April Fools Day Coloring Pages (with Bible Wisdom)

April Fools day is a fun day for kids to play little jokes on each other. Here are 3 cartoon style coloring pages that deal with foolishness from a biblical perspective. We also have the Proverbs coloring page from our Books of the Bible Collection. The download below includes all four coloring sheets in a mini-coloring book. Read more Bible verses about wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. Proverbs Coloring Page “Wisdom is sweet to your soul” The illustration

"Back to School" Devotional for Kids (Proverbs 1:5-7)

This free devotional is designed to prepare the heart of the kids for β€œyet another” year of school. The whole family is invited to join in on this devotional so that you can learn together about God and His heart for wisdom! Devotional Reinforcements: Give each child a backpack and a Bible. Pre-Devotional Questions: Why do you go to school? What types of things do you learn at school? Does God want you to be in school?

The Power of Words (Proverbs 18:21) Sunday School Lesson

This is a continuation of lessons from Proverbs.  This lesson focuses on the tongue and the power of our words to bring life and death.  Students will discover that we need God to use our tongues wisely. Bible Passage: (Selected Scriptures)Bible Story Title: Proverbs-The Power of WordsTarget Age Group: Ages 5-11 (K-5th Grade U.S.A.)Target Time Frame: 60 MinutesOriginal Teaching Context: Sunday School Supply List:  Bibles, word puzzle and coloring page, markers/crayons, slips of paper with the Scriptures regarding words

"Proverbs" Bible Coloring Page

This free coloring page is based on the book of Proverbs. It’s one part of our series of illustrations for all the books of the Bible. Click on the preview image above to download this coloring page in print-friendly PDF format. We’ve also uploaded a the JPEG image for anyone who needs to edit the picture or words. The illustration shows a neighborhood scene and a young boy learning to ride his bike. The is based on

Pride Object Lesson (Proverbs 16:18) with Bubble Gum

You don’t need fancy props to drive home a memory verse or a biblical truth. If you have some bubble gum, you can easily demonstrate three important points. Bubble gum is inexpensive compared to other tools and it is easy to share or send home with kids. Get your favorite bubble gum ready and bring on the object lessons. For fun, include a bubble gum blowing contest at the end of the service. Pride Children’s Sermon Pride

Super Bowl Sunday School Lesson (Proverbs 20:11)

Use this Super Bowl lesson in your Sunday School or Children’s Church. It’s based on Proverbs 20:31, “Even small children are known by their actions, so is their conduct really pure and upright?” This Sunday School lesson will show the children that following God is the most important team! Super Bowl Sunday School Lesson Proverbs 20:11 Lesson for Kids Lots of kids get excited about big sporting events. We use this lesson leading up the Super Bowl, but