Everyone’s Invited (Matthew 22:1-14) Sunday School Lesson

The Parable of the Wedding Feast Sunday School Lesson

Use this free Bible lesson for kids in your Sunday School class when teaching the Parable of the Wedding Feast from Matthew 22:1-14. The download below includes crafts, games, printables and a complete teaching plan. “Everyone’s Invited!” Sunday School Lesson on the Wedding Feast in Matthew 22:1-14 “Many are called, but few are chosen…” This statement, directly following the scene … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Faith-Over-Fear Curriculum for Back To School

Faith over fear - back to school Bible lessons for kids

This year, more than ever, kids are feeling anxiety and fear about going back to school. They need to know God is with them. God can be trusted – HE can make a difference in times of fear. I’m excited to share about a new curriculum from Bethany Darwin. It’s a special 5-week curriculum based on Hebrews 11 that will help … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Real Temple…Jesus Reveals Himself

There are a couple of important principles evident in the story of Christ clearing out the temple of Jerusalem. For one thing, we see that Jesus demonstrated anger, which is no sin…however, this was a justifiable anger, aimed at evil against the Lord’s house. Jesus did not have a temper tantrum; He was showing who He was. Jesus was the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

God is Amazing…and He is on our Side!

    Sometimes we think of the prophetic books as a mysterious foretelling or maybe a boring old irrelevant message. For kids especially, words of the prophets can seem confusing or abstract, but we lose some rich spiritual nourishment when we overlook these wonderful portions of the Old Testament. Isaiah, especially, has beautiful descriptions of the Lord, as well as … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What’s that Smell? Becoming and Remaining the Aroma of Christ

            It can evoke strong memories, warn of danger, or make someone swoon. It can be pleasant or nauseating and have varying nuances for different individuals. It provides flavor and environment understanding. It can be powerful, mild, pungent, sweet, mouthwatering, or tear-inducing. Smell is quite an amazing miracle, and carries a great deal of value for our lives, minds, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Faith and Assurance: Lessons from a Canaanite Woman

Faith of the Gentile Woman

 We see in God’s word that the Lord rewards faith. Sometimes we don’t quite understand what this means, but persistence is important. Not only that, but often there are elements of life that we don’t at first comprehend, but God makes clear.  This lesson looks at Jesus and His interaction with a woman who did some unique and surprising things. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Yesterday, Tomorrow, or Today? A Note on Majoring in the Minors…

  In Northern Kentucky, a 75,000 square-foot museum boasts exhibits and merchandise that celebrate and emphasize the “young earth” argument that insists on a literal interpretation of creation’s seven days. The museum employs over 300 workers and receives hundreds (or even thousands) of visitors daily. It cost founder Ken Ham over $27 million to develop…however, that amount is pocket change … More Children’s Ministry Resources

For Mothers…and Fathers, and Families of all Kinds

When Mother’s Day pops up, we shift our focus on earthly families and appreciate how much our mothers do. This is of course important, and respects God’s commandment to honor parents (Exodus 20:12). God has given us father and mother with special purpose. On the other side of things, though, what about those who do not have such a blessed … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Hope is Coming…we are Chosen for HIM

Sometimes it is easy to read the Old Testament and think of it as irrelevant, or less important than the gospels and epistles. Words of prophecy may seem harsh, repetitive, or difficult to understand. But so much that we find in the prophetic books can be significant and meaningful to our daily lives and especially to kids. Not only that, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Philip Teaches the Ethiopian about Jesus

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids about the need to tell others about Jesus. Needed: Bibles, slips of paper with prophecies about Jesus written on them Intro Activity: Christian Story Interview  Have students pair up and ask each other the following questions. They’ll then present their partner’s answers as a reporter. They can write the answers down … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The BIBLE Curriculum from Bethany Darwin

The Bible Curriculum

We’re excited to introduce the new BIBLE curriculum from our longtime author Bethany Darwin. Watch the video below and leave a comment to let us know what you think. This exciting new curriculum will get kids into the BIBLE like never before – one book at a time over the course of 52 weeks.  This is UNIT 1 with 13 lessons … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: On the Road to Emmaus

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids about how Jesus fulfills prophecy from the Old Testament. Needed: Bibles, slips of paper with prophetic statements about Jesus written on them, close-up images of common objects, drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils Intro Game #1: Fulfilling Prophecy  Print or write out prophecy clues about Jesus, along with their Scripture reference, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: God Appears to Elijah

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Elijah to teach students about the ways God speaks to us. Needed: Bibles, blindfolds, drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils Intro Craft: How God Works  Give students drawing supplies and ask them to draw their favorite way that God worked in the Bible. It could be a story about God from the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Jesus is Baptized

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Jesus’ baptism to teach kids the meaning of baptism. Needed: Bibles, drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: No, No, Chosen! In this version of Duck, Duck, Goose! students sit in a circle, and one student or leader decides which person they want to choose. Explain that in the Old Testament, … More Children’s Ministry Resources