Three Popcorn Object Lessons from Mark 4:7-9

Could teaching kids about God be as easy as popping a bag of popcorn? Yes, indeed! If you have some popcorn, you can easily teach three significant object lessons to your Sunday School, children’s church or summer camp. Since it smells so tempting and delicious, have plenty of popcorn on hand to serve and share with kids after your teaching … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Cell Phone Object Lessons from Romans 15:13

Have a cell phone? You have everything you need to teach a valuable Christian lesson to teens or kids. Based on bible verses like Romans 15:13, “ Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost,” You’ll have everything you need to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Twister Game Bible Object Lessons about Sin

It is no secret that I love classic games! For teaching they work well because classic game brands, like Twister are recognizable and most of the class is familiar with game play rules. I recently found an old Twister game at the local thrift store and was able to put the Twister game mat to use as an object lesson. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Candy Bible Object Lessons

Bible Object Lessons about candy

Kids will love these candy object lessons from the Bible. Print this post for a quick children’s sermon our illustration in Sunday School class. I’m a huge candy fan! Not only is it sweet and fun to snack on but candy makes the perfect object lesson. I’ve found that whenever you use edible object lessons, kids attention is riveted to you. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Pop Rocks" Bible Object Lessons

Kids that aren’t freaked out about candy that pops in their mouth will love Pop Rocks candy. If you have the change to grab a few packets of this unique, classic confection, do it! It makes the perfect item for an exciting object lesson. You see, when this candy is made, it is infused with carbon dioxide. When the candy … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lessons About the Kingdom of Heaven

The Greatest Treasure Bible Lesson for Kids

Teaching kids about the kingdom of heaven? Present object lessons based on this passage from Matthew 13:44-46. The simplicity of Jesus’ parables will make it easy for kids to understand and apply to their own lives. “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Object Lessons with Flowers

The flowers are popping with color and these perky blooms make the perfect object lesson. Before class, tip toe through the tulips in your backyard (pun intended) or stop by a grocery store for an inexpensive bouquet. Object lessons with flowers allow kids to “smell” and “see” the Bible come to life. Have enough flowers to send a bloom home … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Jellybean" Bible Object Lessons

Small, sweet and colorful, this eye-catching candy can’t help but attract attention. Bring a bag of jellybeans to kids’ church or Sunday School as a visual aid for a special bible lesson. Once you have completed the demonstration, dole them out and share the candies with the class. (Have a bag of sugar-free candies available for diabetic or sugar-sensitive kids … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Object Lessons for New School Year (2019)

It’s back to school time! Time for kids to hunker down and learn–and not just at school but in bible class too. What a great time to present kids some important bible principles and lessons! Break out these object lessons for back to school and get kids excited about returning to the classroom. All you need are a few visual … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Fruit Punch Object Lessons

Looking for a power-packed object lesson? Reach for the fruit punch! You can blend fruit punch from a packet or buy a bottle of pre-mixed punch. When working with this colorful juice, remember that it can stain your skin and clothing. If you enlist the help of a child, have an apron handy to protect his clothing. Keep extra punch … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Finishing the Race" Bible Object Lessons

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7; NIV) That’s a powerful statement by Paul and one that has inspired generations to keep up the fight. If you’ve decided to present this verse to your children’s church or Sunday School class, include these finishing the race object lessons in … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Glowsticks and Christ In Us" Bible Object Lessons

Glow sticks emit a mysterious-looking light, especially in a darkened room. When you crack a stick and get it glowing, you’ll get the attention of everyone in the class. If you have the ability to darken your classroom, you can use this exciting toy as an object lesson for kids’ church. You can use glow sticks a hundred different ways … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christian Object Lessons: Kitchen Utensils

Do you like dressing up as a character when you teach? I do! Sometimes showing up for class in a costume really gets kids excited about learning. Add in a few Christian object lessons and you’ve really got a fun idea. One of the easiest characters to dress up as is a chef. Grab the kitchen utensils, an apron and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Beach Bible Object Lessons for Kids Church

As warm weather settles in, more families will be making trips to the beach and their favorite water parks. What a perfect time to break out these beach object lessons for kids church! These visual aids are inexpensive and easy to find, perfect for teaching kids important lessons from the Bible. Ready to use some lessons that are just “beachy?” … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lessons About Evangelism

Evangelism isn’t just for grownups—it is for kids too!  Our big God wants to use each person’s experiences to turn others hearts to Jesus. As teachers and pastors, we have a mandate to tap into a child’s boldness and desire to share the good news with his friends and family. That means that you and I must teach evangelism regularly … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lessons About Self Control

I believe God designed us to learn self-control during early childhood but for a number of reasons, this doesn’t always happen. Let’s be honest–some children have stronger wills than others and insist on touching the “hot stove” even when they are told not to.  Poor impulse control can manifest in different ways–constant interruptions during conversations, throwing a fit, ignoring instructions … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Pencil Bible Object Lessons

So what’s the most humble school supply? I’d have to go with the pencil–an item that every child is familiar with. Why not take this tool and use it for an object lesson? From chewed to new, a pencil object lesson is one that kids will remember everytime they reach for one. Just for fun, I developed two object lessons … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Rubber Band" Bible Object Lessons

Reach in your office drawer and pull out a few rubber bands. That’s all you need to share these object lessons. Bring the Bible to life by presenting this important lessons to kids using these snappy visual aids. Of course, it may be hard to find a volunteer. People don’t like getting popped or snapped. You could really make this … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Cookie Bible Object Lessons

Kids speak a unique language of fun and faith, don’t they? If you want to grab the attention of your young audience, teach using a tasty treat. Not only will they hang on every word (crumb!) they will look forward to snacking on them after the lesson. Try these cookie object lessons if you want to teach about brokenness or … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Green" Bible Object Lessons for St. Patrick's Day

Every March people around the world, (even the non-Irish) celebrate the life and ministry of St. Patrick with the color green. Like the green countryside of the mother land, Irish fans proudly wear their green ensembles. Why not take advantage of this color’s seasonal popularity by using green for a few object lessons. You can find most of the items … More Children’s Ministry Resources