Trinity Sunday School Lesson for Kids

Here are some Trinity Sunday School lessons for kids that can be downloaded as PDF: Citations:[1][2][3][4][5] Crafts for Trinity Sunday Here are some crafts and activities included in the Sunday School lesson plans on the Trinity: Overall, the crafts and activities included in the Sunday School lesson plans on the Trinity are designed to be hands-on and engaging for kids while teaching them about the concept of the Holy Trinity.

What is the Holy Spirit? Children’s Sermon (Acts 2:1-21; John 16:4-16)

The Holy Spirit can be a challenging element of the Trinity to explain or discuss with children (or anyone, for that matter!). At Pentecost, we celebrate the coming of the Spirit and the “birthday” of the church. This message seeks to communicate to students who the Spirit is and what He does for us. We may not see the Holy Spirit physically, but through his power all things take place! Law/Gospel Theme: Jesus promised to send a

The Trinity Sunday School Lesson for Kids

Use this free Sunday School lesson to teach kids about the Trinity. Use it in your children’s ministry or kids church to explain how God is three in one: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is usually the most vague element of the trinity, and thus the most difficult to teach and understand. Yet its role is an important one, and this is integral to our role as believers, too. This lesson explores the significance

Marvelous Beyond Understanding…the Beauty of the Mystery

As we approach the start of the holiday season (or any anticipated event, for that matter), there is an air of excitement that seems to pervade attitudes of young and old alike. For children, the thrill of Thanksgiving or Christmas likely lies in getting things: presents, toys, parties, food…kids have no trouble receiving joyously. As adults, however, our preferences and priorities tend to shift somewhat. We may be eager for taking time off work, or for being

Object Lesson: Candy Corn and the Trinity (Part 2)

Using candy corn as an illustration is a great way to helps kids understand the Trinity. In Part 2 of “Candy Corn and the Trinity,” kids will learn the distinct roles of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: To understand the Trinity, as compared to a piece of candy corn, has three distinct components (God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit) with unique roles. MAIN IDEA: A piece

Lesson: Candy Corn and the Trinity (Part 1)

Most kids I know love candy corn, so using it to explain a complex topic such as the Trinity is a fun way to help them remember biblical truths. In Part 1 of “Candy Corn and the Trinity,” kids will learn what the Trinity is and how scripture proves it’s existence. Furthermore, kids will be able to identify the three unique persons as God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: To understand