Controlling Anger Object Lesson (Ephesians 4:26-27)

Do you ever feel like the Incredible Hulk? Full of explosive anger and ready to blow up at any moment. It’s hard to control anger by yourself, isn’t it? If grown ups have a hard time controlling anger, how much more do children? Let’s tackle that subject with this object lesson about controlling anger, God’s way. What You’ll Need Blender … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teaching the Atonement Object Lesson (1 John 2:2)

What a wonderful time of year! I sometimes wonder if we forget how valuable Jesus’ sacrifice was–for all of us. There is something wonderful about the atonement. It’s a central part of the resurrection story. I intend to share these verses before and after I teach this object lesson: 1 John 2:2, John 3:16, 1 Peter 2:24, John 1:29. What … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Easter Basket Object Lesson

Got an Easter basket handy? Fill it up with a few items and you’re ready to teach a memorable Easter basket object lesson. Of course after the teaching is over you can share your goodies for a special treat. I like the idea of taking popular Easter treats and items and using them to present the truth of the gospel. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Conversation Hearts Object Lesson about God's Love

Who doesn’t love the sweet candy known as Conversation Hearts? I know I do! It’s so much fun reading those loving and sometimes humorous messages before popping those candies in your mouth. Since they are so popular around Valentine’s Day, why not use them as an object lesson? That’s what I plan to do. Here is my idea. What you’ll … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Poinsettia Object Lesson (1 Samuel 16:7)

You know how much I object lessons! Seeing everything as a teaching object has become a habit. I blame it on all those children’s ministry conferences. That’s where it all started. But enough about me, let’s get to today’s object lesson! Since it’s Christmas, I thought it would be fun to select a familiar holiday object like a red poinsettia … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Thankful to God (3 Lessons) on Biblical Thankfulness

Use this free study in your Sunday School or Kids Church for 3 weeks leading up to Thanksgiving. It’s the perfect way to make November all about showing gratitude to God. The download below includes all three lessons, but don’t forget browse our free Thanksgiving crafts to supplement this material. Where does true thankfulness come from? Can we be thankful … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Spiritual Lessons to Learn from Bike Riding

The younger me adored bike riding. It’s an activity that I’ve gotten away from as I got older but some of my happiest childhood memories feature me on a bike. You remember the kid with the limp ponytail that cruised around on a pink bike with tattered plastic pom-pom handles? That was me! It wasn’t a good day unless I … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Smelly Stuff Object Lesson (Genesis 8:21)

God is so amazing! There is so much to know and understand about Him! I like thinking about what He thinks, what He feels and what He likes to smell! That’s right, God likes smelling certain fragrances. That gave me an idea for this smelly stuff object lesson. Before the actual lesson, I shared these verses. I talked with kids … More Children’s Ministry Resources