Object Lessons: Resisting Temptation

Failing to resist temptation will leave a child open to sin. Let’s face it—children are naturally impulsive. Kids need to have the spiritual skill set necessary to be victorious continuously. These object lessons will demonstrate the importance of resisting temptation and show kids how to do it. We recommend using these visuals in conjunction with the scripture reference James 4:7 … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Talking to God: Object Lessons on Prayer

Learning the language of prayer is not easy for some kids. Talking to “someone” you can’t see may be uncomfortable and isn’t as natural as a teacher would expect. Most kids just don’t know what to say or what they should say. Praying is a natural activity once that connection is established but getting there can be a bit of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Easter Craft: The Empty Tomb

The Empty Tomb Easter Craft Jesus is alive! Show kids the wonder of the resurrection message by leading them with the empty tomb craft. There are lots of good ones out there but this one is my favorite. You’ll need some prep time for cutting out tombs so give yourself time before class. Cut paper plates in half. Foam plates … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lessons: God’s Forgiveness

The act of forgiveness is freeing but God’s forgiveness is so complete that it is astounding! Our relationship with God begins with His willingness to forgive us. The love match continues as the Christian, young and old learns to depend on that very forgiveness daily. Christian children need to understand that God’s forgiveness covers their entire list of sins. They … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Two Object Lessons about God’s Love

There is no bigger or better lesson to teach kids than about God’s love. As the Bible tells us, not only is love the primary attribute of God, it is the stuff He’s made of. (1 John 4:8) Yet, in our world today so many children and adults haven’t the vaguest concept of what His love is like. As children’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Palm Sunday Craft for Kids (Easy Paper Leaf)

Video Example of Easter & Palm Sunday Crafts The best crafts are simple and hands on, that’s why we love making these paper palm leaves from green construction paper. As a bonus you can act out the waving branches. This one won’t win an art content but it’s easy way to get kids active in the Bible lesson. Easter is … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Easy Easter Crafts for Busy Teachers

Ministry isn’t always scripted. Christian teachers are often called upon to lead special holiday projects and events without much notice. If the ministry you serve is on a budget, you may find preparing for even well planned Easter projects stressful. Supplying each child with a craft kit is pricy if your ideas are complicated. You need easy, inexpensive crafts that … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Fruit of the Spirit Object Lessons

One of the most exciting lessons to teach Christian children is on the subject of the fruits of the spirit. In fifteen years of teaching I can honestly say that the fruits of the spirit series is one of the most rewarding lessons I can bring to my kids. However, in our fast-paced world it is difficult to teach children … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christian Valentine Party Ideas for Church

Holiday parties make the perfect venue for kids to socialize with Christian teachers and kids. Chances are the local school and some families will already host many of these love-related parties. If plan to hold a Valentine’s Day party, make your event stand out with these 5 ideas for a Christian Valentine party. Use this fun event to demonstrate to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Year Salvation Object Lessons

Everyone likes a clean slate, a fresh start or kid language a “do-over.” A new coloring book, fresh chalkboards are two “clean slate” examples kids look forward to. As children’s church leaders it is our joy to teach kids about the new start that Jesus gives us all. With the New Year approaching, many people will nobly focus in making … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Church Christmas Party Games

A Christmas party provides a nice background for kids to socialize with one another. However, every seasoned ministry leader knows expecting kids to entertain themselves is a recipe for disaster. This is especially true if sugar is involved! Keep your children’s church Christmas party on the “straight and narrow” by breaking up social time with fun party games. Enjoy these … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Activities for Children’s Church

At Christmas, you will see excited young visitors, many of which won’t be accustomed to sitting still for long periods. Prepare for the fidgety crowds and short attention spans with Christmas activities for kids’ church. Entertaining activities are a good way to supplement a lesson or build on a Bible truth. Peruse our list of Christmas activities to find the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

7 Christmas Gift Ideas for Ministry Volunteers

Christmas is the perfect time to shower your helpers with seasonal love. According to my own local polling, many volunteers feel unappreciated or forgotten during this time of year. Honor your team with some recognition and gifts for Christmas. Even the occasional volunteer should be recognized. Promote feelings of goodwill and thankfulness by surprising volunteers with Christmas keepsakes. Click here … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Object Lessons for Children’s Church

If you didn’t know it was Christmas, you would if you visited kids’ church. Children are excited and ready for the big Christmas Day reveal. Between the heightened levels of excitement, sugary treats and Christmas parties it is no wonder kids don’t float near the ceiling! Teachers may find teaching children’s church challenging during these times. What a great time … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Ways to Include New Kids in Your Christmas Program

It takes months of practice and hard work to pull off a top-notch Christmas program. Arranging choreography, dealing with temperamental children (and parents) and building sets on a shoestring budget can culminate to make a challenging task. Entering the foray will be droves of new children who have heard about the play and are longing to be involved. You have … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Discipline Tips for Your Kids Ministry

Teaching in today’s world is a challenge but when you are teaching kids about God and His love, the pressure is really on. It is hard to be the perfect example of love and charity when little Johnny stands on the table and refuses to come down. Broken homes and a broken society have all contributed to the lack of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Reasons Ministry Volunteers Quit

Volunteers are needed! How many times have we seen this sign or posted it ourselves? Too many! We lose good volunteers and sadly ministry helpers do come and go. Sometimes the volunteers quit for reasons we could have prevented. While that is not always the case, leaders should know the five reasons why this most commonly occurs. Retain one of the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Handle Discipline Problems in Kids Church

You signed up to teach kids about God but instead you spend most of the class pulling kids off furniture and intercepting squabbles. After a few weeks, you may begin to have feelings of discouragement and inadequacy. You begin to second-guess your decision to serve and you may even consider turning in your resignation. Dear friend in ministry, are not … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Tips for Ministering to the Problem Child

A child’s world is not always the bright landscape of “Oompa Loompas” and candy forests that we hope it to be. Kids today face a myriad of fearful challenges often without a solid family structure to offer an important comfort – loving discipline. For the children’s minister, this means an increase in problematic attendees, many coping with varying degrees of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Ways to Fill Volunteer Gaps in Kids Ministry

Children’s ministry volunteers are the precious jewels of your ministry, the force that keeps the vision moving forward. Unfortunately, at some point in your ministry, you will likely experience a volunteer shortage or some in cases a drought of willing hands. A lack of these cherished volunteers can put a strain on your first string, tried and true helpers and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Fall Sunday School Decorations (or Kids Church)

If you want kids to show up for your children’s ministry with excitement, rather than seeing them pushed down the sidewalk to your room, you will have to keep it interesting. No matter how much your kids love you (and they do) they get bored with sitting and learning in the same old surroundings. As the weather changes it becomes … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Active Games for Children’s Church

Let’s face it—the last thing some kids want to do is sit still and listen to a teacher talk for 45 minutes, especially after a long week of school. Keep kids interested in learning about God’s word by using playful games to break up your lesson. These 3 active games for children’s church are time tested choices that are easy … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Back To School Ideas for Kids Church

During the summer, some ministries turn into literal “ghost towns” with empty chairs and a table full of volunteer tags. Summertime church attendance can be a bummer. All that changes in the fall as kids return home from summer vacations or weeks with the other parent. Schools open soon and parents will be focused on schedules and school supplies. What an … More Children’s Ministry Resources