Mother's Day Tea Party Activities

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tea-cupWhat better way to celebrate Moms than by hosting a tea party in your kids’ ministry facility? I love tea parties and I’ll make an educated guess here, many other Moms do too. Let’s take a special day, even a Sunday, to pay tribute to mothers in your church. Locate a few white tablecloths or sheets, some mismatched china and flavored teas and then place a few of these tea party activities on your itinerary.
Take pictures: iPhones make it so easy to take pictures and send them. Visit the dollar store and find some teapot picture frames. Snap a photo of each kid with his or her grandmother or mother and send them to Mom. (It’s also a great way to collect contact information!)
Set cupcake decorations at each place setting: Mom and kids can decorate a cupcake or cookie together then snack on them. Playful and delicious treats!
Know thy Mom: When Moms come in, have a small questionnaire card ready for them. Ask questions like, “What’s your favorite color?” or “What’s your favorite board game?” Then during the tea, ask each kids to play “Know thy Mom.” Compare kids answers to their Mom’s. Kids’ answers may surprise you!
Play Mother May I: Kids will love playing this traditional game with Mom. Have kids line up against a wall and let each Mom provide kids with commands. For even more fun, swap kids and Moms up.
Hold an Awards Ceremony: Before Moms arrive, talk to kids about what kind of awards they want to give their Moms. Print off certificates as special awards. For example, Johnny says he loves Mom’s cookies. Give Mom a “Best Cookie of the Year Award!” Make sure each Mom earns an award for something unique and special.
Don’t forget to include teddy bears, baby dolls and little brothers and sisters if room allows. Pray for Moms and families. Remind Mom that you are here to help them grow their kids in the Lord.
Read more from Mimi’s blog at Encouragement for Christians.

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