Family Devotions with a Kid-Friendly Pirate Theme

I can’t say that I understand the fascination with pirates, but it exists!  Kids love pretending to be pirates!  They adore the ideas of ship travel, the anchor drop, a hook for a hand, buried loot, and treasure maps. You will love these devotions for kids based on that theme! If your little one has a fascination for playing the part of a pirate, why not teach some Biblical truths while you’re at it?  Here are some simple

8 Easy Tips for Family Devotions

Two weeks ago, our family sat around the breakfast table and opened our first “Resurrection Egg.”  I was so excited to break open these nifty little teaching tools, with elements of Christ’s journey to the cross, tucked inside.  I had visions of dreamy devotions for kids and sweet little children soaking in every word.  Well, it didn’t quite happen like I had imagined. Instead, this is what ensued:  A disagreement over who got to open the first

5 Family Devotions to Welcome Spring

Welcome Spring with this collection of family devotions ideas.  You’ll be searching for treasures, playing in the mud, creating artwork, spring cleaning, and planting new life.  Grab your rain boots and allow the Word of God to speak anew.  Enjoy! 1. New Life Treasure Hunt Grab a camera and entrust it to your child if you’re brave.  Take binoculars and/or a magnifying glass and hunt for signs of new life.  Photograph your findings.  Look for perennials poking

Five Snowy Day Family Devotional Ideas

I don’t know about you, but here in the northeast we have gotten hammered with snow.  Now I am not a cold weather person in the least, but I do adore the affect that snow has on kids.  The sheer thrill of snowflakes falling makes every limb of theirs dance stubbornly in their too big for them snowsuits.  Because they love snow, I have pledged to love snow as well. In Job 37:5-7, the Word says, “God’s voice thunders

Creepy Crawly Family Devotions

In our home, we have a thing for bugs, spiders, and the like.  I don’t mind them and all, but my kids LOVE them.  It’s almost disturbing how my daughter can have seven worms climbing up her arms simultaneously.  She giggles as I gasp…. Yuck! Though you would never catch me covered with creepy crawlers, I would have to agree that they’re fascinating.  Consider the cockroach.  If it happens to lose its head (unfortunate, I know), it

Family Devotions for the Big City

To me, they were just lights.  I had seen them a million times before.  Besides, I had potholes to dodge, detour signs to follow, and taxi drivers cruising along faster than I would like.  To our kids, the city lights created quite the stir.  Spontaneous applause erupted from the car seat gallery, shrieks of disbelief, and a conflict of estimates.  Our three year old thought there might be seven lights or maybe sixty-three.  The four year old

Cooking Up Family Devotions with Your Kids

Psalm 34:8 invites us to, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.”  Jesus calls Himself the bread of life and He encourages His followers to be the salt of the earth.   There are innumerable references to fruit, fish, and oil in the Bible.   Sometimes food staples such as these are mentioned as part of the typical diet consumed.  Other times they are specifically referenced as illustrations and challenges for the reader. If you’re looking for a

5 On-The-Go Family Devotions for Summertime

The flip flops are flopping.  The sunscreen is lathered.  The baseball hats and sunglasses are on.  Juice boxes are packed for the tykes, candy for the husband with a sweet tooth, and coffee is in hand for me.  Summertime is my favorite time of year!  I’m pretty sure I love it all, bugs and humidity included.  Topping the list, without exception though, is time spent together as a family. Relaxed summer schedules afford us the opportunity of

Family Worship Guide for Easter

Here is a simple devotional guide to help families worship Christ together during Easter time. It might be ideal for Saturday evening before Resurrection Sunday. Family Worship is the regular and intentional assembling as a family unit to worship God by reading scripture, praying and singing praise. This brief worksheet will help you lead your family in a short time of devotion on Saturday. Children should be involved as much as their age allows. This devotions should last between

Family Discipleship In The Summertime

Summertime is a more relaxed season of the year for many families (although with vacations, baseball, and family reunions our schedules can still be hectic!) But summer is a good time to remind ourselves as parents that growth in the grace and knowledge of God doesn’t take summer breaks. The summer months present a great opportunity for Christian moms and dads to faithfully model disciplines of Bible study, prayer and fellowship to their children. Here are a