How to Hug a Children's Pastor

Children’s pastors will never tell you this but they love a good hug. Hugs say “I appreciate you,” and “Whatever you’re going through, I care.” A good hug can even say, “I’ve got your back!” However, there are actually many ways to give a children’s pastor a hug. Some don’t involve physical body contact. Ready to show some love to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Blacklight Bible Object Lesson-Do You See Any Sin?

Until recently, black lights in my ministry were only used a few times year, mostly when the youth were doing their annual rendition of “Arise My Love” for Easter, complete with white gloves. The other day, I was looking for an item I could use to help kids understand the concept of “hidden sins.” The verse Proverbs 28:13 that says, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Kids Ministry Challenge: The Drop Off Kids

Have you noticed this trend? Parents or grandparents drop off kids (sometimes way before service time) and then take off until church is over. They aren’t actually attending church themselves–just the children. Understand me, I’m not talking about the parent who has to go to work. I am referring to the disturbing new kids’ ministry challenge–the drop off kids. If … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Creative Ways to Do Scripture Memory Verses with Kids

Praise and worship has ended now comes the burning question. “Okay kids! Who can tell me what last week’s memory verse was?” You hear the sound of crickets. Don’t feel bad–it happens to us all but there are some creative ways to present scripture verses–some are so much fun that kids won’t even know they are memorizing them. Ready to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Calendar Object Lesson: New Year’s Activity

January Calendar Coloring Page

Since no one knows the future, who can tell someone else what is to come? That’s from the Bible—Ecclesiastes 8:7! What a great time to share an object lesson pertaining to God’s control of the future! All you need are a few calendars to illustrate how God is in control—one from the passing year and one for the next. Place … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Year's Game: Confetti Balloons

If you ask kids what their favorite holiday is, New Year’s isn’t likely to make the top three but that’s no reason to skip over the world’s most popular “do over.” In the secular world, the “new year” is a time stamp that initiates a life change but like every day with Jesus, it is time to do better, to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Year's Time Capsule for Kids' Church

Is your church holding a New Year’s eve event? If you answered yes, you have been challenged to provide some of the activities for the kiddos while parents wait for the clock to move. Been there–done that! Even if you aren’t facing the challenge of entertaining kids for a long period of time, you might find this kids’ church idea … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Object Lesson: Christmas Lights

Drag out that extra strand of Christmas lights — it’s an object lesson! While there are tons of teaching opportunities for presenting the Nativity story there are other topics you can teach too . One of those is the subject of church unity. Kids and teens can help encourage unity and solidarity in the church if they know how important … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Object Lesson: The Nativity Scene

Using a nativity scene for Christmas lesson is a no-brainer but if you want to present a new twist on your teaching, I’ve got some ideas to share with you. By presenting your teaching in this visual, interactive manner, you will engage kids in a way that will keep them interested in learning more about the Bible. Even if your … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Bow Party Games for Kids

Christmas bows make great party tools, especially if you have an abundance in a variety of colors. For these fast-paced games, you will need a couple of big bags of unused bows. From balancing games to straight up Christmas races, these party games will keep the fun going during game time or free time. Inexpensive an colorful, Christmas bows really … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Object Lesson: The Gift in a Gift

Want to bring some excitement to your holiday curriculum? You can’t go wrong with this Christmas object lesson. The idea is to teach kids that God’s gift—His son, Jesus. He is truly the gift that keeps giving. By presenting the “gift in a gift” you will demonstrate how people who love Jesus can share him with everyone. He is the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Object Lesson: The Wrapping Paper

Christmas Object Lesson

With all the festive wrapping paper, bows, bags and boxes, it is easy to forget that Christmas is not about the gifts we receive from a store. The best gift is the gift from God—His precious son, Jesus Christ. For children, this important message can get lost among the electronics, board games and baby dolls. Let’s keep it in front … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Object Lesson: The Christmas Card

This time of year it is a tradition to send Christmas greetings with Christmas cards. Some cards feature family photos, play music or tell a funny story. Whichever Christmas card your family chooses to send the message is clear — the card is a way to express your holiday greetings. Grab a few of your favorite Christmas cards and bring … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Object Lesson: The Stocking Stuffer

Looking for a way to teach children about the intangible gifts of God, like peace, love, gentleness and kindness? This Christmas object lesson—the stocking stuffer makes it easy. Remind kids how precious and important the fruits of the Spirit, that they should want these gifts more than anything they get in their stocking or under the tree! Wrap up nine … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Thanksgiving Prayer for Children

children's prayer of thanksgiving

Teach kids this prayer of Thanksgiving and gratitude toward God. It includes simple hand & body movements to make it easy to memorize. The free download below includes the printable version of the prayer, the directions, and a bonus Thanksgiving coloring page. Children’s Prayer of Thanksgiving (Video Demonstration) Teaching a child to engage God in prayer should be a top … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Thanksgiving Games for Kids

thankful games for children's ministry and sunday school

Try these fun Thankful games to get kids into active learning. You can use theme at school, home, or in your children’s ministry. What is it about the holidays that makes kids want to run around the room? Could it be all the sugar we supply them with? I’m not sure but no matter how hard I try, during the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Thanksgiving Games for Children's Ministry

Are your kids tired of playing “Gobble Gobble” or “Heads-Up 7-Up” during free time in children’s church? We have good news for you! Try these new Thanksgiving games for children’s ministry. Having a few extra games on hand will help manage the crowds and keep kids focused on thankfulness and fun. You can spread these two games out across the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Last Minute Thanksgiving Program Ideas

Many churches and fellowships mark certain holidays with exciting outreach programs featuring plays and skits. However, there are always that group of children that can’t or won’t come to practice and then you are left trying to figure out what to do. You don’t want to leave anyone out, especially new children but at the same time, you can’t very … More Children’s Ministry Resources