Teacher's Tools: Lord's Prayer Activities

Teaching the Lord’s prayer? Remember that teaching time for kids should include a bit of fun! If you’re looking for some Lord’s prayer activities, you can’t beat these ideas. Choose one or two or use them all! Introducing activities into a lesson gives children the opportunity to activate their faith on what they’ve learned. Write it in the sky! If … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lord's Prayer Object Lessons

You’ve got a great lesson planned to teach kids the Lord’s prayer but what about object lessons? When you reinforce a teaching session with visual aids, you keep kids’ attention and give volunteers a chance to dip their toes into the teaching waters. Illustrate this important lesson with object lessons inspired by the Lord’s prayer. Which bread? A few days … More Children’s Ministry Resources

When Volunteers Don't Show Up

Without volunteers most children’s ministry would have a difficult time managing the many details of ministering to children. From leading at the crafts table to distributing snacks to teaching, willing hands make it happen. Most of the time, they work without all the recognition they deserve and of course, pay. However, because you do depend on them so much, it’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Helping the Substitute Kids Minister

As much as you hate to miss, you’ll need to ask a substitute teacher to step in. If you’ve got an inexperienced teacher, or one that’s not used to your particular group, the substitute can feel a little overwhelmed. For the best teaching experience for both kids and substitute, the teacher needs to be prepared. If possible, have everything ready … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Recruiting Mistakes Kids Ministry Leaders Make

After a season of working solo, an extra pair of hands is a welcome sight but in our zeal to lighten the load, we can make recruiting mistakes. Recruiting for kids’ ministry is an ongoing process but don’t fall into the trap of desperation and compromise. While the gospel is an “everyone welcome” message, not everyone is “called” to work … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Handle Burn Out: Can You Come Back?

You took a weekend off but came back feeling just as restless, tired and spiritually out of focus as you did when you left. You’ve been serving non-stop for months, even years and simply feel like you don’t have anything left to give. All attempts at “pepping yourself up” or encouraging yourself in the Lord have fallen flat. It’s obvious … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Family Ministries Ideas: The Lord's Prayer

The Lord’s prayer is simple but perhaps that’s what makes it so powerful. The words of Jesus have resonated with humanity for 2000 years–long after he first spoke them. What better prayer example can we ask for? If you have a heart to get your families praying this prayer at home, give them some inspiration. Put some suggestions in your … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Year's Idea: Prayer Balloons

If I believed in magic, (which I don’t) I would have to say that balloons have a magical quality. No matter where you put them in a room, children will unavoidably be drawn to them. Even uninflated balloons are full of potential for kids. Don’t believe me? Place a basket full of balloons in the center of your classroom table. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Year’s Eve Party Activities and Games

Do kids really need a New Year’s Eve party? Yes! Everybody appreciates a “do over.” Repentance and forgiveness are foundational in our Christian. In our culture, New Year’s Eve is the time when many people decide to start over in their attempt to reach a specific goal. Encourage your kids to search their hearts and get a fresh start for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Year Watch Party Activities for Kids

Many churches hold New Year’s Eve “watch parties” to ring in the new year. Congregations have different programs but if it’s a lengthy one, kids will get bored. Nobody wants that! If your church has an activity planned for the adults have something for kids to do too–besides watch a movie. These activities are great time fillers when you want … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Time Capsule Ideas for Kids' Church

Wondering how you can mark the New Year in children’s church? A time capsule is a capital idea! What a fun tradition to open and replace a time capsule each year.  This activity is good for any class size and even younger children will find this New Year activity fun. With a time capsule, you can teach kids valuable lessons … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Candy Cane Christmas Games for Sunday School

Themed lessons are ideal for Sunday School–especially during major holidays like Christmas! Delicious and colorful candy canes are easy to find and they make good props for Sunday School lessons and games. Fill in those blank slots in your classroom schedule with candy cane Christmas games. Keep a stash of canes on hand throughout the holiday season and try these … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Ways to Tell the Christmas Story

Oh the Nativity! What a magnificent and detailed story we have about God’s love for mankind. It’s a narrative that deserves reverence and a more than a half-hearted, annual re-telling . As children’s ministers, it’s our awesome job to share this wonderful tale of love to our children with as much excitement as we can. Honestly, there are tons of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Fall and Winter Volunteer Appreciation Ideas

If you’ve been blessed with a faithful team of volunteers, you’ve got a great advantage over many struggling ministries. You may have noticed that fall and winter are some of the busiest times in you kids ministry, not just for you but for volunteers too. While you’re planning fall events and a Christmas party, don’t neglect planning fall and winter … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Thanksgiving Feast: Bus Ministry Style

Planning a Thanksgiving meal for bus riders when you have ample space, volunteers and time is a cinch. What if you don’t have those kinds of resources but still want to minister to the kids and families in your community this Thanksgiving? Have a Thanksgiving feast—bus ministry style! It takes a bit of planning but it’s a bus ministry promotion … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Thanksgiving Newsletter Ideas

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut when you produce a newsletter every week or even once a month. The same features, the regular columns–these can get pretty stale over time. You’ve probably noticed that some weeks, parents and kids can’t wait to pick one up. Other weeks, your newsletters go unnoticed on the welcome table. Break out of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Training Session Tips for New Kids Ministry Volunteers

Training new volunteers builds their confidence and makes the ministry run smoothly–that’s important when you have a room full of rowdy kids! Before you consult the calendar for a good date, consider making a few needed steps to maximize the impact of your training session. These creative ideas and fundamental principles will insure that your new team members get just … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Apple Object Lessons

When you need a filler activity in your schedule, you can’t go wrong with apple Bible object lessons. Besides cutting an apple in half to demonstrate the trinity, you can also teach a wormy lesson on sin and a lesson about the outer appearance. The first object lesson is pretty simple but the second one may take some preparation so … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Ping Pong Ball Object Lessons

Got a few ping-pong balls handy? If so, you’ve got all you need for a few memorable Bible object lessons. This cool visual lesson is also great for new leaders and volunteers to try. Since ping-pong balls are so lightweight, you can get them to float easily in water and in the air. Pick up a pack of these balls … More Children’s Ministry Resources