Bible Crafts: The First Shall Be Last

Use these Sunday School crafts to help kids the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard found in Matthew 20:1-16. Download the printable directions below, gather your craft supplies, and watch our demonstration video as you prepare to teach. “The Last Shall Be First” Bible Craft ideas from Matthew 20:1-16 “That’s not fair!!!” Children are often quite concerned with what seems fair to them. The parable of the workers in the vineyard emphasizes that often life does not

Children’s Sermon “That’s Not Fair” from Matthew 20:1-16 on the Parable of the Workers

This children’s sermon will teach kids the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard found in Matthew 20:1-16. Download the printable teaching notes below, gather your object lesson props, and watch our demonstration video as you prepare to teach. Children’s Message “That’s Not Fair”  “The first will be last” children’s sermon from Matthew 20:1-16 Main Objective: Children will often lament the gross “injustice” they might see in their world. Kids want to be first, want to be

Lesson: Heavenly Treasures…Winning in God’s Eyes (Matthew 20:1-16)

In our culture, winning is highly prized and success is measured by performance. Again and again, though, the Bible gives quite different definitions of victory and achievement. Remind students in this lesson that our triumph is in Christ alone. Lesson focus: Though we can become competitive and weigh our success on what others do, the Bible emphasizes that the grace of God is the only thing worth bragging rights. Passage: Various New Testament references, most notably Matthew