Colorful Candy (Romans 12:6) Object Lesson

Got a handful of colorful candy or maybe a few boxes left over from a recent holiday? Perhaps leftovers aren’t the best choice but you can find different colored candies at the dollar store or your favorite department store for a couple of dollars. Dump those candy pieces into clear bowls and use them for the Lord! Kids love sweet … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Summer Safety Tips for Kids’ Camp

Summer camps are as American as apple pie and ice cream but in today’s world, you have to take safety issues seriously when kids are involved – especially at church. If your church is sponsoring a week of VBS or a season-long camp, you should consider these important safety tips. Nobody wants accidents to happen but they can and sometimes … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children's Ministry: The Second Time Around

I “heart” children’s ministry but even something you love can become burdensome if you let it. After my first ten years of working inkids’ ministry, I was burned out, tired, and stressed. I had experienced unexpected upheavals in my personal life and faced severe setbacks in my ministry. I took a break, thinking I’d be back in a few months … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Building Blocks Object Lesson

It’s back to the toy box for easy object lessons for your children’s ministry. Toys and playtime are languages that kids understand. Drag out a bucket of building blocks or logs for this lesson idea. Colorful toys grab a kids attention but do set them out of sight before your lesson time or you could have a difficult time getting … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Ministry Segments That Motivate Kids to Attend

Kids can’t drive but they still hold a tremendous influence over parents that do. When kids are motivated to attend church there is no stopping them. So short of an expensive, time-consuming event what is a children’s pastor to do? Start by motivating the group that you already have. Strengthen your base with ministry segments that will keep kids coming … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Race Car Object Lessons

Kids love their toys and remote-controlled race cars continue to be a kid favorite. Since I have kids of my own, I always have a toy box full of object lesson inspiration, including a few remote-controlled cars, robots and dinosaurs. I grabbed a few remote-controlled cars and used them in these three different object lessons. (One important note — remember … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Getting the Most from Your Kids Ministry Event

Hosting a kids’ event takes a ton of effort, planning and prayer. By the time the event comes around, I’m ready for it to be over but just running through it without thought won’t yield the results I want. After investing so much, financially and spiritually, I want to get the most from the kids’ event I’m involved with. You … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Mother's Day Prayer Ideas

One of the best gifts anyone can give to someone they love is to pray for them. In fact, it truly is our duty to lift up the people we know and love in prayer. The Bible teaches us to “Honor your father and mother…” I believe that praying for your parents falls under this category! Build stronger families this … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Mother's Day Tea Party Activities

What better way to celebrate Moms than by hosting a tea party in your kids’ ministry facility? I love tea parties and I’ll make an educated guess here, many other Moms do too. Let’s take a special day, even a Sunday, to pay tribute to mothers in your church. Locate a few white tablecloths or sheets, some mismatched china and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Cheap Mother's Day Gifts for Kids

Sending home small Mother’s Day gifts makes kids, moms and me happy but with a group as large as mine, that can cost a pretty penny. When you’ve got more than a handful of kids, what can you do for cheap mother’s day gifts for kids? My volunteers and I recently brainstormed on this subject and came up with some … More Children’s Ministry Resources

7 Can't Forget Biblical Storytelling Tips

Storytelling immerses the listener into the panorama of the Bible with an enormous effect if it’s done right. You don’t have to be a natural-born ham or a professional to tell an unforgettable story. Before your next class or session, review these storytelling tips. You can bring the Bible to life with a few adjustments! 1. Know the story backwards … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Tips for Transitioning Kids to Youth Ministry

Graduating kids up to the teen ministry of the church is always a bittersweet experience, isn’t it? Actually, moving children along their set spiritual path has been the goal all along, but sometimes the finish line blurs under the weight of crayons, crafts and object lessons. Like parents and pastors, kids often feel a bit unsettled about “moving up.”  Transitioning … More Children’s Ministry Resources

6 Things New Families Want to See

When a new family visits your children’s ministry, you’ve got one opportunity to make a good impression. Your core families may forgive you for an overflowing garbage can or your late arrival but new families…not so much. Unfortunately, ministry isn’t always neat and tidy and even the most organized kids’ pastor can have an off day. I know I have! … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Ways to Guide a Child’s Behavior

The average children’s pastor has a child for a few hours a week, the rest of his time is divided between school, family and probably video games. Kids, like little sponges, pick up a lot from their surroundings like words they should not hear, actions you wish they wouldn’t see and the list goes on and on. While we only … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teaching New Kids to Use the Bible

Poll a group of ministry leaders and they will all tell you that teaching kids Bible stories is an important bullet point in their vision. That’s awesome and I agree! But with so many kids (and families) unfamiliar with the Bible, we have to go a step further today. We must teach kids to use the Bible themselves too. I … More Children’s Ministry Resources

When Kids Hate Church Nursery: 4 Pointers for Parents

You love attending church but dread the nursery tug-of-war with your toddler. She likes going to daycare and even likes the occasional Mom’s Day Out program; however, come Sunday, she’s not a happy camper. Who knows why but this phenomena happens at churches every week. Teary-eyed Moms and Dads (been there guys, I understand) hope for the best but experience … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Handling Early Arrival Crowd Control

What do you do when a dozen kids show up 30 minutes early for kids’ church and you have just one volunteer? Shut the door and post a sign that reads, “Come back in 30 minutes?” Of course not! You never want to turn away kids but you do have to consider handling crowd control correctly. I can’t speak for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Yes, You Can Have Too Many Volunteers!

After surviving the lean years of having little or no help, I wasn’t prepared to have too many volunteers, but it did happen. I remember the days when I couldn’t beg, cajole or convince a parent to stay and help, now everyone’s on board (and I’m not complaining.) Here was my situation, a large group of kids graduated up to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Arcade April: Ideas for Kids Church

When it comes to kids’ church, I am a theme addict. Not only do I constantly (well, almost) brainstorm ideas for themes, my volunteers and kids do too. All credit for this winning idea goes to one of the children I mentor for ministry–and she’s only 10 years old! For those of you don’t regularly use monthly themes, you could … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bully Free Kids Church

Social abuse or bullying, takes its toll on kids. Some children barely remember a bully encounter, for others, bullying shapes their lives for decades, even a lifetime. Constant bullying can greatly diminish a child’s self-worth and often has much deadlier results than a few hurt feelings. Kids’ church must be a safe place where kids can learn about God’s love … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Are You Playing Favorites?

Romans 2:11 says, “For God does not show favoritism.” (NIV) Despite of His holy example, it is so easy to migrate to some children but ask yourself this question, “Am I playing favorites?” Let’s face it, some kids have sparkle. They show up; they participate with all their hearts. Perhaps they have parents that go the extra mile to support … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Church Mentoring Kids: A Certificate Program

My children’s ministry has a two-fold mission: teaching kids about God’s love and training kids for ministry. I find kids love to serve God, and others, but that type of training is missing in many churches. I am sure there are some great mentoring programs out there but I wanted one that suited my needs. I created a certificate program … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lessons on Temptation

Temptation comes for us all, big and little but recognizing it and understanding how to overcome it requires some training. Some kids don’t even realize they are subject to temptation! 1 Corinthians 10:13 reads, “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can … More Children’s Ministry Resources