We’re excited to introduce the new BIBLE curriculum from our longtime author Bethany Darwin. Watch the video below and leave a comment to let us know what you think.
This exciting new curriculum will get kids into the BIBLE like never before – one book at a time over the course of 52 weeks. This is UNIT 1 with 13 lessons covering Genesis through Ezra.
- Don’t miss the free sample lesson on the book of EXODUS.
- You can purchase this material from the Sunday School Store.
You can get 25% off the curriculum when you use the special code from Ministry-To-Children …. MTC25 at checkout or use this link. It’s good for an entire order, enjoy!
What’s included in file (word docs, PDF, handouts, etc.): word doc lessons, PDF lessons, teaching materials, handouts, class posters, Old Testament Bingo game
Age group: Elementary – K-6/ ages 4-11
“The B-I-B-L-E: Through the Bible One Book at a Time” is a complete curriculum resource for churches who desire to see their children grow in Bible literacy. The point of these materials is to deepen children’s understanding of the big picture of the Bible. By the end of the year, every student in the group should be able to quote the books of the Bible from memory (using hand motions as prompts if necessary) and tell something about each book of the Bible and how it points to the cross.
Unit 1 contains 13 full lessons: a lesson teaching the big story of the Bible, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles and Ezra.
Each lesson is designed to be taught over a 45 minute to 1 hour time frame and includes the following elements: opening activities, overview of the book and authorship, defining key words in the book, application activities, a hand motion for the book, key verse teaching activities and a section called cross connection where children will see how this book of the Bible points to Christ.
I think this will benefit our church because as of right now, we are going back to basic learning and we are now starting to learn about the BIBLE. And from the video, it seems like an easy way to teach the kids especially this time of quarantine situation!
I am from Nepal .This book gone be a rock for the kids to be stand in it.
Actually we can’t find such resourses here through which we can teach our kids lead ti Christ.
Its veey important for us.
This would be great for our church. We are a small church with new teachers learning to teach. We could use this to benefit teachers and students. We are from rural Alabama.
In our new way of doing children’s church, we are always looking for new and exciting ideas to share with the kids to keep them engaged and active in our group. I think that the kids would really dive into these lessons and get excited with each one.
I am a Sunday School teacher at our local church, and would love to have more resources to supplement to our regular lessons and also to use for at home use to give to families to expand and teach their children (and probably learn something themselves!)
Good day –
First of all let me compliment your work. Thank you for putting together such a great work, for your patience and love to children.
My church can benefit from this curriculum tremendously. We are small church that originated in Kyrgyzstan and branched out to Orlando, FL. We had our children service only for 2 years and still didn’t figured it out completely yet. This curriculum can be a great foundation for our growing church here in America.
Thank you for your attention,
This curriculum looks solid in scriptures and stays true to teaching children directly from the Bible. I love that it has children look through the book of the Bible which will help children become very comfortable with their Bibles. I can see that benefitting our Sunday School as it seems much curriculum does not even get the kids in the Bible. Exciting!!
I have been wanting to walk thru the Bible with our children in a midweek program, but have not found the resource that is versatile but simple enough that the lessons clearly point to biblical truths in a way that kids can understand. This looks like just what I have been looking for. I love that it has digital resources which we have found to be a benefit for leaders and families. I hope I will have a chance to try your curriculum!
Hello from Albania 🇦🇱. It will be helpful for our ministry and our children to learn more from God’s word. Thank you for this opportunity.
Wow, this must have taken you a long time to develop. We are missionaries in Suriname, and have children’s Sunday schools as well as a Bible club, and Bible teaching in the International school. This curriculum would fit great into the school Bible lessons, and also the children’s church, though there it would take a longer time. I appreciate all the peripherals you described also. May God richly bless you as you serve Him in this way.
It’s so rare to find a curriculum that help us teach children how each book of the Bible fits together and relates to Christ. It will greatly benefit our Sunday school & help to lay a great foundation.
The fact that I learned the books of he bible as a chipd has been a winner all my life. We’re just looking at new curriculum for our church kids and would be delighted for them to learn with his book as I think each child ought to have knowledge of the books of the Bible.
At any case, appreciate your work!
Thanks for your interest in the curriculum and you’re right that learning the Bible as a child is a huge benefit throughout life.
Thanks for your interest in the curriculum. I hope you’re able to use it to build a foundation in your Sunday School.
Thanks for your interest in the curriculum and blessings on you as you serve in Suriname. I am an MK and grew up in Kenya. Thank you for your work!
Thanks for your interest in the curriculum! So great to find brothers and sisters in Christ around the world!
Thanks for your interest in the curriculum! Sounds like it would be a great fit for your class. I hope it’s a real blessing to your students.
Thanks for your interest in the curriculum! I agree with you that it’s so important to have kids in the Bible. I love to encourage kids who can’t even read yet to bring a Bible to church and to open it. We take a toddler Bible for our 8-month-old and hold it open while the pastor preaches as a subtle hint that this is from God’s Word.
Thanks for your interest in the curriculum! So great to find brothers and sisters in Christ around the world and to hear of your ministry in Florida now.
Thanks for your interest in the curriculum! You’re right that parents would probably learn something too. 🙂
Thanks for your interest in the curriculum! These materials are easily adaptable to all kinds of situations, so I’m sure it would be a good fit for your church!
Thanks for your interest in the curriculum! These materials are very user friendly which makes them easy for even new teachers to teach.
Thanks for your interest in the curriculum! So great to find brothers and sisters in Christ around the world! Thank you for your work!
Thanks for your interest in the curriculum! I love to hear that you are starting to teach about the Bible and build that foundation with your kids!
that is a very good resource for our children to help them stand firm and defend their faith.
Ebonyi State, NIGERIA
Thanks for your interest in the curriculum! So great to find brothers and sisters in Christ around the world!
This is amazing! One of the reasons why I would love to have this curriculum is to be able to teach the bible to my Kids in depth. I am the leader of Children’s Ministry in New York and due to everything that is going on we are doing Virtual Bible Study. The reviews to this study are good so i would love to be able to have a copy of this study. Thank you so much for doing this and may God continue to bless you.
This will hugely benefit and bless the children of our Children Church in a small town in Malaysia where hard copies resources are scarce. Thank you for considering us. God bless your ministry.
This curriculum looks great! I would love to utilize this especially given how simple it is to use. We are in a location that makes it difficult to obtain resources, so I really like how you have made it with such minimal prep.
I have been wanting to provide something for our kids at church but haven’t found a curriculum that I just fell in love with…yet, now I know what I want to get!
Thank you!
This curriculum will benefit our church because of the easily attainable supplies. We have a good children’s outreach but not a large budget to spend on materials.
This curriculum will benefit our church because it is all inclusive and doesn’t require a lot of extra materials.
Hi. Greetings from Sabah, Malaysia. I’ve been serving in the children ministry for more than 15 years and I graduated from the Sabah Theological Seminary last year. Has always been my desire to teach children the Bible book by book. If children at a very young age been taught the Bible book by book, it will help them understand God’s Word in a deeper level. I’m in particularly interested in this curriculum because it is Gospel focussed.
This could be the answer we are looking for! You had me at the Bible is a textbook and everything points to Jesus!
Our ministry could benefit because it’s all inclusive and Bible based. The Bible is the textbook! I love that! We rotate teachers through our children’s ministry and this would be easy to use. One book at a time for a solid foundation.
I am in a church where most kids don’t know of Jesus and lack a lot of understanding of the Bible. Many families we have are new in Christ and don’t know how to navigate the Bible. We are a smaller church with a limited budget but I would love to incorporate this curriculum to a generation of kids that will treasure the Bible.
I love your curriculum, its so kid friendly and also teacher friendly. My church would benefit greatly from this, we are always trying to find ways to make the kids engaged and dive into Gods word to seek the answers.
I am looking for new curriculum to use with our Children’s Church that will teach students about the Bible. I would rather students have the opportunity to learn about the Word of God in a tangible way that will be with them for a life-time. I also want consistency with those I am working with as well. I know that my team wants to teach the bible and be consistent with it. Thanks for your presentation and the video you all posted yesterday. Very informative.
Hi Shristi,
I just ran the giveaway drawing and your comment was the randomly selected winner!
I’m reaching out by email to send you the materials. Congratulations.
I’ve love to have a discount code
Thanks so much for the feedback – as promised, here is the code. You can get 25% off the curriculum when you use the special code from Ministry-To-Children …. MTC25 at checkout or use this link. It’s good for an entire order, enjoy!
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the video. Hope this curriculum meets the needs of your church.
Thanks for your encouragement. Please let me know if you have any questions about this curriculum.
Thanks for your feedback and thanks for serving those who are new to knowing Christ.
This is a great curriculum to use when rotating teachers as the materials are all digital downloads and although they build on each other they are also stand-alone lessons, one per book.
Thanks for your reply and our prayers go out to you in the midst of this time.
So great to meet brothers and sisters around the world!
So great to meet brothers and sisters around the world!
Hi Heidi. Thanks for your reply and you’re right that this is an easy to use resource without a ton of materials needed. Let me know if you have any questions about it.
Is this curriculum still available? If so how do I locate it?
I do not see it on the Ministry-To-Children site.