Preschool Bible Lesson: God is Always with Us

This lesson strives to help young children understand one of the most important attributes of God; that He is constant. He is always with us and will never leave us. This does not mean that we will be free from trials, but that He will be with us through good times and bad. Lesson Title:   God is Always with Us Bible Reference:  Deuteronomy 2:7, Hebrews 11:24-30, Deuteronomy 31:8 Target Age Group: Preschool Learning Context: Sunday School Target

Helping the Angry Child

During my sixteen year tenure in children’s ministry I have met many angry, defiant children. I won’t get into the details of all these situations—that’s confidential, but I am sure you have also met the angry child. He comes through with his arms folded across his chest, refuses to respond to his name and keeps his lip in a perpetual pout. You touch his shoulder and he flinches or just walks away. Your heart aches and you

When Parents Use Church Attendance as Punishment

Tristan had a bad week at school. He kicked a teacher (he says accidentally), talked back to his mother and refused to pay attention in class. Tristan had a very bad week. What was Mom’s solution? Keep her child at home rather than send him to church. So what do you think? Should parents use church attendance as punishment? Here’s what Tristan’s mom was probably thinking: I don’t want to send him to church because he might

10 Things You Should Never Say to a Children's Ministry Volunteer

I don’t believe for a minute that any, kindhearted, loving children’s leader would ever intentionally hurt a volunteer’s feelings but sometimes it does happen. Often, it’s an offhand remark or a negative response that causes the friction. Regular volunteers know when you are teasing and when you’re not but the new guy hasn’t quite figured it out. Guess what? The onus isn’t on the newbie volunteer–it’s on the leader. We really do need to watch our words,

Amos Bible Lesson: Seek the Lord and Live

The following lesson was adapted for a small group of children ranging in ages from 6-11.  The lesson is an overview of the Book of Amos.  The students discover that although Amos’ message was very bad news to God’s people because of their wickedness they would be punished.  If they were to seek the Lord and live they would be forgiven, which is very good news! Bible Passage: Amos 1-9 Bible Story Title: Amos:  Seek the Lord and Live

Five Ways Parents Can Disciple Kids

Make disciples! That was the command of Jesus to his disciples. What better way to fulfill this command then to disciple your own children and empower others to do the same. Biblical discipleship wasn’t in the classroom, it was demonstrated through daily interaction with others — letting them see Christ-like living. Even parents who are new Christians can disciple their kids. Try these discipling tips and pass them on to your parents. (It is the perfect content

How to Teach: Preschool Sunday School Class

Teaching a Preschool Sunday School class seems like a daunting task to undertake. But, with a little guidance and a simple plan, you are able to do it! Here’s a simple plan that might be useful if you are going to teach a preschool class. Don’t miss our free printable preschool Bible lessons and preschool coloring pages. Beginner’s Guide to Teaching a Preschool Sunday School Class Some Basic How-To for New Preschool & Toddler Teachers 1) Opening/Welcome

Bible Lesson: Josiah helps Judah return to God's Word

The following lesson was adapted to meet the needs of a small group of students ranging from age 5-11.  Students discover how the Bible helps people to know God and how to live a life that pleases Him. Bible Story: Josiah helps Judah return to God’s Word Scripture:  2 Chronicles 34-35 Target Age Group: Age 5 – 11 (U.S. K – 5th Grade) Learning Context: Sunday School Target Time Frame: 60 minutes Supply List:  Bibles, small scrolls with

7 Ways to Minister to Children in Your Community

**This post was written by Glenys Nellist. She’s the Coordinator of Children’s Ministry at the West Michigan Conference of The United Methodist Church. Learn how you can submit an idea to our website. Last year I met Sierra. She is 8 years old. Sierra lives in a tiny house with her three older siblings. Her mother is an alcoholic. Her father is an illegal immigrant, living under the constant threat of deportation. Sierra is in 3rd grade, but her

Bible Lesson: Simeon and Anna see the Savior

The following is an adaptation of the Gospel Project lesson of Jesus being dedicated at the temple.  The lesson was prepared for a small group of students ranging from age 5-11.  The students discover that as Simeon and Anna believed God would keep His promise to send a Savior, they can believe God keeps all His promises. Bible Story: Simeon and Anna see the Savior Scripture: Luke 2:22-38 Target Age Group: Age 5 – 11 (U.S. K –

Bible Lesson: The Message of John the Baptist

Main idea: We bear fruit in keeping with repentance by showing others we care for them.  Teacher preparation: Read Scripture references (below), 2 Chronicles 7:14 and Ezekiel 18:21-23. Spend time in prayer. Pray for your students. Think about your own life. Are you really repentant, or do you just say you are sorry without changing your ways? Are there any secret sins in your life you need to address? How do you “prove by the way you

Bible Lesson: King Hezekiah trusts God and asks for help

This lesson was inspired by the Gospel Project curriculum we’ve been using at our church.  It was created for a small group of K-5 students.  The students will learn that believers can confidently pray because God hears all our prayers. Bible Passage: 2 Kings 18-20 (Additional reading for teacher’s Bible study 2 Chron 29-32, Isaiah 37-38) Bible Story Title: King Hezekiah trusts God and asks for help Target Age Group:  Ages 6-11 (K-5th Grade U.S.A.) Target Time Frame: 60

"Repent and be Restored" Bible Lesson on Joel

This lesson is inspired by the Gospel Project curriculum we’ve been using at my church. This is an overview of Joel prepared for a small group of students ranging from age 6-10. The focus of the lesson is God’s desire for all people to repent and believe in Jesus to be saved from God’s punishment. Bible Passage: Joel 1-4 Bible Story Title: Joel-Repent and be Restored Target Age Group:  Ages 9-11 (3rd-5th Grade U.S.A.) Target Time Frame: 60 Minutes

3 Football Object Lessons for Kids

No matter where you live in the United States, chances are people in your neck of the woods love football. Whether you’re a college fan or follow the NFL the rules of football are pretty basic. Get the ball, move the ball and score some points. These are all concepts that are easy to transfer into a classroom setting–even in kids’ church. Take advantage of the excitement of the football season with these football object lessons. 1.

When Volunteers Don't Show Up

Without volunteers most children’s ministry would have a difficult time managing the many details of ministering to children. From leading at the crafts table to distributing snacks to teaching, willing hands make it happen. Most of the time, they work without all the recognition they deserve and of course, pay. However, because you do depend on them so much, it’s really an inconvenience when one doesn’t show up–especially repeatedly. So what do you do when volunteers don’t

"God Is With Us" Bible Lesson, Exodus 17

This lesson strives to teach young children that God is always with them and gives them what they need if they will just trust him. After the Exodus, Moses led the people of Israel away from Egypt and into the wilderness. At first the Israelites were overjoyed to finally be free, but that joy quickly turned to bitterness and agitation as they realized that there destined to wander in the wilderness before reaching their promised land. They

How to Handle Burn Out: Can You Come Back?

You took a weekend off but came back feeling just as restless, tired and spiritually out of focus as you did when you left. You’ve been serving non-stop for months, even years and simply feel like you don’t have anything left to give. All attempts at “pepping yourself up” or encouraging yourself in the Lord have fallen flat. It’s obvious that you’re in the middle of a major burn out. How do you heal and can you

Talking about Christmas Gifts – Object Discussion Game for Kids Church

The Sunday after Christmas kids want to talk about their stuff. They always run up to me and start pouring out their list of new belongings. To redirect this, I’ve made some time in children’s church to talk about Christmas gifts and return thanks for God’s blessing. Here’s how it works. Have the children sit in a large circle for a “game time.” Use a simple object, like a wrapped Christmas box, to indicate the one-and-only person allowed

Bible Lesson: Keeping the Christmas Spirit in the New Year

Main idea: As we welcome a new year, we can remember the Christmas message, that GOD IS WITH US!  Teacher preparation: Read Scripture references (below), Isaiah 63:7-9, Psalm 148:7-14 and Hebrews 2:10-18 Spend time in prayer. Pray for your students. Many people get the “Christmas blues” this time of year, as the family festivities come to a close. We don’t need to let go of the anticipation and joy of Christmas. We can carry his message of

New Year’s Eve Party Activities and Games

Do kids really need a New Year’s Eve party? Yes! Everybody appreciates a “do over.” Repentance and forgiveness are foundational in our Christian. In our culture, New Year’s Eve is the time when many people decide to start over in their attempt to reach a specific goal. Encourage your kids to search their hearts and get a fresh start for the New Year with these party activities and games. They make the perfect accompaniment for a lesson.

New Year Watch Party Activities for Kids

Many churches hold New Year’s Eve “watch parties” to ring in the new year. Congregations have different programs but if it’s a lengthy one, kids will get bored. Nobody wants that! If your church has an activity planned for the adults have something for kids to do too–besides watch a movie. These activities are great time fillers when you want to keep kids occupied for a little while and provide them with a way to be involved

Time Capsule Ideas for Kids' Church

Wondering how you can mark the New Year in children’s church? A time capsule is a capital idea! What a fun tradition to open and replace a time capsule each year.  This activity is good for any class size and even younger children will find this New Year activity fun. With a time capsule, you can teach kids valuable lessons about waiting on God and overcoming obstacles. You can customize your time capsule any way you like

Bible Lesson: Elisha and Naaman

This lesson was adapted for older students about Naaman and Elisha.  The students discover that only faith in the Lord Jesus cleanses a person from the consequences of sin (death). This is only a guide, please adapt to the needs of your class. Bible Passage:  2 Kings 5:1-9 Bible Story Title:  Elisha and Naaman  Target Age Group:  Ages 9-11 (3rd-5th Grade U.S.A.) Target Time Frame: 60 Minutes Original Teaching Context: Sunday School Image Credits: Sweet Publishing and Distant Shores Media

Bible Lesson: Solomon Builds Temple and Prays (1 Kings 8:1-13)

This lesson is an adaptation from the Gospel Project lesson on this Scripture passage.  When the temple was complete Solomon praised God before His people reminding them of His promises.  From the study of Solomon’s prayer after the completion of the temple, the students will discover that God keeps all His promises.  This lesson was prepared for older elementary students and can be adapted for your ministry’s needs. Bible Passage: 1 Kings 6-8Bible Story Title: Solomon Builds Temple and