk or Jenga Both of these games require kids to take risks and exercise wisdom. Jenga is an especially simple game that you can make yourself if you want to by cutting up some spare wood into roughly even blocks. Play either game a couple of times. Then, Say, You have

Lesson: Elijah and the Widow

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Elijah to teach kids about how God supplies our needs and answers our prayers. Needed: Bibles, a bowl with some flour in it, bowls and cereal or building blocks, 2 six-sided dice Lesson Say, Last time, we learned about how King Solomon died and his son, Rehoboam, made a big mistake. Does anyone remember what King Rehoboam did? (He wouldn’t listen to the people of Israel when they asked him

Lesson: Showdown on Mount Carmel

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Elijah to teach kids who the real God is. Needed: Bibles Intro Game: Thumb Wrestling Tournament  Have students find a partner. When you say, Go!, each pair of students thumb wrestle. The winners of each match pair up with another winner. The losers pair up with another loser. If someone loses twice, they’re out. The winners keep playing until one student wins the tournament. Play again if time allows. Then,

Lesson: God Appears to Elijah

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Elijah to teach students about the ways God speaks to us. Needed: Bibles, blindfolds, drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils Intro Craft: How God Works  Give students drawing supplies and ask them to draw their favorite way that God worked in the Bible. It could be a story about God from the Old Testament. It could be a story about Jesus. It could be a story about how the

Lesson: Showing Respect for God and the Leaders He Chooses

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Elijah to teach children about respect. Needed: Bibles, strips of paper, drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils Intro Activity: Mock Election Announce that you’re going to play a game to decide which student will be the next leader of (your country, your class, your church, or any other organization your kids will relate to). Explain that everyone will vote for who they want the new leader to be. Even