10 Great Ideas for a Hallelujah Festival

Ideas for Fall Festival at Church

It’s Hallelujah Festival time! Christian schools and churches around the country hold these Halloween alternatives for kids to have a safe, less spooky celebration, with a focus on goodness and God. However, it is easy to get in a rut during these festivals. The same games, the same activities and since there are so many, you want yours to stand … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Make Fall Festival Planning Easier

Little girl at fall festival.

It’s just around the corner — it’s fall festival time. Or as we call them in some parts of the country, the Hallelujah festival. Having some Halloween alternatives for families is a great idea but waiting to the last minute to plan them can put you behind, big time. Don’t stress this year! You can make fall festival planning easier … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown Party Ideas

“It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown,” is my favorite Halloween movie and every year, I love using the characters from this show in my ministry. It’s a sweet story about a boy named Linus who mistakenly puts his faith in a disappointing Great Pumpkin. Unlike the Linus, who delivers his eloquent speech at the Charlie Brown Christmas program, this little … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Halloween Photo Booth Ideas

Little girl making afraid face

In a recent months, I’ve relied on photo booth backgrounds to help me pull off some fun themes in kids’ ministry. For example, during the “Jesus is My Superhero” crusade, we had a cardboard background painted to look like skyscrapers. Kids got to stand in the booth wearing their superhero costumes and get a photo taken, for free! This Halloween, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Fall Candy Party Activities

Candy is a big part of fall ministry, isn’t it? Personally, I don’t “celebrate” Halloween, but I do love fall festivals and ministering to kids. One thing that will be in abundance for the next few months is fall candy. If you need a few extra activities for your ministry time or plan to throw a fall party for the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Chocolate Syrup Object Lesson

Looking for some other sweet ways to share the gospel? If you’ve got a bottle of chocolate syrup and a few other items, you’ve got all you need to teach an awesome lesson about God’s love and grace. For this object lesson, I suggest using verses like Chocolate milk object lesson #1 Supplies you’ll need: Tall, clear glass, milk, chocolate … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Potters's Clay" Chocolate Object Lesson

People love chocolate — especially kids who are crazy about anything sweet. Delicious chocolate satisfies the sweet tooth but we know it’s the Lord that satisfies the soul. If you have a hankering to share some chocolate object lessons with kids, I can help you with that! Candy object lessons, like this chocolate idea, make good snacks too, as long … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Good Ways to Use Bible Bucks

Girl with cash money

I love behavior incentives and so do my kids but with all the stuff I carry in and out of kids church every week, I didn’t need one more thing to remember. Instead of handing out novelties and candy each week, I open the Bible Bucks store once a month and let the kids spend their well-earned Bible Bucks on … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Are You a Lone Ranger or a Team Player?

Anyone who has ever worked in ministry has had feelings of “loner-ism” at some point or other. While it’s normal to have seasons of loneliness, they should never result in become the Lone Ranger or the Lone Minister. Here are some possible scenarios: volunteers forget to bring promised items or fail to show up. Kids don’t respond to your lesson … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Chocolate Bar Object Lessons

Do you love chocolate? Chances are your children’s church does too. Before you teach this lesson, you need to buy a giant chocolate bar and some mini chocolate bars to give away. (I prefer to send them home with kids.) Supplement a holiday lesson or an any Sunday lesson with these delicious treats. Start by saying,: If there’s one thing … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Cool Widgets for Kids Church

If you have access to a volunteer or staff member who likes building, you should consider these cool widgets for your kids ministry. These invaluable tools provide a lot of excitement and if taken care of, they can last a good long time. I don’t use these handy items every week but they are perfect for special events or themed … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bully Proof Your Child's Life

Bullies today sometimes take extreme measures to get what they want — whether that’s your child’s lunch money or his happiness. (A disturbing thought since many of us are sending kids back to school.) Just a few decades ago, the biggest problems schools faced involved curtailing gum chewing in class, stopping hallway kissers or hand holding on the bus. I’d … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Small Group Activities for Children

Holding a 1 to 2-hour main event each week in kids’ church can build excitement but it’s not much of a vehicle for building relationships. I admit I love the high-energy, atmosphere of  heart-pumping praise music and the sounds of happy children more than anything in the world. However, maintaining that upbeat experience every week can wear you down (especially … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Blanket Object Lesson

Teaching a meaningful message to kids doesn’t require an expensive prop; often you can use items children are already familiar with to relay a Bible message, like a blanket. Recently, I took inspiration from Deuteronomy 33:12, “Of Benjamin, he said, ‘The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by him, and the Lord shall cover him all the day … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sock Monkey Sundays

Sock monkeys are a folksy craft toy that has gained in popularity the past few years — that makes it the perfect inspiration for a monthly theme! I’ve put the old noodle to work and come up with some fun ideas to create excitement in your ministry using this playful theme. You can use this toy for all sorts of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

25 Things a Children’s Pastor’s Must Do this Summer

I know what you’re thinking,”25 more things?” Well these 25 “must do activities” are really fun suggestions that could help you reconnect with your inner child. As children’s ministers, we should think like our sheep. That’s hard to do at times, especially when we get busy with grown up life, ministry and family. Our top 25 summer bucket list is … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Helping Kids Worship: Entering the Worship Zone

Taking kids to a deeper place in God with worship is my heart’s desire! Like so many of you, some of my most healing, profound moments have occurred in the worship-zone. However, leading others to this same place of God’s Presence can be so difficult, at least, it can feel that way. Honestly, as a children’s pastor with 15 years … More Children’s Ministry Resources

7 Great Summer Things to Do with Ministry Volunteers

At the appointed time each, (Sunday, Wednesday etc.) you and your team gather the small sheep and then entertain, teach and inspire them. (We all firmly hope!) When it’s all over, the glue tubes are confiscated, parents’ questions have all been answered, the last child leaves, you give one another a high five. In many ministries, this is about all … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Pray for Your Kids…and Someone Else's

Praying for your kids seems so easy when they are small, sweet and perfect. However, if your child gets sick, or appears to lose interest in God or strays from the recommended path, it’s not as simple. As children’s ministry leaders, we also have the responsibility to pray for all the sheep in our care, still many leaders don’t know … More Children’s Ministry Resources