"Finishing the Race" Bible Object Lessons

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7; NIV) That’s a powerful statement by Paul and one that has inspired generations to keep up the fight. If you’ve decided to present this verse to your children’s church or Sunday School class, include these finishing the race object lessons in … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Object Lesson Using Band Aids

If you have an emergency first aid kit and a bible, you have all you need to teach a few exciting and important object lesson. Bandages make a great visual aid, especially if you enlist the help of a volunteer or kid helper. You could also cover a puppet in bandages for fun. I recommend using these two verses but … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Glowsticks and Christ In Us" Bible Object Lessons

Glow sticks emit a mysterious-looking light, especially in a darkened room. When you crack a stick and get it glowing, you’ll get the attention of everyone in the class. If you have the ability to darken your classroom, you can use this exciting toy as an object lesson for kids’ church. You can use glow sticks a hundred different ways … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Parents That Embarrass Their Kids

Kids have such soft hearts and squishy spirits. Why would you ever want to intentionally embarrass them? That doesn’t stop some parents from humiliating their little ones and not accidentally. Let’s face it—we all embarrass our kids eventually but that’s usually because we dress too trendy or too dated or say something that makes us sound “lame.” I’m not a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christian Object Lessons: Kitchen Utensils

Do you like dressing up as a character when you teach? I do! Sometimes showing up for class in a costume really gets kids excited about learning. Add in a few Christian object lessons and you’ve really got a fun idea. One of the easiest characters to dress up as is a chef. Grab the kitchen utensils, an apron and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Encourage Kids to Read the Bible at Home

Inspiring kids to hone their bible-studying skills is a dream we all have, isn’t it? My kids are pretty good about showing up to church with a bible (I do offer incentives) but I notice that sometimes the books don’t make it home. That tells me that during the week, kids aren’t opening the bible at all. That’s not good. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Beach Bible Object Lessons for Kids Church

As warm weather settles in, more families will be making trips to the beach and their favorite water parks. What a perfect time to break out these beach object lessons for kids church! These visual aids are inexpensive and easy to find, perfect for teaching kids important lessons from the Bible. Ready to use some lessons that are just “beachy?” … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Ways To Turn Your Children's Ministry Around

Children’s ministry leaders are unequivocally some of the most creative folks on the planet but even this elite group can get stuck in a rut. Truth be known, I’ve been stuck in a routine myself more than a few times. I’ve experienced the agony of unenthusiastic volunteers, uncommitted families and no clear direction. Don’t beat yourself up. It happens regardless … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sandcastle Children’s Ministry Object Lesson

What’s more “summery” than a sandcastle? Besides being a recognizable symbol of fun in the sun, sandcastles make a great object lesson. This powerful object lesson takes a little prep work but I’m confident that you will find it worth it. I recommend that you use Matthew 7:26-27 as the text: “But everyone who hears these words of mine and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Object Lesson Using Honey

God’s word is a great resource for living but most kids don’t take the initiate to read it independently without some encouragement from you and I. With this object lesson, you will teach kids that God’s word is sweet for our souls; it nourishes us in wonderful ways. I recommend using Psalm 119:103 for this object lesson, “How sweet are … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Mother's Day Idea: Giant Photo Frame

Girl holding picture frame

When recently asked to “come up with” an unusual outreach idea for Mother’s Day, I have to admit I was stumped. I love the usual tea party and flower distributions but that’s not anything unusual. I finally settled on this unique idea for Mother’s Day. In a corner of my children’s church, I’ve set up a photo booth for moms … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Ideas for Mother's Day in Children's Church

I love mom

Mother’s Day in children’s church is full of excited children, many who came with Mom or Grandmother and may not attend regularly. I see this special day in May as a grand chance to make a good impression on kids and parents. If you do too, perhaps you could use some extra ideas. In the “big church” they’ll be recognizing … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Celebrating Moms in Kids Church–More Ideas!

Mom and Daughter photo

Happily, many churches will be full of families on Mother’s Day! Kick the excitement up a notch with one of these nifty mom-inspired ideas. With just a little pre planning and supplies, you could encourage a mother who may not always hear those two important words, “Thank you!” From whimsical photos to interactive thank you notes, we’ve got fun ideas … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Mother’s Day Games

Looking for a few good games for your Mother’s Day service? These three winners will keep kids busy—they are perfect for filling in empty spaces in your schedule. That could happen since many churches do have special recognition for mothers during service in the “big church.”  It might be a good idea to print this sheet and keep it handy, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Mother’s Day Service in Children’s Ministry

It’s time to talk about Mother’s Day! It’s a huge day for church attendance and in children’s ministry, it’s especially important. I’m fairly sure most children’s workers have already though about crafts and a lesson but that’s not all you can do. Make moms feel special by incorporating these ideas into your ministry time. Idea #1: Encourage everyone from volunteers … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Newsletter Ideas for Mother’s Day for Kids Church

I love mom

Mother’s Day is not specifically a Christian holiday but many churches do take that day to honor women. By honoring motherhood, we acknowledge the significance of Mom’s role in our faith and culture. If your children’s ministry publishes a newsletter, you can throw the spotlight on some of the mothers in your ministry. Show parents some love in the month … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Mother's Day Poems: Kids Crafts

If you ask Mom “What is your favorite Mother’s Day gift?” you’ll probably find that most will say, “The homemade ones!” That’s one reason why each year, I try to help kids create homemade, craft gifts that moms will love and treasure. A gift made by a child’s hands is especially sweet, isn’t it? Print some poems ahead of time … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lessons About Evangelism

Evangelism isn’t just for grownups—it is for kids too!  Our big God wants to use each person’s experiences to turn others hearts to Jesus. As teachers and pastors, we have a mandate to tap into a child’s boldness and desire to share the good news with his friends and family. That means that you and I must teach evangelism regularly … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Fun Ways to Find New Ministry Volunteers

It’s spring–time to refill those volunteer vacancies. What’s your strategy for filling those spots with excited, faithful volunteers? Bringing in new faces can feel like a full time job and it can require a bit of skill and patience. Why not make it fun? This year, approach your challenge with a few new tactics. Now recruiting friends! Birds of a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lessons About Self Control

I believe God designed us to learn self-control during early childhood but for a number of reasons, this doesn’t always happen. Let’s be honest–some children have stronger wills than others and insist on touching the “hot stove” even when they are told not to.  Poor impulse control can manifest in different ways–constant interruptions during conversations, throwing a fit, ignoring instructions … More Children’s Ministry Resources