Building Blocks Object Lesson

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It’s back to the toy box for easy object lessons for your children’s ministry. Toys and playtime are languages that kids understand. Drag out a bucket of building blocks or logs for this lesson idea. Colorful toys grab a kids attention but do set them out of sight before your lesson time or you could have a difficult time getting kids to focus on what you’re teaching. By using building blocks, you’ll have a great lesson prop as well as a fun activity for after the lesson.

Building Blocks Object Lesson

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” (Matthew 7:24-28 NIV) Besides the building blocks, you need a few other items for this particular lesson. I bought a flat pan full of gelatin, a bowl of dried peas and a large rock.
“Let’s see! We’ve got plans to build a house but before we can add windows or a roof, we need to start with the foundation. If the bottom of the house is not steady, the house will fall down or flop over. What should we build our house on? This Jell-O maybe?” Listen to all the reasons why this a good or bad idea.
“Well what about these dried peas? Would they be good?” Allow kids to share their thoughts then read the verses together.
Talk about what Jesus told us about building a house. Explain to kids that he was talking about building your life on something sturdy, like him! Jesus is the Rock!
You could stretch this lesson out by allowing kids to attempt to build houses on all the foundations you provide. Shake the table or the bowls to see show how well they stand up to the winds of life.
End the lesson with prayer and invite kids to respond to Jesus invitation to build their lives on the rock! Expect him to show up!
Read more from Mimi by visiting her blog at Encouragement for Christians.

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