3 Mini Lessons About Giving

Relying solely on the offering from your children’s church to keep things running isn’t a good financial plan in most cases. Kids don’t have access to the family finances and therefore, do not make decisions about how and when to give. However, those giving lessons need to be taught. (Jesus never shied away from teaching about honoring God with our … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Ways to Mentor Kids for Leading in Ministry

During the course of my ministry, God constantly fills my path with people. As a pastor, I try to touch their lives by ministering healing, teaching the Word and administering grace but a few years I began to wonder — what about mentoring? Jesus gave his disciples clear instructions on discipling: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Object Lessons on Thankfulness & Gratitude

gratitude object lessons for children's ministry

What’s the one thing missing from many Thanksgiving celebrations? Gratitude, oh my! Hard as they may try, parents face real challenges instilling this virtue into their little ones. Today’s “me first” society leads kid astray. I believe God wants us to instruct our children to have a good attitude in all things. Supplement your Thanksgiving Sunday School lesson with these … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Exciting Kids Ministry Theme Ideas

Nothing shakes up a stale kids ministry like a wacky theme event. Themes allow you to ride the wave of what’s already popular with kids, transforming it into a God-anointed message. For example, one year we had Spongebob Sunday. All the kids wore yellow and we shouted, “I’m ready, I’m ready, I’m ready… to go to church!” (Anyone who watches … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Ways to Jazz Up Your Teaching Style

Does the sight of kids nodding off, rolling their eyes or acting up remind you of your recent children’s ministry lesson? If so, chances are you’ve slipped into a rut but no worries! You can easily jazz up your teaching style without enrolling in a refresher course at the local university. Put away the podium. Get the kids out of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sugar Cookie Object Lessons

Sweets play a big role in many holiday celebrations and one treat that tops the list is sugar cookies. Since many of us serve a snack during our classes, why not use the beloved sugar cookie as a tasty object lesson? You’ll keep kids spellbound with your sweet stories that illustrate precious Bible meanings. An object lesson that engages multiple … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Experience Personal Revival

Does this story seem familiar? “Slumped down in her chair, the children’s pastor gave a deep sigh of frustration. Nothing had worked out as she planned. The kids seemed disinterested; parents were distant. It had been over a month since anyone new had visited the kids’ church. Feeling empty and discouraged, she wondered if perhaps, she should step down.” This … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Christmas Gift Craft Ideas

Kids love to give their parents and grandparents gifts but when you can’t commandeer the family car, that’s hard to do. Still, teaching children to be gracious at giving is hard to do when they aren’t afforded that opportunity. That’s why in December, I plan crafts that kids can give as gifts. They cost a little more than the average … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Ideas for Reaching More Parents at Christmas

I know the true meaning of Christmas but that doesn’t make me immune to some common holiday pressures. Shopping, decorating, cooking — and I’m not a master of any of those things! If I’m feeling the stress, I know parents are as well. Too often, I think, we forget that our ministries should reach the whole family, that includes Mom … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Easy Christmas Object Lessons

Christmas object lessons

In my ministry, Christmas lasts the entire month of December; it’s not a single date on the calendar. As Christians, we should always keep Christmas close to our hearts and that’s not a problem for me. (I truly am a kid at heart.) Like many of you, I like to mix in a few extra fun activities during the month … More Children’s Ministry Resources

6 Christmas Outreach Ideas for Kids Church

One of the things I love most about Christmas (besides the Nativity story, children and presents) is the opportunity it presents for outreach. Too often I think, we focus on bringing holiday joy to our regular group and forget about the rest. However, it is really the perfect time to meet and reach new children and families. Expand your ministry … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Organize a Christmas Mom's Day Out

Whether an outreach or a fundraiser, parents love a “Mom’s Day Out,” especially at Christmas. Nothing stresses parents out more than shopping with children hanging off their sleeves or asking for every toy they see. Plan this fun night in and give Moms and Dads a teensy break so they can play “Santa” or just enjoy a dinner out together. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Easy Christmas Play Ideas

Planning a Christmas play takes a lot of work and commitment but even the best-laid plans are subject to change when kids get involved. How many times have you held a month of rehearsals (or more) only to have five new kids show up the week before the big event? It has happened to me more than once. The worst-case … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Dealing With Bad Attitudes In Kids

Bad attitudes in children make teaching a class so difficult. As a teacher, I want to understand the reasons for a bad attitude; because I am a mom, I want to fix it. However, when dealing with bad attitudes in kids, even in kids’ church, you must have do two things: teach and train. Teaching about having a good attitude … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Leading Your Children's Church through Tough Times

Like the adult church, you have to lead kids through the good times and the bad. Tragedies like the death of a church member or the divorce of a prominent couple weigh heavily on everyone, even the smallest members of the church. Leaving all the consoling to the senior pastor or families equates to denying your kids pastoral care specific … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Choosing a Name for Your Kids' Ministry

As ancestors of Adam, we get the desire to name things honest. (Imagine having the privilege of naming all the animals on the planet?) I don’t know about you but when the chance to name something arises, I can’t help but get excited. Over my near two decades of experience, I have had quite a few opportunities to name a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Should You Start a Christian Kids Club?

It’s no stretch to say that the methods of ministry have changed radically over the past few decades. Changes in technology allow families the option to “have church” at home and many families don’t even bother to attend any church at all. Still, there is a world of hurting children out there and someone has to reach them. Why not … More Children’s Ministry Resources

6 Thanksgiving Activities for Children's Church

I love the old song that goes, “We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessings…” What a great time of the year to teach children’s church! Thankfulness and appreciation for the blessings of God is an important part of the life of a Christian. During “turkey” month, share these seven Thanksgiving activities with your kids. You will teach them an … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Godly Obedience Object Lessons

What better way to grab a child’s attention than through an effective object lesson? Jesus tossed seeds on the ground and even invited a child to sit on his lap to illustrate kingdom principles. Those visual aids helped many to understand the points he made. People today are no different! Help children understand the principle of godly obedience by using … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Is Multi Tasking Killing Your Ministry?

Volunteer shortages and demands on your time tempt many leaders to multi task. When several projects sit on your desk, the office isn’t the only thing that gets cluttered–so does your mind. (At least that’s true in my case.) I end up falling down spiritually too. Multitasking is a great ability when cooking a special meal or running an office, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

15 Ways to Make a Child Feel Special

Isn’t it amazing how God can count our hairs, know our needs and love us so completely? He encourages us along life’s path with all sorts of special moments. As the Good Shepherd, He loves us collectively but individually too. He’s provided us a wonderful example of loving and leading the children He sends our way. Still, I fall short … More Children’s Ministry Resources

6 Cool Smartphone Apps for Children's Ministry

Good news! Your iPhone contains the potential to create renewed excitement about your ministry. With just a few inexpensive downloads, you’ll have access to entertaining tools and resources. Share these app ideas with parents and kids to build a digital network dedicated to serving the Lord! Start with these six cool smartphone apps for children’s ministry. It’s a low-cost investment … More Children’s Ministry Resources